I swore I wouldn't ask, but here I am...

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I swore I wouldn't ask, but here I am...

Post by wolfmama7 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:53 am

Hi all  :)

I haven't visited the forum in a few days as I have a WHOOOOOOLLLLLLLE lot going on. When I found the forum a couple of weeks back, I thought "this is just the coolest place", and I was right! I thoroughly enjoy looking through the whole site, and jumping in wherever!

When I saw that folks were able to get readings here I really didn't want to ever ask for one. Honestly I love a great reading & have used Tarot for years to help clarify situations for myself & many of my close friends. I just hate to ask is all! I really don't want to take advantage of anyone's kindnesses, which is why I've been debating with myself for a couple of days over this.... well, desperation has won over!

ok, here goes my situation, hope you've got a beverage:
I have been with the same man for 13 years. When we met, it was nothing short of magical. It was immediate, complete love at first sight. Two days after I met him, he came over & never left. Our first child was conceived immediately & the rest, as they say, is history. We have had a total of 5 kids together! There were 5 between us when we met already, so that's a grand total of 10! (6 still at home now) All of that doesn't have a lot to do with my problem(s) right now, I'm just "putting it out there", so to speak. We have been through more hard times than I could even BEGIN to go into here. You'll just have to buy the book! lol! A few weeks ago, it got so bad that I was packing up & leaving, come what may. Well, we had a bit of a breakthrough (he's been in therapy for 2 months) and a few days ago he poured his heart out to me, which was a far cry from shutting me completely out, which is his M.O. We decided to make our relationship legal & permanent. We are getting married on the 20th of this month!!!

As if that wasn't enough to make a gal NUTS, planning a wedding in a 3 week time frame while caring for a houseful of children, we found out yesterday that his SNAKE of a brother had papers filed regarding their mom's estate (she passed July 06) making HIM the administrator, which was the opposite of how it was supposed to be filed. It was supposed to be BOTH brothers, as co-administrators. This was discussed several times with the attorney, yet somehow he got around it. He is the younger of the two, and the eldest is normally the first choice, but my soon-to-be hubby, to be fair, wanted them both to have equal say in what happens to her estate. Now we have to go the lawyer route to start the hugest battle, prolonging what has taken a year and a half to go NOWHERE anyway! Aside from that, and probably worst of all, is that we ALL moved into the family home that's been in their maternal lineage since the 1890's. We did so because the younger brother was falling way behind on bills, and needed help, so we thought. (P.S. He lived there already-40 years old & never moved out of mom's house) I just added up what we have paid in bills & repairs, etc, for a grand total of nearly $13k in 10 months! He never kept to his side of the deal, which was to pay the mortgage & taxes. The house in now in forclosure because of it. Add to the mix that his girlfriend has been living here for FREE since BEFORE their mom passed, while sending her kid to a very expensive private school. She NEVER lifts a finger around the house or contributes in any way, shape or form. Her family members just waltz in the house without even knocking, don't speak a WORD to us, and proceed to party it up like THEY own the place! The brother is an alcoholic & just got a DWI a couple of days ago. He lost his license for 7 months today when he plead guilty to being over twice the legal limit. He said he's sick of US (!) and is selling the house. I told him he can't do that without his brother's signature & THAT will NEVER EVER happen, trust me. I know for a fact that because of the DWI alone, we can contest him being the person in charge of the estate. (I've been in the property insurance field for over 20 years!) Add in the fact that the older brother is to be considered first.

I am sick to death over this disaster. (My father is an alcoholic & it's hard enough for me to cope with living with another one) I feel that we will eventually win in this situation, we HAVE to!) but it's going to be one hell of a time. Please, if anyone out there in mystic-land can give me any insight, I would be so grateful!!!! (If you made it this far into my novella, You're already amazing! lol)

Sorry for the saga. Perhaps I should have just posted in the "Need a Hug" area!!!!!!!!!!


