Sad and confused

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Post by Kania » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:33 pm

Thanks for your answer,Donna. You probably more than 75% right. I'm thinking about seeing a hypnotherapist. Hope it works on me well.

wish you more love and light


Post by Tyrinaniel » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:32 pm

From what I've heard other skilled psychics say, when you have a dream with a loved one who has passed on, they are trying to contact you.  I get the same feeling; she does want to bring you out of your darkness and help you discover the good in you.  She wants you to learn of the strength that you do have.  I can feel that you are a very strong person, but only brought down because you are striving so hard to end your loneliness.

I'll offer some experiences I've had in my past love life.  

RVP sounds like the spitting image of a man I dated for awhile.  Let's call him BM.  BM manipulated me (I felt sorely alone as well.  I see myself in you very much.) into thinking he loved me and wanted to spend his life with me.  However, he never did say that I was the only one for him, and never said outright that he *wanted* to marry me.  He merely hinted at the thought.  I had a dream just before breaking up with him, where we had this large banquet and he proposed to me.  The focus was on the engagement and the ring.  The ring was very gaudy, and I realized later on that while he showed himself to be a prince, he was full of deceit.  I had found out later on that he had several would-be wives, in different states and countries.  

I believe that RVP was playing on the fact that you have a young daughter.  You see, BM told me once that he was working at a gas station and saw a little girl all by herself.  He supposedly took the girl in the store to protect her.  Later on her mother came in looking for her, demanding to know why he took it upon himself to protect her.  Basically, he was making himself look like a hero, just as RVP was "in jail" for beating up the rapist.  Same old deceitful lies!!  The fact that he keeps coming back while you're trying to meet with RH, whom I consider the prince, lets me know that he's just a distraction.  I feel that you need to be with RH, and to completely ignore RVP.  I know everyone has told you this by now.  I'm just telling you that from my own experience, RVP is definately dangerous, and will cause you to feel deeply depressed for years on end.

I don't you to feel that you should be so desperate to find a soulmate.  While seeing RH, please be patient, wise, and take things slow.  Just have fun!  You need to be able to enjoy yourself, and enjoy getting to know him deeper and deeper.  I can tell that you're an intelligent woman, and you need to be treated like a queen.  With all the pain you've went through, you deserve it.  Just learn to love yourself first.  

I really do see myself in you.  I keep telling you the same things I've told myself, and what others have told me in the past.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Wed Sep 05, 2007 7:41 pm

ResQDonna wrote:I clearly get deceit, deceit, deceit in connection with RVP!
I do too...sounds more like a bunch of lies to me.

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Post by Samson » Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:45 pm

Really what more can a person say to you Kania, I can't see any change in the way you think, you seem to be madly in love with this man whom you call RVP yet everyone here can see straight through him as the person of wrong doing where you don't. All I would like to say is look at your daughters interests first, she should be number one before you make any change.



Post by Tyrinaniel » Thu Sep 06, 2007 9:09 pm

I have to be honest, if she doesn't listen to any of our warnings, it will break my heart :(

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thanks everyone

Post by Kania » Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:45 pm

I have been trying very hard to forget that man RVP( Richard is his first name) and trying to open my heart to RH ( Rowland).  I hope one day I could finally delete all the files of RVP from my heart and mind.

I have been very tired of being single and alone, it's never been so easy. I have been single since sept 1999. Sometimes I think would I find a soulmate one day? Is there one for me? should I be alone all my life? I don't know


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should I accept ?

Post by Kania » Tue Sep 11, 2007 3:02 pm

RH kept insisting me to accept his money. He asked me to open an account in the same bank as his (a uk bank), so he would be able to transfer his money. He wanted me to buy a house. I have refused many times .He was so upset when he find out that I haven't done it yet.

what should I do,please?


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Post by ResQDonna » Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:00 pm

The answers are within yourself. If your "gut" is telling you NO...then DO NOT DO IT!
If RH becomes is HIS anger to own. Sometimes learning to not "own" other peoples "baggage" can be a challenge when we have done so for so long....but life can be difficult enough with our own burdens to carry!
Can I just tell you...WHEN your soul mate arrives to will know with all your heart and soul...until then all one can do is wait. I know that is not easy for you to hear because you so desire to be loved...but if love is truly what you must be will arrive with all it's splendor and you will then understand :)

Sending Love and Light!

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Post by Kania » Sun Sep 16, 2007 10:37 am


It's difficult for me to say NO to him, but I have to learn anyhow...

And excercising patient is difficult as well :-)

I will learn how to do that


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Post by Samson » Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:19 pm

I have know idea just how many time someone has to say no to you Kania, like no don't go with RVP or no to taking RH's money for this new house that he has been talking about, really what is it that you want from us, we have all told you what is the best action to take but no you don't listen to us, so if you don't want our help don't ask, everybody has tried there best at giving you advice, what more do you want.


