Akashic Reading Request from Weezer

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Akashic Reading Request from Weezer

Post by weezerwall » Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:51 pm

Dearest Mango Mom,

I would like to request a reading of my records. After I get your confirmation  I will PM you later with my details and question. I understand that you will answer my request at your convenience.   :)  


Here's also a BIG HUG and BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes!! HOPE IT WAS JOYOUS!!  :smt059


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Post by MangoMom » Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:53 pm

Aww you are so sweet!  Thank you!  I would be honored to do a reading for you.  Just PM your full name and then on the open forum stated your questions.  I have done general readings, but would prefer specific questions, that way we know exactly where we are going.  Thanks again for the wonderful wishes!

Love, light and Laugther

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Post by weezerwall » Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:40 am

Hi again MangoMom,

Now that I've "PMd" my name details over to you - here's my question:

"What is the root/source of the deep sadness I'm carrying around and what can I do to heal it (or be healed)?"

Background:  I am really one of the "cheeriest, most optimistic people I know!  BUT I have to forcibly REMIND MYSELF OF this because underneath - I am VERY SAD. I have never suffered from "clinical" depression (or been diagnosed as such).  :smt044

Seems like I have been carrying around ONE BIG ACHE my whole life.  All the individual sorrows (that we need to grow) just seem to lead back to the "Big Ache" .  It's as if SADNESS is just woven into the fabric of my being on every level.  The current STRESS/DISTRESS in my marriage is scratching at this wound again. Don't want to cry anymore (or at least know what's behind the tears.) :-)

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Love and light,

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Post by MangoMom » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:05 am

Dear WW

I have opened your records, had a little trouble at first because of the confusion with the name, they said it is WWH.  You are so loved by the spirit world, you have some very special gift, I get the impression it is some type of expression with art/crafts.  Continue this work and get some additional instruction on it.
What is the root/source of the deep sadness I'm carrying around and what can I do to heal it (or be healed)?"
I get the sense that this sadness is not yours, it is from a friend or loved one that took her own life, not intentionally, like maybe an overdose of drugs or car accident, an accident, but it was her fault.  She has attached to you for many years apparently because of the beautiful light you have, you have a golden/lavender aura.  I don't know what that means but our other friends on the forum can give us input on this.  

I have a prayer for you to assist this entity on it's way and a prayer for releasing outside influences.

Prayer for Loved Ones and Entities

Father/Mother God, we ask that this entity/soul be sent on in its spiritual evollution for the highest good and mutual benefit of everyone concerned.

Prayer for Releasing Outside Influences

If what I am experiencing is not mine may God have His shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him.

This entity has been with you for a long time, it may take a week or so for it to release and continue on its way.  It has never meant any harm, it was just drawn by your beautiful light.  You might talk with your family and see if there was someone that died when you were about 3 or 4 years old.

You apparently did not have the wedding you had dreamed of, something in the union has caused you to not be sure you were married in the proper way.  This has been the concern with using the H name.   Your husband does love you but he is becoming distressed in your sadness and is blaming himself believing he has caused it.  You will be able to talk about this soon and once the sadness begins to lift, you two need to plan a second honeymoon, even if it is just overnight or just a weekend, it will make all the difference.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to enter your records.  I see a few troubles, but nothing you can't take care of.  You have a good, comfortable life ahead.  Don't worry.  You are here to experience life, go for it.

Love, Light and Laugther

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YIPPEE, HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Post by weezerwall » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:00 am

Dearest MangoMom!!

A "thank you" is "WAY TOO LITTLE" for this reading - BUT


I'll post again when I've had a chance to "settle" after having received such a tremendous blessing -


Wendy (Weezerwall)  

YIPPEE, HOORAY!! :smt041  :smt038  :smt026

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Hi MangoMom and all...I have a question please

Post by Leslie » Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:31 pm


Can you please tell me a little about an Akashic reading? I do understand a little about the records. Is that what it is? You read our records? Can you please explain these records to me. I have an idea like I said, but Iam curious about what it all means.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you or anyone else that may be able to help.


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Post by MangoMom » Sat Sep 15, 2007 6:30 pm


here is the explanation of the Akashic Records.  Thanks for asking.  http://mysticboard.org/vi ... ic+records

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Post by Leslie » Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:09 am

Thank you MangoMom for the link. It is very helpful.