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Post by rozrokz » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:08 am

First of all, I am no psychic but definite a HUGE HUGE HUG  :smt056 from me. I have seen you in action in this forum and Wolfmama , you are one mama that nobody can walk all over. If anybody can take that vermin (sorry I cant find a more polite word than that, if I use a more "stronger" word, I will be banned :smt019 ), you can.
I know there are times when you wanna throw in the towel (sound of rocky soundtrack in background) but you are made of sterner stuff and think of your kids who still need a roof over their heads. Remember obstacles are placed there for a reason.
And would somebody whose psychic please give this kind woman a reading. Thanks!

Love and light, roz

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Post by FlutterbyFotos » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:32 pm

Aww hun I wish ya the best of luck! Hang in there!!


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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:53 pm

No Insight that can help you along the way....but a lots of Grandpa huggs and good luck can I give.

Strange...it seems many families have that kind of family strife if not a Will is made beforehand...a waker to us all, even if we always want to trust our children...or spouse for that matter.

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Post by wolfmama7 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:31 am

i just love youz guyz! (sorry, showing my NJ lol)
even if i don't get a reading, i got my hugs! KNEW i should've posted there instead! lol




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Post by jotejete » Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:04 am

Hi wolfmama,

If you don't get a reading by one of the other readers by Sunday, I'll be happy to do one. I'm off from work on Sunday/Monday and have the time to get in a calm meditative state to give you a detailed reading ( I also type pretty slow, lol ). So don't worry, you will get a reading  :)    

All of our love, hugs and prayers for the best go out to you


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Post by jotejete » Sun Oct 07, 2007 3:22 am

Hi wolfmama,

When I focus on the estate problem, I get the image of being in a noisy, confusing crowd. I keep walking and all of a sudden the scene turns into a peaceful beach. My intuition tells me this was a stressfull, anxious situation at first, but will eventually turn out fine and you should "relax" about this.
When I focus on your wedding I get the impression of a big event and happy feelings for you while you're there.
I see your aura currently has some negative energies you need to release to help you get through the stressfull pre-wedding preparations. I'll PM you a good releasing exercise if you need one. You know these energies are from two of your closest female confidants. Since they have heard about some of the faults of your husband, they are judging him as not being good enough for you. They are well meaning but don't understand what you know. Everyone has certain faults as no one is perfect. In your case you have a man that loves you and you love him, has gone through a lot together with you already and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You might want to make them "see the light" about this. I get a Tom or Tony sounding name who will help the situation as it gets to the ceremony hour.
Finally, I see a symbol of you and your future husband holding hands and then it turns into the final scene from the movie Grease, where they fly off into the sky. What this means to me is you guys will have a great, enduring marriage.

Congratulations to both of you !

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Post by wolfmama7 » Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:59 pm

SOOOO glad to hear about the estate matter winding up well as well as looking forward to an enduring marriage! all great news, and a HUGE relief. (the reference to the ending of GREASE? LOVE IT! lol) Most incredibly to me in your reading is the mention of the name TONY! He is my first-born child, and is 22 years old, with a daughter of his own. He was 2 when I met my best friend, and actually shared a house with my cousin (more like sister), that i wrote about! Interesting to imagine that he could be instrumental in stepping in last minute to help! I will let him know of this reading; perhaps he'll be inspired to act on it!

Please do PM me with the releasing exercise you mentioned, as I certainly need it. I am carrying around such intense pain from this situation, when I should really be at my happiest. I have been able to stay relatively focused as far as the preparations are concerned, but I am reminded almost constantly of how sad I am over the lack of support from "my girls", by an unrelenting stomach ache & some yummy heart palpitations thrown in for good measure! I would love to have some relief from it, that's for sure!

Again, thank you so much for taking the time out to give me this reading, it really has helped me breathe a little easier!  :smt023

Blessings & smooches~


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Post by jotejete » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:05 am

Thanks for the feedback. I sent you the releasing exercise via PM

Lots of Light and Love For You Newlyweds  :)

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