EOT, need your reading please

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EOT, need your reading please

Post by yay » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:53 am

hello again EOT and everyone else here at MB. been a while since i've visited but i would really appreciate a reading. i've been feeling confused and drained for a while now. though we can't always know where we are heading, i feel lost  :smt009 a lot of things goin on..i will appreciate a reading about my life in general but if you could focus more in my career and relationship..i need some insights and enlightenment  :smt010

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:01 am

Welcome back, and welcome to this forum!!!!


For the purposes of this reading, as I feel that your confusion and frustration concerning your future career path is effectively spilling over into and negatively influencing your personal life (and specifically your closest relationships) this will be my focus in attempting to make things a little clearer and easier for you.

Would I be wrong in saying that you have always placed quite high expectations upon yourself as to what you feel that you should be able to reasonably achieve as your career goals (some would say unrealistically high)? I sense that much of the confusion and dissatisfaction you are currently experiencing in planning your career path stems not so much from that fact that you are not intelligent or the best person for the job, but mainly because you have set such high standards of behaviour for yourself that very few people could ever expect not to fail at least on occasions.

In other words I sense that something or someone who was important to you during your upbringing similarly expected much more from you than most people could realistically hope to achieve under sometimes very adverse circumstances, and you have now internalised this authority figure (it is as though you are now carrying them around with you in your mind). Rather like a loud inner voice which is constantly telling you that you will never measure up to the expectations placed upon you, so why keep trying. No wonder then that you are so confused, and that your confidence in making important decisions concerning your career is effectively at an all time low. With a "friend" like this, who needs enemies? This critical inner voice is going to increasingly need to be kept under control, more than it has in the past?

Although you are passionate and highly motivated to succeed at whatever you set out to do (and your heart needs to be either fully in it, or forget it), you are trying to do too much at once, and your energies are therefore largely scattered and therefore much less effective. You are as a person who attempts to ride his or her horse in several different directions at once. Not only is this impossible and exhausting, but it means that no one thing ever gets completed.

The usual advice associated with such a reading is for you to regularly take a temporary rest break from your problems, with the purpose of planning things out more carefully as a series of ordered and more manageable steps. By focussing on one goal and one step at a time towards attaining that goal, I believe you will find that you will be much more efficiently using whatever time and energy you already have available to you. It is not that you are lacking in energy or are lazy. It has just been that up until now you have been trying to spread yourself too thin.

This is the reading of either a teenager, or alternately of a young adult who is still very much a teenager at heart. Someone who is nowhere near as cynical in their beliefs about their own ability to cope with whatever problems arise in their own life. In fact like a typical teenager, they often believe that they can single handedly solve the entire world's problems overnight. They  consequently tend to be somewhat idealistic and naive in their approach to life's many challenges, which unfortunately makes them unusually vulnerable to other people who have their own best interests at heart, in preference to their's. They can all too frequently be taken in or used by manipulative people?

Our teenage years are a time to experiment with life in general, and to spread our wings or sow our wild oats, and people as represented by these cards are often acting as teenagers all over again. They can never sit still or stay in one place for very long, and because they find routine tasks rather boring, they are unlikely to feel comfortable or satisfied in a 9 to 5 desk job for very long. Not only that but because they find it difficult to settle down, forming new long term relationships is always going to be difficult for them at best. At worst it will effectively be next to impossible.

This does not mean that if they can find a suitable partner who realises and accepts that they are wanderers at heart that they will never be able to enjoy a loving relationship or get married some time in the future, if that is what they wish to do. It simply means that they need to first find an understanding partner who loves them deeply in spite of their obvious human weaknesses. If they can eventually find this special type of person, then there is absolutely no reason why they should need to be lonely any longer. They would make a loving partner and possibly later a good parent to their child or children, if only they could find their ideal mate in the meantime.

While this reading is making no predictions as to whether you are about to find the person or job of your dreams, it is I feel offering you some useful insights into your own personality which could potentially have an impact on your chances of finding both, sooner rather than later. If you wish to go into more detail as to the type of person you most likely are according to the Tarot, look at some of the characteristics most commonly associated with the KNIGHT OF WANDS.

Hoping this short reading (short at least for me) has been of some help and comfort to you,

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Post by yay » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:51 am

once again EOT, thank you so much for your insights. i realized that i did place high expectations of myself. i honestly am surprised to find this about me. it's not that i've started lots of things already that i cant seem to finish. i am actually trying to take and do things one at a time now. one of my biggest concern though was that i wish i could do it all at the same time. i know it's impossible but i still tried and right now, to everything that's happening in my life, maybe i am now given more opportunities to explore my life..live it to my own will. i care too much for my loved ones and was afraid to fail them. i have always been told to have focus, as the saying goes: 'no man can serve two masters at one time'. i was all set to fulfill my plans until someone came, gave me and showed me something i wish to hold on to. i dont want to consider it as a distraction coz i gave in, my choice. i guess i forced too much to give that someone a place in my life. it came to the point that i almost am willing to give up my own plans. i admired him more knowing that he's not really selfish to let me pursue my dreams. what is just so hard too right now EOT is that i truly love him. afraid to let this love go. he has his own issues to fix while i have my life ahead to live. we both are open to see each other 'later'. still in love, hurting and the best we could think of doing now is to move on with our own lives. we both believe that everything happens for a reason. it's just that sometimes though i am aware of that, i wish i am the one who has control of that reason. i know it sounds ridiculous..wishing for things that is far from happening. maybe even selfish for a moment. in the end, i know there are things which is beyond my control.

thank you again for this reading. being a pisces under the year of rat, i've always read that i am the kind who can't seem to stay put. but you're right EOT, i hope i'll still be able to find a partner who will accept me in spite of my weaknesses. hopefully too, it will be the right time when that happens.

p.s. that emoticon is really cute  :smt031

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:46 am

what is just so hard too right now EOT is that i truly love him. afraid to let this love go.

If you did not still have such deep feelings for him then (with respect) I would not agreeing with you now that you had a problem at all.

It is the fact that you still love him, although because he is so deeply immersed with his own personal issues that he is currently unable to express his true feelings for you in return, that is making this process of letting go so extremely difficult and painful.

Nobody (including myself) should be telling you that this process will be easy, as sometimes the only effective way to show someone that you love them dearly is to set them free.

If they then decide to come back to you later, it is much more likely to be for the right reasons this time. Letting go therefore does not always necessarily mean that you must lose them forever?

Be kinder to yourself,

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Post by yay » Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:53 pm

your emoticons really make me feel better aside from ur insights. so, thank you EOT, thanks for making me feel better  :) *hugs*

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