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Requesting Reading

Post by fire_and_ashez » Tue Oct 30, 2007 12:01 am

I know I don't have 10 posts yet, but I'm in desperate need of a reading or advice. I feel like I need to make MAJOR changes in my life in reguards to everything, but I have no idea where to start. I'm at this breaking/turning point and I have no clue which way to go. So if anyone could give the tinyest bit of insight or help I would be so appreciative. Thank you so much. -Ashley

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:15 am

             Hey hon' I don't have enough to make a connection for a reading, but I wanted to let you know that I will keep checking back until I do, perhaps someone else can connect with you... although I know that it is one of the reasons why they ask you to post so much before asking for a reading, so there is more to go on. If you would simply like to talk about your problems I am here... I am sorry that I can't give you more.. Best of luck and hope to hear from you soon.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Oct 30, 2007 4:30 am

Dear Ashley, Image

Within the site reading rule guidelines, it is left entirely up to the reader concerned to decide whether or not he or she feels intuitively drawn towards giving you a reading. Please do not worry yourself any more about this, as you already have my complete understanding and attention.

I am genuinely sorry that you feel that life has been treating you so poorly, and I cannot know exactly what it feels like to be a person in your particular situation. However the really important message I wanted to get across to you through this reading is that although bad things will always continue to happen to good people such as yourself, you are never left to cope with this all by yourself.

Not only have I heard your call for help, but but there are unseen guides and helpers here who have only been waiting for your request to spring into action. Honestly they only wish you had done this sooner, as there is a cosmic law which prevents them from intervening on your behalf unless you first ask for their assistance and support (as you have just so bravely done). Do not be too hard on yourself for forgetting about or not knowing this, as your guide probably knows even better than you do how difficult your life has been at least up until now. In other words, rather than thinking any less of you for finally doing so, we are all delighted that you took this small but important step towards your own healing.

Would I be correct in assuming that you have always experienced problems in giving yourself enough credit for a job well done? Would I also be right in feeling that you have been brought up to believe that to take justifiable pride in the quality of your work and the way in which you live your life is a sin and a sign of your vanity?

The Bible tells us to love our neighbour (which basically means anyone other than ourselves), but to love another we must surely first learn to better understand and love (value and respect) ourselves for being the wonderful shining being we undoubtedly are.

Yes you have your personal faults, but so do all of us as well. How can we give our "neighbours" something we will not first give ourselves (love and compassion). I have always believed that a God who expects each of us to do any more than to do our very best with what he or she has already given us is not worthy of our respect and praise, so if our Creator regards us as his/her own unconditionally loved child, do we have the right to disagree with the One who created the Universe (including us)?

While I cannot offer you a magic formula which is suddenly going to take all these problems away from you, I do feel that anything I can say or you can do which will make you feel more confident within yourself that you will ultimately get through these difficult times is definitely going to be to your advantage (and mine as well, as I do not like to see my friends being unhappy).

Unfortunately everyone at some time(s) in their life will wonder whether or not this mystery we call life is worth all the time and effort we put into persevering with our own problems, and everyone at times feels lost and alone. If you think more deeply about it, even if we are constantly surrounded by our friends and loved ones, life can be for many people a basically lonely experience or existence. This is mainly because we live a great portion of our lives in our own heads believing that we are entirely separate individuals, when spiritual teachers throughout the ages have taught that we are all part of the One, and that eventually when our Earthly cycle of incarnations is over, to the One we will all return.

Now I know I am possibly overemphasising this point of the illusion of separation, but just as you we as readers need  to feel a sense of connection with those people we read for, we each in turn need to feel an increased sense of connection with both our own inner selves and our fellow human beings (as well as all living creatures). I also think that you feel unnecessarily guilty if you allowed yourself to relax for just a moment, as though you have taken everybody else's problems as well as your own on your shoulders. It is as if you bear the entire world's problems by believing that if you devoted some quality time to yourself that the whole planet would rapidly come to a complete halt.

My advice to you would be that while you do need to make plans for the future, also take some time out and then to be more in the present moment. Instead of saying to you "do not just sit there, but do something QUICK", my inner voice is saying to you, "just sit there and BE". It is not to my knowledge yet a punishable crime to take some time to yourself in order to recharge your own spiritual batteries.

Not only will you then be much more well prepared for whatever the future might hold in store for you, but you are very likely going to be much better company for your friends and significantly happier within yourself. This sounds to me like a WIN - WIN situation for everybody concerned (including your good self), and I therefore enthusiastically encourage you to take a maximum rest period of up to 30 minutes maximum each day in doing something which is entirely for your own benefit, so that for the rest of your waking hours you can better help others as well as yourself in overcoming their and your problems.

Please let me know whether this intuitive reading has been of some help and comfort to you. My main purpose for giving it was NOT to predict precisely when you will overcome each problem and in what order, but rather it was to better prepare you for whatever challenges arise at any time in your life. Begin by becoming your own best friend (practise self love), and I feel that your life will soon become much brighter for you.

Loving regards,

eye_of_tiger Image

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:54 am

*smilies at EOT* I know I say this a lot but you rock!! I am happy to see that you could connect with her... *waves* That is all I wanted to tell you... *smile*

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I am new to online readings so please bear with me

Post by yourinfopro » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:08 pm

Hi, I haven't done readings online until today. I saw your request and thought maybe I could help...hoping so. I got the feeling that you have total life changes to make not just major ones. You are afraid of crashing and burning with this one. I think you can usually handle stressors pretty well but not when they come at you from everywhere at once. I would  say that once you start sleeping good again on your own you will have the answers with more clarity. Could you try meditation on one problem at night when you go to bed? If you lay with your arms to your side and breath in deeply and slowly while concentrating on the problem while listening to your breath you may get a direction or answer in your sleep. Another thing is do the same thing but imagine a TV set with the news show titled "Answers to your problems" on it. Look for the headlines and see what comes up.
I do this for big problems and sometimes I see the negative outcome to avoid and others  the solution. It seems to simple but it can work.
Hope this helps.

