Reading request Eye_of_Tiger

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Reading request Eye_of_Tiger

Post by giddy » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:50 am


Many thanks for your offer of a free reading. It really couldn't have come at a better time, so i see it as a very positive sign!

I would like to request a general reading if possible as I need to look at several things, career and love life of course being up there!

Any pearls of wisdom would be appreciated greatly at this time.



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Re: Reading request Eye_of_Tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:44 am

giddy wrote:Hi EOT,

Many thanks for your offer of a free reading. It really couldn't have come at a better time, so i see it as a very positive sign!

I would like to request a general reading if possible as I need to look at several things, career and love life of course being up there!

Any pearls of wisdom would be appreciated greatly at this time.


Giddy, Image

I am not so certain about any pearls of wisdom I might offer you through a reading, but I will as always do my level best to help you. I agree with you that a general reading for this month is probably the best way for you to begin from here. Those life areas which miss out this time can then each be looked at in much greater detail than is possible here over the coming months.

When I asked the cards as to which life area it is felt most important for you to know about at this time in your life, I drew on your behalf the Queen of Cups or sometimes also called by many readers the Queen of Hearts. The Tarot suit of Cups is mainly involved with our love life or closest relationships and therefore it appears that it will be your love life (or lack of) which is being placed under the reading spotlight for this month. It is not clear from your posting as to whether or not you are currently in a romantic relationship, so any insights given here will unfortunately only be of a more general nature.

When Queens appear in your reading, it usually means that you are entering upon a new and important phase of your life. If you are still looking for a life partner then rather than this card being seen as necessarily predicting that you will meet and fall deeply in love with the person of your dreams during the next six months, I would instead read this as saying that your approach to finding your prospective mate needs to undergo a significant change in the not so distant future, if you are to offer yourself the best possible chance of love and happiness. Wherever you have or have not been doing this up until, now needs to change big time and FAST.

This could in theory and practice mean anything from getting out more and mixing socially where you are most likely to meet the type of person with the qualities you are looking for, or accepting a blind date from a trusted friend, when before you would have immediately rejected the whole idea. Love when it does arrive for you is highly unlikely to knock at your own front door?

What personal qualities are you looking for in this person, and what things about them are you unwilling to live with on a daily basis? If you are not a heavy drinker and cannot have a partner who is, do not expect to find your ideal partner in a hotel bar. If on the other hand you are already in a long term relationship, the Queen of Cups would be seen instead as being a positive omen that your existing partnership is about to move to a deeper, longer lasting and more satisfying level for you both than it has up until the present.

The Queen of Cups (QOC) itself is frequently associated with developing a new romance, deepening an existing one, or if it is your desire to do so to begin your own family. Notice again that this card should not be seen as an absolute prediction that these events will happen to you over the next few months, as everybody's life situation is unique and not every thing I tell you with the QOC must always apply to everybody for whom it is drawn.

But whatever you most want to happen with special reference to your love life between now and the beginning of February next year, I feel that this card is at least saying to you that the potential is there for you to make the most of, by actively creating your own future by the decisions which you make, instead of simply taking a completely passive wait and see what happens attitude to finding new or deeper romance. Above all the Queen of Cups is an action card which is intended to only make you more passionate and highly motivated than before to do something to help yourself in the love stakes. What then are you going to actively do about it with the intention to help yourself?

Be kind to yourself,

eye_of_tiger  Image

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yes I would love a free reading

Post by gio75 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:35 am

Hello eye of the tiger. I would love to get a free reading to see what my future holds. I hope to hear from you soon.

gio75 :)

Posts: 24
Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:22 pm


Post by giddy » Tue May 19, 2009 7:11 pm

I have only just seen this as haven't been on here for a while. many thanks for the reading, how funny to read it sitting here nearly 10 months on.

Things are indeed happening, no rhyme or reason but have met a very good friend recently in unusual circumstances when I needed it most, so we'll see. I have met someone I really love as a friend and would be willing to try more but not that he would as think he just really respects me as a mate with no romance, but it could lead onto other openings. I have been much more patient about my love life since last August, thank-you Queen of Cups x

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