May I have a reading whenever someone has a moment please?

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May I have a reading whenever someone has a moment please?

Post by Naravyn » Tue May 27, 2008 3:47 pm

Hello, just wondering if I could get a general reading about what's in store for my future.

Name: Brandi
DoB    10/29/1981

If any other information is needed, please ask.

I've had readings from friends and over the internet in the past, but it has been quite a long time now. Whomever decides to read for me, thanks in advance, it is greatly appreciated.


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Life Path Number 4

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 31, 2008 2:25 am

Hi Brandi, :smt006

1+0+2+9+1+9+8+1=31   3+1=4

Your date of birth of 10/29/1981 tells me using numerology that you have a Life Path Number (LPN) of FOUR.

People following your life path tend to have the following characteristics in common, when compared to those of the general population. Life Path readings are not mainly concerned with predicting the future, but are more involved with reading your personality, and thereby suggesting ways in which it is felt that you could increase your own chances of creating a happier and more successful future for yourself.

You are a highly practical, down to Earth and no nonsense type of person. You have particularly strong ideas about what is right and what is definitely wrong to you, and you are not backward at letting others know of your opinions. You are systematic and highly organised in general in the ways in which you approach your life's many challenges, and you will often take a series of carefully planned but deliberate steps to move you from where you are to where you are wanting to go in the shortest possible period of time. When other people tend to skirt around an issue or beat around the bush, you frequently get straight to the point of the matter or attack your problems head on.

Unfortunately you do not often also have the patience required when others around you do not use the same strategy as your own. Although justice and honesty form the cornerstone of your own principles about how to best live your life, you are not a perfectionist, band overall your expectations are not unrealistic. However one possible downside of a person following this life path is that they can frequently be very rigid and inflexible in the ideas they hold to as being their own. This can easily make them come over to those around them as them being overbearing, bossy and intimidating, and being far too judgemental of their fellow man (or woman).

If this possible weakness in their character can be kept reasonably under their control then they can be a very effective team member while at work, as well as being a good partner and provider to those people whom they most love. You are careful with your money, although not to the extent that you are tight with it or deny yourself of getting your other important needs met in the process. Your love of work as a way of getting you what you need often forces you into finding a career before you are fully prepared to do so, but whatever it is it tends to be more conventional or steeped in routine and not involved with the extra risks involved of striking out on your own or being your own boss. You would not therefore probably become a business entrepreneur or to be seen as a pathfinder or guide to new possibilities.

You would potentially thrive in an environment of routine and tightly drawn work schedules where your rigid approach could be an advantage. But on the other hand the relatively informal nature of close relationships leaves you feeling insecure and to be honest frightened (as these are lacking in any well defined structure and there is no script to tell you what to say and do next). Because you are overly cautious when dealing with change, you may miss valuable opportunities for further growth and development in many life areas, so it is important that you should not allow your anxiety to get the better of your judgement and you need to keep your eyes and ears fully open to these opportunities as they appear, as   they could be few and far between.

Opportunities are highly unlikely to come knocking at your front door. You have to get yourself out there and do whatever it takes to create your own opportunities, rather than passively waiting for the Wheel of Fortune to turn randomly in your favour. You are well suited for marriage, and could possibly become a responsible loving parent if your union is at a later date blessed with children. But because the breakup of a relationship is often such a shock to your system because it offends your sense of living in an ordered world, the negative effects of the break up on you may be greater and last longer than they would in most other people of your age group. Do not make the common mistake of seeking any form of revenge on your ex for destroying your sense of order, as justice is a two edged sword. You could by doing this greatly harm your own case, leaving you isolated from the very people who could best provide you with the support you will require to once more get back on your emotional feet.  

Hoping that you will find the above insights concerning your personality to be relevant and helpful to your current life circumstances, both in the present moment (your only true point of personal power) and well into the future,

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Post by Naravyn » Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:15 pm

thank you, i have delved a bit into numerology before, but haven't gotten anything that detailed, its very insightful.

thank you again.

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