Requesting a reading regarding current woes.

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Requesting a reading regarding current woes.

Post by Pook » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:46 pm

I recently met someone and stupidly trusted them and now regret the short lived relationship. This happening amongst a few medical and financial problems I am feeling fairly low.

I would like to get a reading about any possible good coming my way soon, if there is. I have been feeling more depressed, a bit sickly/nauseous, and having nightmares. I was wondering if anyone thought it was possible I might be pregnant. (Which would be difficult as people with PCOS often have fertility problems and I am also on birth control.) If not is it all just the stress making me feel odd and having strange feelings/dreams?

My name is Tiffany and my birthday is 10/20/1983.

Thank you, anyone who can help.

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Post by Casey » Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:27 pm

It's a real turbulant time right now, Tiffany. All kinds of things going haywire; everything getting off-balance. The feelings these circumstances inspire will drop you from your energy high to your energy low, if you allow it to. I wouldn't want you to just ignore the possibility, though, that these things going on right now are building upon your character, your experience, your knowledge, your strength, your wisdom, and most importantly the way you love people.

Don't let your broken trust imprison you from reaching out. If someone comes your way, and I believe it will be later than sooner, you could miss that opportunity because you've sheilded your true self away from them.

It's going to keep sucking for a little bit. True story. You've got to keep strong and look around at your life, the things going horribly, and accept them as they are. Know you will be alright.

You will be alright, Tiffany.


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