Psychic reading request

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Magickal Wind
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Psychic reading request

Post by Magickal Wind » Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:50 pm

Whoever is able and willing to respond to this request I will be very grateful.  I am a female born 4-2-64.  

I have a difficult marriage.  My husband will sometimes engage in verbal abuse:  yelling, name-calling, silent treatment, divorce threats.  Twice recently, he was going to refuse to do something with our toddler because he was mad at me, but he ultimately did do those things.  I love the man he is most of the time, but this other side of him is very difficult to ignore.  I was once told that my soul was okay with this union.   That was before I had a child, and now I struggle with whether our daughter would be better off with us apart or together.  Although my husband frequently threatens divorce, the threat is empty.  He has difficulty making decisions so its unlikely he would file.  

So, my question is, what do you sense about my marriage with my husband now and in the future?

Thank you so much.  I hope somehow to give back whatever I receive.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:15 pm

I hope some our very good readers want to give their view....but your story made me in such a mood that I had to respond as a human and tell how I feel you shall do this.

Try to find a calm moment in your day, put on some music you feel are relaxing...take some deep breath...and start relaxing.

When you feel calm...start to evaluate your marriage. Start to find out what is good and what is bad.
Try to evaluate those situations you find was bad and see how they started...what triggered it....who was the most active part and so on.

Next...when 2 people live together they develop a language of their own.
Some people use very strong words so when bystanders hear them they can almost get nightmare...but for the couple theme-self it's almost normal and they don't put the same meaning into it. Evaluate if this talk is something that have developed or if it is something done to hurt you.

The main thing is that you over a period of time evaluate your marriage and reach a conclusion. Is it worth saving or is it better to end it asp.

If you only go around and become irritated and feel misused then you slowly destroy your marriage anyway and will feel it as a jail.
If you gind that your marriage is worth saving...then you have to face your husband with terms you want him to live by...if not he will only become worse because we always move our borders.

If you find that your marriage don't give you anything then security...then leave....the security thing you will fast manage to must only start to believe in yourself will take some effort......but in the long term it is better then live in a marriage that gives you nothing but problems.

This evaluation you can't manage in one session....but if you might find other view on might see them from another angle and adjustment can be done.

The ultimate reading for any life form is the reading you do for yourself....because then you pinpoint your problems and start working on them :)

Good luck!!

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Post by MangoMom » Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:36 pm

I think "Grandpa" advice is better than any reading you could ever get.  A reading for future events is a possibility, it depends on choices you make.  The action our beloved "Grandpa" has offered is a sure thing.  You can take responsibility for your own actions and know what direction you have chosen.  Remember, the choices and decisions you make are the right ones at time with the knowledge and tools you have.  Prayers and loving light are with you.

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Post by starsign20002000 » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:11 am

Magickal Wind,
                   Sorry to hear about your marriage problems.  I do hope you can work through them with your hubby.  I think the advice that "Grandpa" gave you is great advice.  I do hope that your hubby will listen to your concerns when you do find a quiet moment together.  Good luck.  My prayers are with you that you can work your problems out.

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Post by jotejete » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:43 am

Hi, Magickal Wind

I think Rhutobello's advice is fantastic and full of true wisdom. Let me give you my psychic impressions.
First image I see is of a giant Ferris Wheel symbol. I sense when you are at the bottom of the ride you are happy and as you get to the top it becomes scary. I also see you dealing with twin images, which represents both sides of your husband. The abusive angry side and the good gentle side you have always loved. When I ask for help with the situation I see you and your husband sitting in front of a meditation teacher. What this means to me is professional counseling, marriage therapy or anger management resolution classes would "open" the marriage to love/happiness once more. I get the feeling he might be convinced to do this ( or be open have counseling with ) by a reverend/pastor type person he respects. This is someone you know. I get a name Ed or Edward relating to this.

Love and Light

Magickal Wind
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Post by Magickal Wind » Fri Sep 28, 2007 2:09 pm

Thank you for all of the replies.  I can feel the kind energy flowing towards me.

We are working with our third counselor in 3 years.  We get to a point with each one where he refuses to go anymore - usually when they tell him he's standing in his own way.  I've mentioned anger management before.

He had a blowup the other morning and I did ask him to leave.  He said he would find an apartment.  He was out of town for a couple of days and didn't return calls but finally left a msg this morning that he was still leaving.

The reality is I would like to keep my family intact.  I don't want to be divorced.  I want to be married to the "good" side, but I struggle with what to do with the "bad."  I've tried setting boundaries and he's crossed every one.  It's entirely possible I'm not very good with enforcing the boundaries.   I left him a message and said again, as I said it the day of the blowup, that he needs help and I'm willing to work with him if he'll get it.  I don't know if he will be open to more counseling with the same counselor - a different counselor - an anger therapist.  

Whatever the underlying issues are, he's very smart and very high functioning.  I have a good career and am financially stable on my own, but somehow that doesn't make the decision to stay or go any easier.

The ferris wheel concept is spot on.  There is a Father Ken I"ve spoken to a couple of times - wonder if that could be "Ed?"

I sincerely appreciate all of the posts.  As you know, when you are in the midst of something you can't always see/think clearly.  Part of me says to let him move out - maybe that will force him to get help.  The other part tells me to reason with him to stay and get help.  I've asked the Universe to send me a sign.  I'm waiting...


Post by Tyrinaniel » Fri Sep 28, 2007 3:19 pm

Reading your posts makes me want to cry, lol.  In a sense I've been there too, and at the same time I can sense your pain and longing to keep the family you want intact.  His distance could be helpful.  Maybe it will help him be alone with his thoughts and see things in a new light.  Maybe it won't.  Though, with any family, allowing space and time to think can help clear the mind.  In my own family, my parents go to separate rooms when they've had a conflict.  They end up becoming more cool-headed and collected.  For some reason my gut is saying "Let him out."  When I read your first post, I was feeling "Leave" very strongly.  It's like all the alarms were going off and I wanted to rescue you out of there, lol.  No matter how good a person can be, if they're endangering your emotions, leaving terrible scars behind, unless they come to terms with who they are and that they need to change, it's not worth salvaging.  That's just what I'm feeling right now, but I can always be wrong of course!  

I really like Rhuto's post of course.  I don't think I've seen a wrong post from him yet!  You always need to calm yourself before making vast decisions like this.  I hate divorce in general, but if it's needed, you can't help it.

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