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Post by rozrokz » Sun Sep 16, 2007 12:47 pm

I think Kania that in your psyche you feel that you only deserve the bad things because of your bad childhood and your abusive ex husband. It has been ingrained in your mind for so long you are actually WILLING these Bad people into your life and you keep attracting such bad hats continuously in your life.

You need to actually not go with any man and maybe since you can afford to travel the world, go abroad to open your mind and heart. Only than when you realise that you don't need anybody to lean on and become a stronger person than Mr Right will come and you can tell it in your heart if he is the right man for you to spend the rest of your life with.

Take charge of yourself and you will be thankful you did. And as for your parents, well, yes she did give birth to you but she was not a mother to you. She just used her womb to carry you like a lifeless unfeeling android.
Avoid her at all cost as I believe this is the reason you are still stuck in a rut. That is what I did to mine and this is the best thing I have done for myself for a long time.


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Post by Leslie » Sun Sep 16, 2007 1:49 pm

Hi all,

I was not going to post on this thread beacuse I am not an experienced psychic. Plus, everyone pretty much said it all to Kania. But, I decided to put my 2 cents in.... :smt002

I am going to tell you how I feel. We can guide you and give you advise forever about this whole rvp and rh situation, but you are going to have to make the decision on your own. Please do not take offense to what I am about to say, but I am a blount and to the point person when it comes to certain things. I apologize ahead of time if I upset you in anyway.

You come to us seeking answers, but you do not listen to what is being said. You think you want to change, but yet you are not willing too. I do understand from my past experiences how hard it is to change and what lonliness is. I also understand what growing up in an abusive childhood is like, whether it be physical, mental or both. When we grow up like this, we have a tendency to following that same pathe in our adult life. It is a pattern that must be broken and only you can do it. These types of relationships are all that you know. They are a comfort to you because you have not experienced what true love and true love of life can be like. Trust me I know! You are going to have to break this pattern for yourself, but most of all for your daughter. You do not want her to following in your same foot steps. If you do not change, she will be just like you. This pattern will continue into the future until someone decides to break it. Why not let that peron be you? Yes it is hard, but is a lesson that needs to be learned in order to move on. You need to focus on yourself and your daughter. Not any man. Until you find yourself and own happiness, you will never change or be able to truly love.

Now as far as RVP...okay i am going to tell you how I feel about him. This is what I am getting. You can take it however you chose too, like I said I am no experience psychic, but my chest is on fire like I need to say it. I probably should not put it this way and I may get in trouble, but here it goes. RVP is not in jail because he beat someone for molesting a child, I feel he is the one who did it. I also feel that all this time you have been in and out of contact with him is because he has been in and out of jail not with the CIA. He is playing you and I feel his mother is playing you also. I feel that they are setting you up, whether it be to get to your daughter or money. I can not say. This whole situation is REALLY BAD NEWS. This family is not right at all. My heart is begging you to listen to what I have said. It is screaming at me. It is not often that I get these feeling, but when I do I listen. Please move on. You think you love him, but you really do not. Turmoil is you comfort zone that is where you feel secure because that is all you know. I do completely understand, I have been where you are right now. You can change! You can break that pattern. It is hard, but I did and so can you.

Now, RH. I am like the others. I am not getting any real bad vibes like with RVP. But, something is not quite right with him either. Him asking you to take the money and put in in your name in a UK account sounds fishy. I feel that this is bad money. How well do you really know this man?

I really do apologize for such negative thoughts and feelings in this post. But, I do tell it like I see it. Kania, honey you really need to move on. You need to heal yourself and focus on you and your daughter. You have a successful career and a lot going for you. You just need to find the strength within yourself. Once you have done that, I suggest you find a man that is where you are. Not one that travels and only sees you on occasion. One that can be there for you always and one that you can really get to know. That man will come when you are ready. I promise. Stay away from anyone from a far.

Again I am sorry if I offeneded anyone especially you. That was not my intention. I really just want to help. Hopefully me being blunt and to the point may help you open your eyes and heart a bit.

Peace, Love, and Happiness

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Post by chrisdee » Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:17 pm

Well said Leslie and to the point I hope for her daughters sake she will listen

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Post by Samson » Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:32 pm

I doubt that shes even thinking about her daughter.

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Post by Leslie » Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:31 pm

Thank you chrisdee. I can be pretty harsh at

Samson, I can tell this whole situation really rubs you the wrong way. Yes, I can see where you are coming from, but I can also see where she is coming from to an extent. Patterns are hard to break. All we can do is hope for the best.

Peace, Love and Happiness to all!

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