Need Reading

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Need Reading

Post by mctxp » Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:53 am

Dear Experts,
I am new to this forum. I really like now to be part of this forum. I need reading for my self. My details are down below.
March 1st, 1966
Thanks for your help.

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Not yet eligible to receive a reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Nov 27, 2007 2:40 am

Hello Rajan, :smt003

Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to this board, and to also thank you for your private message.

The only "experts" I presently know of on this or any other forum are people who think they are. I am unfortunately not one of these, as I have discovered that the more I have learned about life in nearly 55 years, the more I realise there still remains for me to learn.  :smt017

As you have not yet contributed to some of the other non reading forums first before posting this request as is required by the forum rules (with the exception of your posting in the Psychic forum concerning your psychic abilities), I have chosen not to give you a reading this time, but rather my own understandings and opinions which focus entirely on your psychic development (or apparent lack of).

Posted: 26/11/07 14:11  

Dear all friends,
I am new to this forum.  I am not sensitive to subtle energies. Do you know any technique to open my psychic abilities? I will really appreciate for your help.

You seem to think that you are not sensitive to subtle energies, yet you are effectively asking us as to how you can possibly increase your sensitivity to the energies of the spiritual worlds which coexist with our physical one. Could I put it to you that you would not be likely to be asking this question in the first place if you had not already either personally had some psychic experiences of your own, or you perhaps felt within yourself before now the subtle energies to which you refer?

The simple (did I say simple) fact is that it is precisely because have both a spiritual as well as a physical body while you are living on Earth that you are sensitive to both spiritual and physical energies. The senses of your physical body are attuned to the physical energies (light, sound, touch, taste, feeling), while the corresponding senses of your spiritual body (psychic seeing, hearing, feeling etc) are tuned in to the higher frequencies of the much more subtle spiritual energies.

What I am trying to say here is that you cannot develop something (sensitivity) that you do not already have at least in some measure. While it is perfectly true of course that people tend to vary widely in their psychic sensitivity (and some are so sensitive that they can either come to terms with this or go mad), sensitivity can be developed both by meditating alone, as well as working in a development circle with other people who are also in their own way developing psychically, under the supervision and guidance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher.

While it is often very useful to received feedback from other students, in order to help you to sort out what is genuine and useful from what is only your imagination, there is a very common trap of constantly comparing yourself with them and thinking that just because you tend to get the information in a different way than they do, that there is therefore something wrong with you. It can be embarrassing and destroy your self confidence when others are seeing bright colours and mystic visions during meditation, while you appear to be getting a total blank.

The most likely reason for this is not so much that you are not sensitive to these subtle energies, but rather that you tend to favour one or more of the other psychic senses than seeing things. For example, although I do not hear actual voices in my head, I do get a stream of thoughts which obviously do not belong to me. I am therefore mainly clairaudient (psychic hearer), rather than being clairvoyant (psychic seer). If I was only to judge my sensitivity by the very infrequent visions I received, I would then I suppose incorrectly judge myself to be about as psychically sensitive as a lump of rock?

The important points I am attempting to make here are:

1. That while we each possess the entire range of psychic abilities, we tend to favour one or two of these above any of the others.

2. That psychic sensitivity can be effectively developed both alone (private meditation), as well as in the company of other students under the guidance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher or facilitator. It is my opinion that both are important to us developing psychically in a safe manner.

3. There is little useful purpose and much potential for harm in increasing your psychic sensitivity without at the same time learning DISCERNMENT. Basically to discern means to be able to sort out the genuine psychic impressions from what is purely imagination, or the products of wishful thinking. Discernment can only be either learned through constant practice  and whole lot of patience in a reputable development group, or with your own spirit guide to assist you when sitting alone.

4. I strongly believe that while psychic abilities can be used to improve the quality of our own life and to help to better understand ourselves, they are mainly given to us in order to better serve and help others. If you are only developing your psychic abilities to feed your already over inflated ego and demonstrate that you have some special powers that nobody else has, then my advice would be to forget completely about doing so, as with these abilities must also come for us a huge burden of responsibility to use them in a responsible and compassionate manner. Developing psychically without also developing the necessary spiritual maturity can potentially lead to disaster, and create large amounts of bad karma which you will carry with you into future lives.

5. Only you and you alone have the right to decide whether or not you feel comfortable developing psychically, and therefore whether or not you should go ahead with developing both your psychic sensitivity as well as greater discernment.

Please in future post any questions concerning your psychic development in the main psychic forum, rather than in this sub forum. You should ask more specific questions one or two maximum per posting, and a good place to begin I feel would be to describe any psychic experiences you have already had, and to progressively get rid of the idea that you lack any sensitivity at all.

Wishing you all the very best with your psychic and spiritual development,

Your's sincerely,

eye_of_tiger Image

PS: After you have contributed to some of the other non readings forums, come back here and post a reading request as a completely new topic, on any subject other than this one.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:08 am

Rajan, Image

Please accept my sincere thanks for your private message.

I hope that you will therefore not mind if I post only my own comments here on the public forum, so that other members interested in learning to more effectively heal can also read what I had to say to you in my response.

Hello again Rajan,

You are always most welcome with reference to the information I gave you.

Pleased to hear that you found it useful.

Even if you are not consciously aware of your healing guides, they know much better than you or anyone else does about how much sensitivity is required with that particular patient. A level of sensitivity needed with one patient may be too much with another, and only get in the way of you acting as an effective healing channel by you taking on the symptoms of your patients as being your own.

Place more trust in the fact that your healing guides (of which I feel there are several) know exactly what degree of sensitivity is required in each situation.

Doing special exercises in order to increase your own psychic sensitivity cannot increase it to above what your healing guides feel is necessary. They can act effectively as your personal energy safety valve, preventing you from either yourself suffering from a psychic overload, or alternately of doing any harm to the person you are currently treating.

Hoping that this makes things a little clearer for you,



Regards to you from a fellow healer,

eye_of_tiger Image

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