A reading from EOT please

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A reading from EOT please

Post by Ronnie83 » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:49 pm


I wnated to ask Eye of Tiget to do a quick, intuitive reading for me regading my overall health situatuon. I was seeking medical advice from a trusted doc in August. I was all set to go then it fell through due to location and work conflict. The doc is several hundred miles from me. NOW, I have found another doc and feel ready to go ahead with the surgery. does anything you see ptu the kibosh on my plans? would it better to go back to the other doc even if it means waiting and making a long trip to see him? Just a gut feeling- I am beginning to lose faith in my judgment and want a more perceptive eye's opinon. I am female, DOB is 8/26/65.

Thank You-

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Go ahead and have the surgery, with the doctor who lives closer to you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:44 am

Hello Ronnie, :smt006

Normally we are not permitted to give readings concerning health issues which should be referred instead to a qualified doctor or specialist, but as you are merely asking for a quick reading about which doctor I feel would be your best bet, then I feel that there would be no harm in doing so - that is as long as you realise that there are a host of other factors which could potentially make my advice invalid. Also not knowing the nature and extent of your medical condition (please do not post these details either here or directly to me through a PM), I do not know how urgent it is for you to have this surgery done.

I believe that I am already only confirming what you already know deep within yourself is the wiser course of action to take with regards to getting the surgery done. Honestly the fact that you have been given this golden opportunity now to have your surgery done locally and without any further unnecessary delay (rather than having to reschedule an appointment with the other doctor who lives quite a distance away from you) could not have come at a better time. Let's face it any surgery carries with it a certain degree of risk, but I feel that delaying the surgery any more than is absolutely necessary involves you taking even greater risks that it could be too late. If you decided to consult a third doctor for an opinion as to whether or not to go ahead and he confuses you further, you may then give up and fail to have the required surgical procedure done at all.
NOW, I have found another doc and feel ready to go ahead with the surgery.
Then go ahead with this, as I sense on the basis of this reading that your instincts are serving you well. I am confirming that you would be passing up an excellent opportunity by rescheduling with the doctor who lives far away, and could be placing yourself in unnecessary danger by allowing your understandable fears about having surgery to blind you to the truth.

Any reputable surgeon should be more than willing to discuss with you ways in which you can not only reduce your own stress levels leading up to the operation, but also tell you about the significant progress that has made in both surgery and the use of anaesthetics over the last few years which can minimise the risks of any complications. Often talking things over with the anaesthetist if a general anaesthetic is required does the most to calm your nerves to better prepare you for the big day (surgeons are often more difficult to pin down) . It certainly happened exactly that way with myself when I had to have major surgery done. If I had not been able to do this, I doubt whether I would have gone ahead.

Please let me know how your recovery goes, as I have every confidence in both the surgical ability of the doctor who is closer, as well as your own instincts.

May your God go with you always,

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