Can I get a reading please?

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Can I get a reading please?

Post by FlutterbyFotos » Thu Oct 04, 2007 1:22 pm

Hi..I would like a reading about family, marriage, and name is Jennifer dob 7-5-81...just wondering if more kids are in my very near future! Thanks!
Last edited by FlutterbyFotos on Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Eye of Tiger

Post by FlutterbyFotos » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:36 pm

I would like it if Eye of Tiger gave me my reading :) They have been very nice to me since I signed up on here and been VERY helpful!  Thanks!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:01 am

Dear Jennifer,  :smt002

I always try to do my best to help out a friend, if I feel that I am able.

Thanking you for your understanding and patience. Sorry that I nearly missed your request completely, as I was mainly scanning the forum for requests with zero replies.

As I have already told you I am unable to either predict or diagnose pregnancy through giving you a reading on this forum, so the focus of this particular reading will be........

I would like a reading about family, marriage, and love

Without in any way predicting that you and your partner will conceive a child within the next six months or so (the usual period of time for a reading of this type), I am looking more closely at the relationship itself, and with due respect I do feel that you may not be quite yet adequately prepared for becoming parents. Please read my entire message before taking this as a stinging criticism of you as a prospective mother, because I believe that once these obstacles are mostly out of the way that you will make loving and exceptional parents. In other words, please do not kill the messenger (aka me) just yet. I do not know whether or not this would be your first child as a couple, and whether there are children involved from other relationships than your's. I also do not know for how long you have been trying for this baby, but I will attempt to as clearly and accurately as I can pass on the messages to you, exactly as I am receiving them, then leave them with you to carefully consider in your own time.

The primary focus card for your intuitive family reading is the Knight of Swords (KOS). Knights of any suit generally either refer to teenagers, or alternately to young adults whom are themselves still largely teenagers at heart. As with teenagers, they are constantly on the move in an attempt to solve the entire world's problems overnight, and frequently rush into a situation without first considering all the possible consequences of their actions on not only themselves, but also on other important people in their life. They can be rather idealistic and impractical in the way in which they tend to approach life challenges, and to be completely honest they are frequently naive, in believing that everybody around them means exactly what they say.

Just like a knight on a charging horse, they are constantly riding off on some new personal quest in all directions at the same time, and consequently their energies can become rather scattered, leaving things incomplete and themselves feeling extremely exhausted. Because they often accept things at face value, they are much more vulnerable to people who wish to interfere and manipulate them into doing something which is against their best interests. They are also frequently being pushed into a situation by others, before they are themselves ready to cope, and it is this shared characteristic of the typical KOS couple to which I referred earlier in my comments leading up to your actual reading.

In other words, I feel that you are presently being pressured by someone or something either from outside or within your relationship into having this child because you feel that it is expected of you. I do not know your relative ages, but I must confess that I get a definite feeling of urgency and impatience with this request. It is as though you believe that it is now or never, when I on the other hand feel that now is unlikely, but that there is still considerable reason for you to continue to realistically hope for a baby over the longer term. Whatever insights about your chances of becoming parents sooner rather than later should be added to professional advice and guidance provided by your family doctor, as there may be medical reasons as well why you have not yet fallen pregnant (many of them easily treatable).

You need to offer yourselves the best possible chance of creating the optimum conditions within your current relationship for the blessed event to ultimately happen, including looking more carefully at how you can both best deal with the extra stresses involved of living together with each other on a daily basis plus preparing yourselves including financially for this upcoming addition to your family at a later date.

The KOS person's tongue can be used like a two edged sword. It can be used to either bring you closer together as a couple in improving your ability to effectively communicate with each other about what is really important to each of you, or it can instead be used to create division and to argue between yourselves only for argument's sake. They have a sharp mind and a keen wit, but if suitably provoked they can sometimes use their positive gifts of communication in a more negative manner, in order to spread malicious gossip and hurtful rumours which have little if any basis in reality.

As I mentioned earlier not every KOS individual or couple is going to have every single characteristic mentioned in this list, and I am not saying that arguments, hurtful rumours and other aspects of the typical KOS personality are currently at work within your relationship, but I am advising you to avoid common traps which would only greatly increase the levels of stress within your relationship. In other words, the complete opposite situation to what your doctor would want to happen, if you are wanting to soon become proud parents of a child. You need to work more closely with your doctor in order to rule out any possible medical barriers which may exist to you successfully conceiving, and reduce in any way you can think of the overall levels of stress within your relationship, BEFORE you will be suitably prepared for the arrival of your (next?) child.

Hoping that these insights and friendly suggestions will be of some encouragement and support to you and your partner, as you prepare your relationship and life in general for the sound of two tiny feet around your family home.

Loving regards,

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Post by FlutterbyFotos » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:35 pm

Thank you sooo much for that! It really hit home..most of it. This would be our first child together..I have 2 children from my previous marriage. I guess I just have baby fever sooo bad because I work around babies ALL the time (I work at an OBGYN office). This is the first month I have stopped taking my birth control so its still really early and we arent really TRYING to have a baby but if it happens we will bless it...guess I just miss all that seeing how my youngest is now 4 and will be going off to Kindergarden next year. Thanks for the info and suggestions!! I really appreciate it!!!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:38 am

Hello Jennifer,  :)

Often it is when we begin to more completely relax with our partner and enjoy our lovemaking, not always seeing it only as a means of making babies, that what you have been hoping for for so long tends to finally happen.

In other words, temporarily push the idea of having another baby to the back of your mind, relax and more fully enjoy being with each other, as you did when you were first married (assuming of course that you did not want to necessarily become pregnant on your wedding night).  :smt002

eye_of_tiger   :smt008

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