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Post by weezerwall » Sun Sep 16, 2007 4:23 pm

Hi MangoMom,

Am feeling a bit more "settled" and want to start responding to this beautiful reading.  Everyone should know how "accurate" and helpful it truly is!!

MangoMom wrote: You are so loved by the spirit world, you have some very special gift, I get the impression it is some type of expression with art/crafts.  Continue this work and get some additional instruction on it.


This is VERY interesting as this topic has come up in MANY other readings.  The "gift" has been identified as a talent for writing (journalism) or public speaking.  To be honest, I've always had the feeling that there's a painter in me trying to get out!!  (I've tried taking a couple of classes - but thrown in the towel - too embarrassed - my "work" just looked too primitive.  Have done 1 or 2 drawings that I feel were "channeled" - didn't come from me... They look a lot more "advanced".  Maybe someone wants me to help them express themselves - "spirit art"?  

I'm going to pursue this - THANK YOU for sharing this with me..

Love and light,
W.- :smt059

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Post by weezerwall » Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:03 pm

MangoMom wrote:Dear WW

You apparently did not have the wedding you had dreamed of, something in the union has caused you to not be sure you were married in the proper way.  

Hi again, Mango Mom :smt006  

SPOT ON, AGAIN!!  To be perfectly honest - my wedding day was actually ONE OF THE WORST DAYS OF MY LIFE!! No lie!! - EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG - WENT WRONG.  And I mean everything!! For example,  we had an outdoor wedding in a national park outside LAS VEGAS, Nevada.  I chose it because of the name (Valley of Fire) AND I had always felt very much "at home" here - the energy was always warm and peaceful to me. (It's sacred Native American land.) Beautiful RED STONE FORMATIONS -   IT IS REALLY BREATHTAKING!!

Las Vegas has about 3 DAYS OF RAIN PER YEAR ON AVERAGE!! - Guess what?? It rained cats and dogs on the day of our wedding!! Luckily, it let up just long enough for us to say our vows.  It was almost a year ago - every time I think about it - I just want to cry.!!
This has been the concern with using the H name.
I DID NOT WANT TO CHANGE MY NAME!! - Wanted to keep my maiden name and was willing to hyphenate.  I didn't want to "lose my identity" AND since there was SOOOO MUCH RESISTANCE from his family to our getting married - I thought - 'Why should I take the name of a group of people who really can't stand me??" It has been a "battle" since day one - sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't.     :smt010


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Post by MangoMom » Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:43 pm


Thank you so much for your responses, it truly helps me to know I can trust the information I receive and it is of help for you as well as others.

You start using your Husbands' last name, it was given to you by him, not his family.  They will learn to love you as much as he does, you have to be much bigger than them, treat them as you want them to treat you.  

You will be fine in all of this and soon you can remember the wedding with smiles and laughter, not tears.  Just think of the rain that was pouring down as Angel Tears of JOY.  Wow, how blessed can you be!

Thanks again, let us know how the prayers work as well!

Love, Light and Laugther

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Post by weezerwall » Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:51 am

:smt006 Hi MM!

Thanks again for the insights.  Just talking about my wedding helps transform it!  Yes, right, I have to be "bigger" - have been practicing this for the last year - seems to be working.  It's a little hard - but hey, the alternative (being bitter and not forgiving people) IS NOT REALLY AN OPTION!! Lol!!

Started saying the prayers 2 days ago - I AM STARTING TO FEEL BETTER ALREADY.  Also started "interviewing" some of my family - I WILL definitely let you know when I get to the bottom of this "mystery"  :)

I've gotten a bit more information - I think directly from her... She didn't feel very loved in her earthly body - the pain of feeling UNLOVED was TOOOO MUCH for her to handle .... Maybe she was trying to FREE HERSELF FROM THE PAIN.  She's afraid of "moving on" for fear that this might happen again.

I made small "intuitive" adjustments in the first prayer:   "Father/Mother God we ask IN LOVE that this .... be sent on IN LOVE in its spiritual evolution...  

Big hugs,

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:28 pm


I love how you changed the prayer, that makes perfect sense.  I am so glad to see that things are making sense and coming together.  Thank you for sharing.

Love, Light and Laughter

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