Please help! reading.

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Please help! reading.

Post by aliceswonderland » Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:49 pm

I realise I am new to this current forum and I apologise for making this my first post but I would be so thankful for any advice...
I am female and in my early twenties I have a family will and inheritence identification that has been lost on my mother's side from her father we have the proof of birth and death marriage certificates, but at this point I have lost trust in anyone and everyone to go to on this matter, this has been an important issue and has been passed on to the family for years as the person in is publicly well known. There has been a will yet to be reclaimed and when I seek legal advice on this matter are there any significant names I should remember or places or specific law firms that could help? How can I reclaim my familys will to my family and this inheritence once more what must I do they really loved each other this has haunted my family for years please help.
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Post by aliceswonderland » Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:12 pm

Also I would like to add I am a Taurus in Astrology, an Ox in Chinese Astrology, a number 2 and I have a Libra Moon, and Saggitarius rising, Venus is in Aries.

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While I am not totally insensitive to how upsetting.......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 14, 2008 3:00 am

While I am not totally insensitive to how upsetting this must all be to you in not feeling as though you can trust anyone regarding this matter, it is not the role of a psychic reader to offer you legal advice or to refer you to a specific law firm in your local area, which could assist you with reference to your problems of not being able to currently locate the missing will.

I must sincerely apologise if I have unintentionally misunderstood what you have written. No offence was ever intended if I have. :smt009

Do you even know for certain whether this was the final will which your mother (?) made before she passed? If not, it is irrelevant. Who did she choose as her executor? Her father who is still alive?

The best I feel you can hope for with a psychic is to be offered some useful insights into where the missing family will could possibly be, and perhaps also some words of consolation in order to make the period of waiting a little easier for everyone concerned (as you are not the only family member affected by the absence of the will).

My feelings are on the basis of a short reading are that the missing document will eventually be found, and that your unspoken suspicions that it was somehow intercepted before reaching you and is being deliberately hidden from you by another family member in their own best interests will finally be demonstrated to be completely off the mark.

How was the will sent to you, and did you actually ever receive it? Or was it lost in transit? Sorry that I have so many more questions instead of answers to your request, but I am just writing down the thoughts that are going through my head as I give you your reading, which include many more questions than those I have mentioned here. I do not expect you to answer these questions in a public forum such as this one, and I feel that if you would like to try asking these questions one by one during a meditation session and writing down the first answer which comes to your mind, that your own instincts will be a much more effective guide to you locating the will than any psychic reader could give you.

I really do feel deeply for you as when my own mother died in  December 2006 she left a well prepared and updated will that spelled out exactly what her wishes were about the distribution of her estate on the event of her death. Even then it took almost 12 months to process her will and fully obey her wishes, so I cannot even begin to imagine the emotional and legal chaos that a missing or absent will could cause by promoting feelings of mutual mistrust between otherwise close family members.

I sincerely apologise that I am not currently getting any definite insights about the present location of the will. Have you tried backtracking to the last point where it was last known for certain where the will was?


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Post by aliceswonderland » Fri Mar 14, 2008 10:04 am

eye_of_tiger wrote: My feelings are on the basis of a short reading are that the missing document will eventually be found, and that your unspoken suspicions that it was somehow intercepted before reaching you and is being deliberately hidden from you by another family member in their own best interests will finally be demonstrated to be completely off the mark.
eye_of_tiger  :smt017
Thankyou for all the words and the help eyeofthetiger :) this is exactly how I have been feeling. You are right I should maybe not base the law firm on this but I am just trying to look for clues! Also so good to here from another Australian :) I am from N.S.W and my family is full of school teachers :P. It isn't my mother's will but it is my mother's grandfather's will though what you have said is not wrong at all though, it is hard to tell it all in complete truth here on a public messege board, that you are soo right on again. Back tracking to where it could of possibly been left  also to answer if it had been left in transit yes it would be England the square of London. My family left from there and made there way over to Australia while they could as they were watched over there from this particular will by the public so they left and never brought it up here only through occasional confessions it was just never talked about. :smt009  But now times have changed and understandings of lives are much more accepted in todays society, and our family still have not set about reclaiming the will left by my grandfather and my mother's side this has caused heart ache in the family I am trying to search for this and how it can be claimed by the direct family.  :smt012  :smt012  :smt012 We still don't know much about it as it was kept so much in secret because they were heirs to alot of money. I do not wish all the money in the world to be reclaimed by my family but yes the entitlements and names and being acknowledged again in London also the will that was left it must still be in London I believe but there are officials the family would have to talk with will this all work out????  :smt011  :smt011 Somehow I feel yes my familys will has been taken from them with little concern for the welfare of the future. I'm sorry about the loss of your mother also you seem like such a lovely lady :) :smt005 .

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Thanking you sincerely for your compliment to me, but............

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:59 am

Just as there was a misunderstanding on my part that it was your mother's grandfather's will, there has I believe been an equal misunderstanding on your's.

I am a 55 year old married male, with a wife and two adult children (21 and 25 years of age respectively). But people often make the same incorrect assumption as you have, because intuition is more commonly associated with members of the fairer sex (no offence intended to the other males working on this forum; just an observation).

But I humbly accept your compliment to me with the same spirit of love with which it was given. This is unfortunately a result of not being required (or even being given the option) to clearly indicate whether you are a male or female in your forum profile, upon registration. I have done exactly the same thing with other members, so please do not feel embarrassed.

Cheers 2U,

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Post by aliceswonderland » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:16 am

oh hehe im so sorry i didnt realize :P well you r a lovely man then! now i am embaressed :P but you seemed so nice!  :smt005  best wishes with you and your family hehe :)

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