Request for a love reading please

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Request for a love reading please

Post by missy » Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:55 pm

If anyone is willing to give me a love reading it would be greatly appreciated. My name is Michelle, DOB: 6th of March, 1990, if that helps at all.
I've been pretty lonely lately... I know, typical teenage feeling :smt002 But it would be nice to have someone to hold, and to hold me back. I basically just would like to know if there'll be any new guys come into my life anytime soon? There's a guy I've sort of had my eye on this past year, his name is Daniel, he's got blonde curly hair, does anyone think anything is going to happen between me and him?
Also, I'm going across the border next month to visit an old friend of mine. Does anyone think I'll meet someone "special" while I'm there?
I'm not looking for a lifelong relationship... Just a simple, short term boyfriend would be nice..

I'm not sure if this is a rediculous request for a reading or not, but if it is, please let me know. And if you need anymore information from me please ask :)

Any insight will be greatly appreciated :):)

Many thanks,
Michelle. :smt049
Last edited by missy on Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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This is not in any way a ridiculous request

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:36 am

Dear Michelle, Image

You have kindly provided more than enough useful information here on which to base a general reading. Could I however please suggest that only first names are generally required to make the necessary psychic connection?

Life can frequently be a very lonely business at the best of times (whether or not you are yourself a teenager), and it is therefore hardly surprising that you feel such a deep spiritual longing for love and companionship. While I understand that you are not necessarily looking for a long term commitment from your man (any man), my advice to you would be to be careful what you are wishing for when contemplating a short term relationship such as the one which you have suggested you might wish to happen when you cross the border to visit your friend, or you could live to regret having made yourself appear so desperate.

Not being able to currently read anything useful to you concerning Daniel (especially as I do not feel as though you are yet in any relationship with each other), what I could say here is probably only going to whet your appetite for a much more detailed reading at a later date.

Could I then ask you to add no further information to what you have already given us above, other than Daniel's full date of birth (if indeed you know what it is)?

I fully intend to take a more careful look at both your dates of birth using numerology, in order not to simply see whether or not I feel that you are compatible with each other, but also with reference to what types of possible problems I might see developing between you as you try to take your relationship to the next level and with the purpose of helping you to increase your chances for more lasting happiness, rather than merely predicting the future. The focus of such a reading will be mainly on Daniel and yourself, as I feel that presently he is your best bet.

I will be watching out for your response over the next couple of days, and please do not be too upset if you do not know Daniel's date of birth yet. There are other types of equally valuable readings which we can offer you, which do not require this personal information.

Take care,

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Post by missy » Mon Oct 15, 2007 1:32 am

Thankyou for your response, Eye of tiger :)

Hehe sorry, I didn't know if you needed last names or not so I just put them there anyway. Probably wasn't a good idea, I'll edit my first post.

I understand what you mean, the last thing I want to do is appear desperate and do something stupid that I live to regret.

I do have Daniel's date of birth, it is January 20th, 1990.

Thankyou for taking the time to give me a reading, it's very much appreciated :smt003

Michelle :smt049

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Aussie, Aussie, Aussie........

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:42 am

Not a problem, Michelle.

May I also say before giving you your reading as promised, that it is nice to meet yet another fellow Aussie on these wonderful MB forums? Image

And now on with your reading. :smt003

Michelle's DOB was 6-3-1990

6+3+1+9+9+0=28  2+8=10  1+0=1

Michelle's Life Path Number (LPN) is 1.

The typical LPN 1 type person is a born leader, and therefore tends to be an individual in marching to the beat of another drum from those close to her. While she has many positive personal qualities going in their favour, she is frequently a bit of a loner, although the desire for love and companionship still burns deeply within her.

Women of this type often do not ask for or expect too much commitment or security from their prospective partner, mainly because within a long term relationship it is much more difficult to hide from the fact that she fears someone getting too close to her, and perhaps discovering that she is not as confident as she first appears to be on the surface. By expecting minimal commitment, you are unfortunately all that much more likely to attract entirely the wrong sort of person for you, although I am certainly not saying here in your case that Daniel himself is one of these manipulative type of men.

I am only cautioning you that we often receive in life what we most expect and focus upon. By focussing exclusively on the possibility of a short term romance, as if you did not deserve anything better, you could potentially be setting yourself up for much unhappiness (as I previously mentioned), and a seemingly never ending series of shallow and totally unsatisfying romantic flings.

