Can anyone explain this to me?

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Can anyone explain this to me?

Post by Samson » Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:43 am

Why I always seem to keep on banging my head against the wall and not get anywhere, at times I would feel I am making progress and then all of a sudden bang hit the wall again. Is it a case of trying to hard, this is my question.

Thank You,


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:20 am

I have to put up my thoughts on how I deal with my situation....I think they are general for us least if we struggle a don't say this is ok for Rhuto...but it don't fit my situation. ....the advice is given in general and not special for Samson:)

First of all.....grab any positive thoughts you might find... If your situation is in your darkest hour...well then think that there is a lot of people who have it much worse then you.
By putting in such a move focus away from can still feel sorry for yourself....but you know you aren't know there are those who must endure more....It is a cheap substitute..but as I have said many times...everything stay in our brain...and if you get it out of your own track...then the reality seems brighter at once.

Put up goals.....never to big goals....goals that is easy to achieve....but each time you reach get a good feeling and put up new ones.

Have dreams...but keep your expectations low.....don't create longings they only make you feel miserable and as a failure.

Don't think to much on your own situation....try to connect to other people....if you are positive in attitude attract positive people...who might give you opportunities....if you have a negative approach to repel positive people...attract negative and everything become worse.

Don't use any "stimuli" as a substitute to escape a hard day..or will only give you an illusion and then a big setback.

The whole key for any situation stay in the is the Brain that tells us how our life is not the content of your wallet....even billionaire might feel poor....we who are poor only need to struggle a bit more for our daily bread.....but we avoid far more problems which the billionaire has :)

And from one struggler to another....have a big Hug and a Big smile...together we manage! :)

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Thank you Rhuto

Post by Leslie » Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:37 am

I am also taking your advise for my situation.


The way I look at it is like this. One step forward 2 steps back. Even if we do not feel like we are getting anywhere we actually are. That one step put us a little closer to where we need to be. It seems like a hundred steps forward and a million steps back I Try to think of it like this, I made it through that step, so I can make it through the next one. If that makes any sense.


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well said as always

Post by Psychic Chef » Sat Sep 29, 2007 11:41 am

Well said as always Rhutobello and Leslie
Samson you need to slow down and take a day off, or do something completely different once in a while to change your focus.
You will remember i went through the same thing a while ago. We all get it every now and then. Be positive and remember we are all here to help.

Cheers Pete

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