Reading Request from EOT

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Reading Request from EOT

Post by bluepetals » Mon Aug 04, 2008 4:18 pm

I would like a free general reading from Eye of Tiger.  My name is Rose. I am female. My birthdate is June 20, 1955 and I am a Gemini.
Thanks so much for the offer. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:13 am

Hi Rose, Image

All the readings given on the Mystic Board forums are provided by volunteers, and are therefore free for all registered members. Mine are no different from anyone else's in this regard. And yes I would be pleased to offer you a general reading for this month.

Four of Swords -  You are temporarily in a holding pattern. This can either be interpreted to mean that you have in the past established a strong foundation on which to build upon in future, and that you are taking some time quality out for yourself, to give yourself a good pat on the back for a job well done. In a more negative way a Four could alternately mean that you are stubbornly resisting any efforts from others to make you move, and that until you can accept that they are only doing this in what they believe are your best interests, that you will effectively stay stuck in one place until then. The Four of Swords itself has sometimes been called the meditation or contemplation card. Basically it is telling you that you need to get away and take a short break from your daily routine, in order to rest and recuperate for a period of time. You are under many different forms of extra stress at this time, and may have been either physically or verbally abused in the past, which has lead to a significant loss of self confidence. You may also be experiencing some health problems which are directly related to the unrealistically high expectations which you place upon yourself, with the intention to please other people instead of sometimes being true to yourself and standing up for your own personal rights to decide what is the best thing for you.

Queen of Swords - When Queens appear they signal a major time of growth and development in a person's life, in many different areas at much the same time. Perhaps you can now better understand why you could need a temporary rest break to best prepare yourself for this next big move forwards. Every action begins with a thought it is true, but the Queen of any of the four Tarot suits is associated with manifesting or transforming our thoughts into a living reality. Without their energies our thoughts would stay firmly in our heads, and may never see the light of day. This always makes me think that the appearance of a Queen in a reading could mean that the person herself is both highly creative and possibly gifted artistically. The Queen of Swords (QOS) person is virtually a walking encyclopaedia in that she gathers valuable information from any source which she can find and will then be the best person to go to for advice when you need to find a new and novel solution to your long standing problem.

Some people would see this type of person as a valuable friend and wise counsellor to come to when they are in trouble, while others might resent her for being a know it all. The QOS type of woman is also frequently very good at communicating her ideas and information through the spoken word to those who are willing to listen to her, but sometimes she gets easily carried away with herself and you may wish that she would just shut up for a pleasant change. In other words she tends to have the gift of the gab. If you agree with and act upon the information she gives you, you will be OK. But if you are not willing to agree and dare to do the opposite from what she suggested then WATCH OUT. In this way she is often not that different from the Queen of Hearts in Alice In Wonderland. Cold and emotionally distant if angered. OFF WITH HIS OR HER HEAD!!!!

Death - Please do not panic, as this Tarot card in most readings has absolutely nothing at all to do with physical death, although in a few cases where the person is extremely old and has a known terminal illness then it possibly might point to this happening in the near future. Death the card is more to do again with a period of significant change in a person's life, which will unfortunately require them to shed old relationships with other people and old ways of thinking and doing things which are either no longer serving them well, or perhaps are preventing them from progressing. In essence the person needs to figuratively die to their old life, to be later resurrected or reborn into a new one. This transition period could be fairly traumatic and upsetting to you, especially if you stubbornly hold on to your old ways and are not convinced that your new life will be a significant improvement over the older one, but the sad fact is that I feel that it is the only way that you can get moving once again in the shortest possible period of time. Always keep in mind that on the face of this card of foreboding darkness, there is a sunrise as well.

Love, Light and Peace to you and your family,

eye_of_tiger   Image

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Post by bluepetals » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:09 pm

Thanks so much for the reading EOT.  

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