Sorry, I am at a low point and am requesting a reading

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Sorry, I am at a low point and am requesting a reading

Post by britishfish » Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:49 am

Hello Guys, I am usually one getting pms everyday about giving a reading and I am sorry for asking you guys.  I just really need to be told what lies in my future.  I want to know what will happen about getting homeschooled (I want to be), I want to know about my life with my boyfriend adam and if I will ever live up there, and with whom I will live with as far as my nana and papa or my sister.  Thanks and I am sorry, just at a terrible time in my life, very stressed.  Thanks

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Post by Ani » Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:54 am

hey! Im so sorry you are feeling down. unfortunately I cant do a reading for you as Im no psychic, but I can give you a huge hug instead and wish you good luck! hope it will cheer you up a little :)
much love
Ani xxx

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Post by britishfish » Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:36 pm

thanks! You are great!

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No predictions, but rather some useful insights to help you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:46 pm

Psychic readers are in some ways like a doctor. People rarely come to us to request a reading when everything in their life is going as well as they hoped it might. Therefore if you are feeling down, and readers themselves are not automatically immune from feeling blue, then it seems to make a lot of sense to me for you to ask for one now. It would be both my great pleasure and privilege to be given this opportunity to lift my friend's spirits.

Most of us have at some time wished we knew what the future holds for us, but in most cases it is probably better that we do not know. Predicting the future always suggests to me that everything is predestined to happen, whatever we might do to improve the situation in the meantime. You are constantly creating and reshaping your own personal future now in the present moment (your only true point of power) by the conscious decisions you make. There are consequently at any time one of many possible alternate futures to predict, although some psychics are particularly gifted in being able to tell you which is the most likely outcome.

What I think you are looking for instead is a feeling of comfort and security in knowing that whatever life has in store for you that you will be more than able to confront it with both courage and good humour, and that it will be better at least in some small way than your current circumstances are. Change is one of the few things we can depend on in this life, but I do not believe that humans were ever designed to adapt to such rapid and major change as we are expected to do in our modern society.

All that I can tell you with any degree of certainty is that your life will continue as it always has to have it's ups and downs. I believe that we are given all the resources (both inner and outer) which we will ever require as individuals to walk the life path which has been chosen for us in our own best interests, but that the purpose of a reading such as this one is to make you more aware of these resources and to assist you to apply them more effectively at this particular time in your life.

There is no magic formula that can magically wipe every problem away overnight, but your mind can either be a powerful ally or your own worst enemy in your ongoing struggle to find a sense of meaning and purpose for being here. I am not suggesting that if you will only think positive thoughts every day that you do not also have to make your plans and do the work necessary to make what positive changes you feel need to be made, but in combination with you doing this, the thoughts you hold most frequently in your consciousness can be the deciding factor as to whether or not you will get through this difficult period, with your sanity still relatively intact.

When we are feeling down upon ourselves and life appears to be treating us unfairly (who ever said that life has to be fair to everyone, all of the time), our minds often betray us by selectively filtering out the positive memories, and magnifying the negative thoughts out of all reasonable proportion, so that we soon easily begin to believe that just as we have never it seems made a good decision (although this is total nonsense), we are somehow destined to never make a good decision indefinitely into the future. When we are depressed, our intense emotions prevent our reasoning and logical minds from working properly, otherwise we would soon be able to recognise that this is NOT the truth, and that consequently our personal future is far from being a hopeless one.

If you want to be home schooled get as much information as possible together about what is involved with home schools, and then make an informed decision on the basis of the facts you have at the time. If you want on the other hand to give your relationship with Adam an above average chance of being a happy and long lasting one, then my advice would be to get to know each other better, without pressuring either yourself and him to take your relationship to the next level before either of you are adequately prepared to do so.
and if I will ever live up there
Where is THERE? :smt017

Just learn to relax more in each other's company and honestly discuss matters which are important to your partner, listening to as well as speaking. Be true to yourself and do not try to be someone else other than the wonderful person whom you already are. If Adam does not value or respect you for being this person, and wants to change you into someone different, your chances of staying together as a couple beyond 2008 are I feel fairly slim.

Hoping that these insights have been of some comfort and help to you to get you through these troubled times,

Your's prayerfully,

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Post by britishfish » Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:23 am

Thank you so much!  That has made me feel better.  I really hope that you and your family is blessed for your kind help.  Thank you so much again!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 04, 2008 1:47 am

I feel constantly blessed to continue to be given not only opportunities to serve and help others such as your good self, but to be able as well to make so many new friends via the internet from all over the world, from the relative comfort of my room.

As fellow teachers we need to help each other as much as is possible over the Net, as so often it is difficult for us to read our own situations objectively, because we are too emotionally involved with their possible outcome. We are frequently too close to the trees to be able to recognise the forest (or view our personal challenges from a broader and higher perspective)?

Love, Light and Peace to you and your family as well from mine,

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