Reading request EOT

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moon shadow
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Reading request EOT

Post by moon shadow » Sun Aug 10, 2008 7:03 am

Hi and thank you for this offer. I would like to have a reading, generally as you say, but in my mind i have some questions about a long travel in next few months, some health issues, and a possible new job, perhaps for next year only. Please feel free to go where the cards are taking you. My name is Liana and i am Aries sign.
All best wishes,

Moon shadow

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Re: Reading request EOT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:46 am

moon shadow wrote:Hi and thank you for this offer. I would like to have a reading, generally as you say, but in my mind i have some questions about a long travel in next few months, some health issues, and a possible new job, perhaps for next year only. Please feel free to go where the cards are taking you. My name is Liana and i am Aries sign.
All best wishes,

Moon shadow
Hello Liana, :smt003 ... hp?t=26414

The reading forum rules do not allow us to give readings regarding health issues, and because your travel plans are for during the next few months I feel that they are presently more urgent than the other ones you mentioned, although no less important to you I am sure.

This will therefore be my very first travel or journey reading given on these forums.  :smt002

Obviously money matters and whether or not you can really afford this trip are possibly amongst those most uppermost in your mind. The Page of Pentacles or Coins tells me that this journey is both necessary and good for your development, as it is something which you have worked towards for some considerable time and have made sacrifices in other areas of your life in the past to allow you to make it now.

This Page brings with it a message that not only can you afford to go, but that you also cannot afford not to. There is the feeling here that you have already established a firm foundation probably of a money or business nature in the past which can be built upon later. I do not know whether or not this is meant to be entirely a holiday, but I sense that new and exciting job or business opportunities for making extra money could come out of this journey without being expected to. I feel that you may be meeting a person at your destination who will feature largely in your financial future from then on. If you do not go, you will never meet him or her, and the opportunity will pass you by.

The Page of Pentacles represents one of those flexible types of people who will do any job either big or small, in order to make an honest living and supplement her income. She would never feel embarrassed to humble herself in other people's eyes, and to get her hands dirty if absolutely necessary. These people generally love building and fixing things, and while they cannot be fairly called misers or especially tight with their money, they are unlikely to go and do something silly which could part them from their hard earned cash.

The preferred word for this Page is her being frugal or conservative in a financial sense? Personality wise they tend to take themselves and life too seriously for their own good and health, and nowhere is this attitude more developed than in the way in which they handle their own money. Fortunately this character weakness is partially compensated or balanced by the Page of Pentacles person always having a heart of gold and a kind word for everyone she meets. Only one significant character weakness against so many positive personal qualities going in her favour is surely not so bad after all.

Should you go?


Will you be able to afford it?

YES, but with conditions.

Can you afford not to go?

On the basis of this reading from both a personal and money/business perspective, PROBABLY NOT.

So have a safe and peaceful journey and let your hair down for a while to relax and go more with the flow, as on your return the work you left behind you when you began your journey will still be patiently (I hope) waiting for you.

Kindest regards,

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Post by moon shadow » Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:15 pm

Dear Eye_of_Tiger,

WOW, this was my first word after reading your message. Thank you very much for this again! It seems to be close to my astrologic transits, and sounds not bad. Sincerely i don't have any specific plan for business, but i also have my feelings and some premonitory skills and you confirmed this to me. I would like to ask, if this Page of coins can also show the direction of the travel, north, south, east or west?
You are really good reader, congrats! :smt041
Waiting for my travel and wishing you

Love and warm Regards.

moon shadow

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:52 am

You are of course very welcome for the reading, and my sincere thanks for your kind words of appreciation, as it does help to make my day to know that I have been of help to a friend.

You asked in your response........
I would like to ask, if this Page of coins can also show the direction of the travel, north, south, east or west?
The Page of Coins does not indicate exactly in which of the four major compass directions you would be most likely to travel, so instead I  did a four card spread with each card either representing north, south, east or west. I sincerely hope that you can follow my reasoning in doing it this way.

North = Five of Wands - Suggests to me only more conflict and competition

East = The Chariot - A vehicle used for getting from one place to another (travelling)

South = Nine of Wands = Feeling trapped in a situation which is largely beyond your control

West = Three of Swords - Heartbreak and betrayal by a trusted friend

I would interpret this spread to mean that you will be most likely heading in an EASTERLY direction on your travels.

But please do not hold me to this on my very first attempt using the cards in this manner. If travelling in an Easterly direction takes you out somewhere into the middle of a desert or ocean, forget what I said and follow your own instincts in preference to mine.

Bon Voyage,

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Message for EOT

Post by moon shadow » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:15 am

Hello EOT,

You are GREAT, and i mean this honestly, because there is in my mind a plan for a travel in East, south-east! I wonder did you read the cards, or my mind? LOL
Anyway, thanks again, this was a good lesson for me, because i am also an occasional Tarot cards reader, had some good feed-back, but still occasional reader. I f you ever need a free Tarot cards reading, please let me know and i will try to do my best for you too.

Love and Hugs!

moon shadow

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