Would like to respectfully request a reading

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Would like to respectfully request a reading

Post by BLouise » Thu Oct 04, 2007 8:33 pm

Hello kind psychics  :smt006
I would be so happy if someone would be kind enough to venture a reading on my behalf.  My husband and I are facing the possiblity of a new employment option with in the next couple months.  I am wondering if you can tell me how this will affect our financial situation, will we need to move and is there anything more I can be doing to improve our finances and support my husband that I am not seeing or currently doing.

Please let me know if this request is unreasonable.  Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully yours,

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Post by Grayson » Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:08 pm


As I began to read for you I received a total of four images. The first two suggested that your current situation is limited and going nowhere.  Each was an image of obstruction as you will see.

In the first, I was walking in a wheat field. Although the crop around me was mature and bountiful, I was nearing the edge of the wheat growth. Directly in front of me filling my entire field of vision was a black wall, an impassible dead end!

In the second image I received I was standing at the base of mountain of sheer ice without any possible way to scale it. My journey once again had ended abruptly. It was impossible to proceed any further. I stood motionless having gone as far as I could go.

Your third image suggested the very move or relocation of which you spoke! I was standing at one end of a room devoid of furniture. On the floor in front of me the carpet had been rolled up!  The final image indicated guidance moving forward. It was an image of the wide straight line on the ground that race car drivers follow as they drive in speed trials across the endless expanses of the Bonneville Salt Flats!

Louise, my impression is that your current situation is not fulfilling. It is one of financial limitation and restriction. I sense that you are ready now to turn your back on it as it has been something of a struggle from which you need a rest.  The wide straight line across the barren desert is a clear indication to me that on your journey you will be led. Choices will open up before you and you will weigh them wisely in terms of their practicality and how they resonate with your heart.

I am in agreement with what you suggested in your question. Your current life is passing. A new life awaits you beyond the current obstacles in your path. All things are ready. The time has come to overcome them. The time has come for moving on.

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Post by BLouise » Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:29 pm

Grayson - Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to give me a reading.  What I take from this is that we are indeed moving forward in the right direction and that things will be better in the future.  Do you feel like we are doing all that must be done to keep us moving forward.  Did you pick up on anything we might need to work on to help out the situation.  I kind of feel like I'm at a stand still.  Have you heard that saying "hurry up and wait".  That is what I feel like I'm doing, just waiting when I should be doing something to help.

Thank you again, I understand that these readings can take a lot of energy.  I really appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Best Wishes

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Post by Grayson » Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:35 pm


You asked for clarification and as I began to read for you I received the image of an empty crystal bowl along with words of instruction. In your eagerness to do something that will produce a tangible result, you are overlooking the very thing that you've been asked to do, finish what you started! No man can serve two masters. Your job at the moment is to complete the cycle of your life that is ending before jumping with both feet into the one that is about to begin.

Notice that the crystal bowl is empty and it is waiting. Without complaint it perseveres in its emptiness. Its beauty is equally as striking whether it is empty or it is full. This bowl is waiting graciously to receive what will be placed in it and so must you.

Louise, impatience is a self-inflicted injury. You anxiety is self-generated. The anguish that you feel at the moment is coming from the inside out not the outside in. One cycle in your life is ending and another is beginning. The old must pass in its entirety before the new will come.

You ask for something to do and so you are given it. Persevere! Choices will appear in their time and in their season. The guidance of which I spoke in my first reading will lead you straight and true. The words of instruction I received as I began this reading are quite appropriate, "Toe the line!".

Hope this helps.


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Post by BLouise » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:33 pm

Thank you Grayson,
I have always been and impatient person.  I love instant gratifications.  I guess that is the lesson I must learn in this life.  It is a hard one for me :)

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If you still need a reading

Post by yourinfopro » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:34 pm

Hi, If you are still looing for a reading I offer this
I have a feeling you are settling for the direction you are goingin because it fits a current need...take what you have offered and take steps to do what you really want to do. This way you  can move forward and build the bridge to get where you really want to go.
You both share the same dream don't you? I feel unity with you two.  I think you have a good idea but the circumstances have not been where you need them but that will change and you need to be ready.
I feel like you have sacrificed along the way but it couldn't be helped..all of that is about to change.
You must make a list of what you need to do to make that dream possible when the situation changes.
Are you interested in classes of some sort but do not have time? If so, lok inot home courses.
If any of this helps let me know.

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Post by BLouise » Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:28 pm

I just wanted to give some feedback to both Grayson and yourinfopro.  So Firstly:

Grayson - My husband just accepted a new job.  This will allow us to pay off a great deal of our debt and free us up financially.  We are also planning on moving closer to his new employer.  I think this really fits in with your reading.  We have turned our backs on our old position that was getting us no where and are now headed down a new road with a new job, new home and new opportunities.

Yourinfopro - We are very united.  We work as a team to accomplish goals that we plan together.  We have had to settle and have made many sacrifices over the last 10 years that could not be avoided and we are now looking to be in a better situation all around.  I am always interested in learning something new, but I have been waiting until the time is right to go back to school.  I have been home studying the tarot and many other occult subjects, but am considering going back to school eventually.

There are so many things that we would like to happen, but have to wait for.  We have waited so long to be able to have and do the things that we desired and they are finally within our grasp.  The last days are always the hardest when you have worked so hard and waited for so long.

Thank you both for your readings, they are very reassuring! :smt003

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