The good news is that while women with an LPN of 1 may have difficulties in finding a suitable or compatible partner, once they have they often make loving and trustworthy partners and excellent mothers as well (God willing).

As long as both their partners and themselves can accept or live with the fact that they need to sometimes temporarily withdraw into their personal space, in order to meditate upon the more important things in life and to recharge their spiritual batteries, there is every reason for hope that they will eventually find the love and happiness which has largely evaded them up until now.

Daniel's DOB was 20-1-1990

2+0+1+1+9+9+0=22  2+2=4

Daniel's Life Path Number (LPN) is 4. Actually 22 is a Master Number, and is generally therefore left as such. People with the Master Number of 22 often have the same general personalities as LPN 4s do, but usually to a greater extent and and in order to learn their life lessons at more advanced levels than most other people - to master these lessons  (understood?).

LPN 4 type people frequently enter upon the physical plane with a natural highly developed ability for planning, building and for fixing things. These are the compulsive fixers of this world, and nowhere is this more true than within their closest relationships. They also often have a very fixed idea as to what type of woman would most suit them, and then try to mould their new partners into this image, when she would much rather be loved and valued for whom she already is.

In other words, if you do not immediately fit into their image of how they imagine their ideal mate must be, they do have a distinct tendency to want to take over control of your relationship, so that they can hopefully make things about you right (if indeed they were ever wrong).

But this type of insensitive behaviour is the complete opposite of what an individualist such as yourself who knows what she wants from life and is willing to do whatever it takes to get it, would be able to comfortably live with. Again I am not saying on the basis of this reading that Daniel is necessarily one of these fixers or controllers, but I am alerting you to the possibility that he is more likely than most men to behave in this manner, unless you can watch out for this and take the necessary steps when and if they are required. It does not mean that you need to always pull out of the relationship entirely every time this happens, but I feel that you do need to agree upon some limits beyond which you are unwilling to go.

Overall, from your reading I feel that it is well worth finding out for certain (not continuing to attempt to read his mind) whether Daniel is as interested in you (romantically) as you seem to be in him. While I cannot promise that your relationship will always go smoothly and be a bed of roses, I do feel that as long as you both recognise each other's personality strengths and weaknesses, and if you are able to  come to an agreement as to what is and is not acceptable behaviour, then there is every reason to hope for a more loving future in each other's arms.

Begin by merely being good friends and getting to know each other better, before placing undue pressure on him or yourself to take the relationship to the next level, before either of you are adequately prepared to accept the possible consequences (both positive and negative) of your actions.

God Bless,

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Post by missy » Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:47 pm

Oh! A fellow Australian :) How's South Aus. these days?

Thank you so much Eye_of_tiger!

I'm quite amazed at how accurate the description of me is, and as for Daniel's description, well there's only one way to find out how accurate that one is ;) I'll watch out for any of that behaviour from him.

Thank you so much, once again, for such an indepth reading :)

Michelle :smt049

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:12 am

How's South Aus. these days?

Adelaide has always been a wonderful place to live and to bring up a family, but as you know all too well we are currently in the grip (as is much of our country at present) of one of the most severe droughts in Australia's recent history (during the last 100 years or so).

The bush fire danger season has been bought forward by several weeks, and if the extreme water restrictions do not make our drinking water last through the long hot, dry summer, then the state government may need to bring in shipments of bottled water, until this drought eventually breaks (it cannot come soon enough for our farmers).

As you can see from what I have written, the possibility that we may not have enough water to drink (and I cannot drink bottled water for medical reasons) is upper most in my mind at the moment, and my faith is being sorely tested by the number of people who do not believe that we even have a crisis on our hands.

But enough about that for now, and I wish to thank you sincerely for providing such constructive and positive feedback. It does help us to better help you in the future, and also helps to remind us that even though it is unlikely that we will ever meet in person, we are helping a real human being who is doing her very best with what she has been given.

I also wish both yourself and Daniel every happiness, and I am fairly confident from your relationship reading that although there are probably going to be conflicts and disagreements between you as happens with any couple, the time for making up and saying sorry will be well worth waiting for. If I was asked to give one word to describe what I feel your relationship with Daniel is most likely be, I would answer that I see it will be INTERESTING - challenging especially in parts, but never, never boring. :smt002

Cheers to you my friend,

eye_of_tiger Image

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