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Thank You

Post by fire_and_ashez » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:12 pm

Eye of Tiger- What you said really touched me, especially the part about if I "devoted some quality time to yourself that the whole planet would rapidly come to a complete halt." This really hit the nail on the head. Also concerning credit and praise. I feel I would rather take the criticism so I can know how to do an even better job next time. I definately feel you really did make a connection with me. My only problem is I think I have taken to much time already just sitting and "being", instead of gradually planning for the future and making normal decisions. Where I'm at in my life now I strongly feel if I don't make drastic changes within the next month or so they might never happen at all. I reread my original post and realised how extremely vauge it is. I should have explained my situation in more detail. My three main problems are school, career, and my living arangements. Now normally if one was bad the other two were good, or if two were bad at least one was good. Now its come to the point where all three feel like they are rapidly declining and I'm stuck just standing here watching it all go downhill. I think subconciously what I really wanted was for someone to point in a direction, any direction at all, and say try that way and see where it takes you. I know this is a silly way to think, because no one can make decisions for me but me. I'm trying to work on that whole becoming your own best friend thing, its starting off slow but I feel its already helping in my situation. I thank you so much for your kind words, I truely believe they are helping. -Ashley

Yourinforpro- Your are very correct about the total life changes. Its funny that you mention being able to handle stress because thats actually one of the things I pride myself on, being the calm and rational one in stressful situations. And as I stated above about my three main problems, they are all coming at me at once and I think this is the main reason I want things to change drastically. I can deal with small problems over periods of time, but when everything collapses at once its a little frightening. I was also surprised you mentioned not sleeping well. I know insomnia is a side effect of stress, but it was still cool you picked up on it. I will try you method of only thinking about ONE problem before bed and see if that helps sort things out. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective. Thank you. -Ashley

Nyteshadecreed- Even though you couldn't connect with me I still want to thank you for trying.

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Post by Casey » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:26 pm

Eye of Tiger has such a way with words. Fantastic fantastic. Lovin' it. Beautifully put. Warmly written. That was just great.

Great readings!



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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:12 pm

*Smiles* I can't agree with you more Casey!! EOT is wonderful!!

Ashley: Your welcome hon, I am glad that you did get what you were looking for... Perhaps another time, I will get more of a connection... Talk to you later

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YOu are welcome Ashley

Post by yourinfopro » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:11 am

No problem Ashley. We all need a healping hand now and then. YOu know, I picked up on something changing in your diet too. I don't think it is a "diet" per say but a change that may be adding to your problem. If this is right  maybe try a like more moderation in that area. I hope it all colms down for you soon.

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Post by fire_and_ashez » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:13 pm

yourinfopro-I'm actually a vegatarian and eat relatively healthy foods but the past couple of weeks I've been eating more junk food than I normally do, it being holloween and all. And just this morning I was talking with my mom saying I was going to cut back almost all of it because my body isn't use to that much fat and gross sugar. So you were very right about this! Thanks again. -Ashley

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No problem Ashley

Post by yourinfopro » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:19 pm

I'm just glad I'm finding reading people online pretty easy. I mostly do them over the phone or in person so thanks for letting me try the online readings out on you.
I'm curious about something else I am getting that seems silly but are you ticklish on your feet but like on the toes?
Do yu have a collection of figurines that are really magnets or something that tacks onto the frig? I'm picking up something that are all over a door to something.
Like I said I'm not use to the online stuff but so far so good.

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Post by fire_and_ashez » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:43 pm

Haha, I actually hate when people touch my feet or toes, so maybe you picked that up as being ticklish? We have magnets on the fridge, but nothing that really looks like figurines. I use to have a bunch of pictures taped to the inside of my closet door, but I'm sure if thats what you picked up. I haven taken them down recently in an atempt to "declutter." I think you've been really good so far, so definately keep it up! -Ashley

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thanks again

Post by yourinfopro » Fri Nov 02, 2007 5:49 pm

Thanks. It can be tough to change the way we do things sometimes and with readings it is hard because people count on yu so much. I'm here for you anytime...I really appreciate your feedback. do worry I don't want to come anywhere near your feet..hahahahah!

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Post by Grayson » Mon Nov 05, 2007 1:49 pm


While reading your request I received an image in which I was standing on the edge of great precipice. I felt abysmally small in comparison to the magnitude of what confronted me, a stepping off into nothingness and a sheer drop to the ground far below. It seems that while facing the challenge of major life decisions you are feeling equally small and helpless today.

However, my sense is that, although it may feel as though you are frozen in place on the edge of a single great precipice, you are actually immobilized by the infinite number of challenges that you believe are confronting you. Your problem then, rather than being the great magnitude of a single challenge, is "Faced with all of these possibilities and challenges how can I know what to do?".

Ashley, I believe that you'll find that while it may be true that an infinite number of possibilities lay open before you,  the number of real opportunities are significantly less. How may doors are actually open to you at this moment? Of that number which one "feels" the best? Walk through that one. Major life changes begin precisely that way.

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Post by fire_and_ashez » Thu Nov 08, 2007 12:49 am

Grayson-You have pretty much described word for word how I feel. I know it is mostly fear holding me back because I believe no matter which "door" i walk through, I will end up setting off a domino chain of events that will make everything that much more harder. Thank you for taking the time out to respond. -Ashley

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