LadyofAvalon, reading please:)

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LadyofAvalon, reading please:)

Post by PrincessinVain » Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:40 am

Hi Lady of Avalon! I'd like to ask a reading and guidance from the angels.

Date of birth is 6-21-83.

Currently, I am broken. Someone that I fell for went for someone else, and I don't know if it's my doing or he's just plain ruthless. I want to know why this had to happen to me, or why he did this to me. From a bad experience to another, I don't know if I would still be willing to open my heart for someone else. It's just been crushing.

Aside from that, I also want to ask if it is a wise decision to go abroad next year to study makeup artistry because it is what I have wanted to do all my life. I am learning, thru experience via apprenticeship now that it is indeed hard work, and I want to know if I would be successful in this industry.

That's it! Thank you:)

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:20 pm

Hi, Thanks for asking me to read for you :)

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so down {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

A bad relationship can be earth shattering and make us lose all confidence and feel that we will never be able to trust of love again. Dwelling on what has gone before does not always help, instead try and look forward and take the best parts and leave the rest. I cannot give a reading on why he has done this to you, that would not be allowed on this forum's rules. So let's concentrate on the positive aspects. You will learn to trust and love again, of that I have no doubt, but these things can take time.

I used my Avalon Oracle and asked for some advice about the best way for you to move on from this and I got the Waymarker Card 'Restriction'. This card  has a wooden signpost and on it is carved the simple word RESTRICTION. The post is pointing into the dark woods, it is giving us the message that even though we feel this is a tumoultous time we must not restrict ourselves from other relationships, there is a very old fairytale saying that before we find our prince we must kiss a lot of frogs, as only one frog in a million will turn back into the prince. It would be too easy to restrict your emotions and almost put a block up so that you do not get hurt but that is not going to help you recover from this. There is a better way, allowing yourself to realise that this relationship is over anf that there is nothing worth dwelling on anymore, put those memories on the back shelf and take a deep breath and move forward without looking back. By keeping your heart open you may feel that you risk being hurt again but you also will come across new friends that will renew your faith and confidence and enthusisam by their kind gestures and sympathetic words. You deserve a good relationship so don't deprive yourself of the opportunities that will come your way. Smile and the world smiles with you :)

As far as going abroad next year to study, that sounds to me like a fantastic opportunity and just exactly what you need. But you will have to make sure that it is what you want! Of course you love the idea, the excitement and the change but are you sure you will be happy away from home? If not then look at all the possibilities you have here that will still allow you to follow your dream, and then weigh those against moving :)

Angel Merlina has a special angel message to add

"You are confused and indecisive because you do not have enough information. Do research ir seek expert advice before making a decision"

Merlina spreads her arms and looks up to a beautiful sky, be open to advice and listen to other peoples experiences. Ask lots of questions and think about the answers. Merlina only acts when she is very certain and sure and has weighed up all the pros and cons and then decides slowly and calmly, safe and content with her decision. I am sure that you will make the right decision and be very happy in your choice

Hope you enjoyed your reading :)

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Post by PrincessinVain » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:33 pm

Dear Lady of Avalon,

Thank you so much for your reading. This means alot to me since it has happened to  me twice already that I have not been actively seeking for a relationship ( maybe personally, and silently wishing for one but in denial ), but it just happens that the wrong guys come to me and try to mess with my mind. I'm just so broken and I've sort of given up in the idea of love that I just want to focus my energies elsewhere, like makeup artistry, that makes me forget that I am human ( that I get tired ) because everytime my hands touch the makeup brushes, I forget everything, and I mean everything. It's only after I do makeup that I feel tired and ready to sleep the whole of next day. hehehe.

Which brings me to the next problem of mine - if I should go abroad to do it. Actually, I would love the independence that I could get abroad as I think I would be able to learn alot of things that would help me become more independent and more mature because I have been very spoon fed and spoiled all my life, very much sheltered as well. It is true that I am quite unsure , but only to what school I will enroll myself in to in that country. I would really want to gain experience and expertise, and focus on makeup artistry and I dont think I will be able to focus when I'm here. I hope that when I come back to my country I will be a better makeup artist, as well as a better person. I don't know, but this thought just made me want to take the plunge even if it will hurt my savings for a bit.

I cannot thank you enough that you have read for me :) I hope my angels would guide me to the right direction :)

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