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I would like to request a reading

Post by arianna » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:53 pm

I would really like a reading on my spiritual development :)  Any thoughts or insights would be very much appreciated



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Spiritual and psychic development are not quite the same thing

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:56 pm

Dear Arianna, Image

I have read from your postings listed under your profile that you are a student of the Tarot, and I am therefore wondering whether by "spiritual development" you intended to ask about your psychic development especially as a Tarot reader instead.

Our spiritual development does of course include how we develop and use our psychic abilities in order to help others, but it actually encompasses much more than that because it applies to ALL aspects of our life at the same time. In other words how we conduct our lives including the relationships we have with other significant people in our life is just as important to our unique life path as is whether or not we meditate or how well we are working at becoming a successful Tarot reader. Because we are spiritual beings who are temporarily using a physical body in order to learn a series of lessons which can only be effectively learnt in a physical world such as this one, the term spiritual development effectively means life in all it's totality.

You have requested any thoughts and insights concerning your spiritual development, and the main piece of advice which I am being asked to pass on to you (as you might have already guessed from the above) is to NOT artificially attempt to separate your spirituality and spiritual development from the rest of your life. I therefore presume that you may have made this common mistake in the past, possibly because you have had to keep your spiritual beliefs concealed from others because they have lead to conflicts with family members or friends, or worse you may have been isolated and ridiculed for continuing to hold on to them because they were poles apart from the religious faith in which you were brought up.

As you are a Tarot student you will probably better understand than most people would what the possible meanings of me drawing THE MOON as the focus card for this particular reading could be. The Moon is the card of a highly creative and intuitive woman who often experiences her own inner guidance in the form of dreams and visions. Unfortunately although she has great sensitivity, listens carefully to her own inner promptings and tries to act upon them by applying them to situations in her waking life, she frequently lacks the ability to discern what is genuine psychic information from what is purely wishful thinking or fantasy. In other words there is a potential danger that as a result of doing this work such a person may at times temporarily lose touch with what is real and what is only illusion or of outward appearance. There is therefore a constant need in this person's life to delve deeper below the surface in order to get at the whole truth, rather than being satisfied to indefinitely wade in shallow waters.

There is also often a very fine line between creative genius and madness (which is probably why we once called people who we believed were being heavily influenced by the occult forces of the moon LUNAtics - from the Latin word Luna meaning the moon). People with the Moon featuring in their reading are often more prone to living their lives as if they are on an emotional roller coaster - they continually swing between being generally happy with life and themselves to being withdrawn and feeling depressed from one moment to the next, and any man who wishes to live with and have a close relationship with such a woman on a daily basis will have to be aware of this aspect of her personality, and be willing to allow and make compromises for her unpredictable mood swings and periods of not being all there (spaced out).

Just as with anything positive, doing her spiritual work can be overdone at times, and she therefore needs to keep grounded as much as possible in order to regain a sense of balance in her own life and to keep healthy. Being a warm and giving person who will do whatever she feels needs to be done in order to help others who come to her for assistance and support, she can take things much too far and constantly sacrifice her own equally important needs so that others will have their needs met at the expense of her own. This tendency to give so much of herself to other people that it leaves her feeling exhausted and emotionally drained will also need to be watched carefully if she is going to become an effective Light Worker. There is also the advice to avoid the use of alcohol or drugs or on the other hand medications which may stimulate the nervous system, unless they are prescribed by and taken under the supervision of a qualified doctor for a medical condition.

The typical woman represented by the Moon is again much more sensitive to the influence of these chemicals than most people are, so she will consequently need to be more cautious in their use as well. One of her major life lessons will be how to better integrate her psychic work into the rest of her life on a mainly practical level, as not doing so is only likely make her more emotionally unstable, and the huge price that she and others close to her will need to pay in all other aspects of her life will be too much to bear for anyone less than perhaps a saint. Keep grounded, learn to trust more in your intuition, and try to keep your health and emotions on an even keel (as best you can) when living in the opening years of the 21st century.

Your life is without doubt unfolding exactly as the Universe planned it would (difficult to accept at times, I know), so try not to lose heart and become too dispirited when obstacles are placed in your path - they are given to you not to make you give up, but instead to make you a stronger person as a direct consequence of having successfully overcome these challenges. Having done this yourself with both courage and faith, you will subsequently be of much greater benefit to those many people you will help in the future?

Love, Light and Peace to you and your family from me and mine,

eye_of_tiger Image

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