future career opportunity reading requested

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future career opportunity reading requested

Post by y2kman » Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:26 pm

im a student currently pursuing a degree on industrial design. WIll like to ask how well will i be doing in future. Is my destiny to be an industrial designer? Im worried if i have chosen the right choice of course to study.Will i get do well in this and earn as much as the wealthies?
What details will you need from me to predict for me?
dob : 10 Feb 1988 (Singapore)
Time of birth is between 11pm-1am.


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Re: future career opportunity reading requested

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:53 am

y2kman wrote:hi,
im a student currently pursuing a degree on industrial design. WIll like to ask how well will i be doing in future. Is my destiny to be an industrial designer? Im worried if i have chosen the right choice of course to study.Will i get do well in this and earn as much as the wealthies?
What details will you need from me to predict for me?
dob : 10 Feb 1988 (Singapore)
Time of birth is between 11pm-1am.

Hi Jestine, Image

Although you have not specifically requested that I should read for you, I felt drawn to give you a reading. Please note however that my readings are not intended only for making wild predictions about a future which may not even exist yet. Obviously if you did not sign up for the right course in industrial design and were not willing to do whatever work or assignments are required to qualify to sit for the final examination, then I predict with reasonable certainty that your chances of becoming a successful industrial designer who makes a reasonable income is adequate for your needs is probably currently next to zero. We ourselves constantly create and remould our own personal futures by the decisions we make in the present moment, which is our only true point of personal power.

If you are so concerned by your poor grades or for other reasons known to yourself (?) that you may be heading in the wrong career direction, and therefore may need to carefully rethink your position, have you re-examined the reasons why you originally chose it, preferably in the presence of a qualified career advisor who may see better than I ever can that you posses positive qualities and relevant work skills which would make you more suitable for something else.  

There is absolutely nothing in your reading which indicates that a career as an industrial designer is above you if you really want it that much, but the question I wish to ask you is do you really want to become an industrial designer, or does somebody other than yourself want this to happen? I am looking more deeply here at the reasons why you do not feel confident enough to continue your present course.  Is it simply your gut instincts which you believe are telling you that you are going the wrong way with this, or is someone else, probably well intending, pulling your strings? Are you unintentionally handing over your power to someone else to make such a major decision on your behalf, without at least having some input?

Your date of birth was the 10th of February 1988. The place and time are not relevant to this numerology Life Path Number (LPN) reading.

1+0+2+1+9+8+8=29  2+9=11  1+1=2

Your calculated LPN is therefore TWO.

Relationships with those people closest to you are the key to your life. You are not at all interested in living your life alone, only in sharing it with someone to love, and whom equally loves you for being the wonderful person you already are. Your major life challenge is one of learning how to incorporate the opinions of others, without giving up your personal power or integrity in the process. Now you may better understand my question when I asked you above.....
or is someone else, probably well intending, pulling your strings? Are you unintentionally handing over your power to someone else to make such a major decision on your behalf, without at least having some input?

Express your feelings as they come up. You can at times be moody and need to occasionally remind yourself to let go of the past and be willing to move on, without always first having a detailed plan for the future laid out before you on a golden platter.

You make potentially an excellent worker in any job which interests and motivates you to give of your best, because of your willingness to accept guidance from those qualified to offer it, and your almost overpowering eagerness to please others and be accepted by them as a valued member of the same team with your particular qualifications and skills being added to the mixture.

If you were hoping that this reading was going to give you either a definite YES or NO to your questions as to whether it is felt you are meant to be an industrial designer, I must apologise as you will not find any such guarantees here.

You are resilient or strong within yourself to the point of being able to pull through the worst of any crisis if your heart is in what you are doing. You are more than willing to cooperate and share in a relationship (including on your job), but you expect good results and the work done on time, as well as being given equality when it comes to making group decisions which could potentially affect your ability to work effectively.

But I feel that beyond the outside factors (see above) it is how well or not you will successfully meet your major Life Path Number 2 challenge which will ultimately decide not only whether you would be successful in this career, and how well you would work within a group of other professional workers (it takes more than an industrial designer to complete a particular job, and you need to be able to work in full co-operation with them) , as well as with your clients or customers.

Do you yourself wish to eventually become an industrial designer, or have you always felt that it was somehow not right? Did you go against your own intuition when you applied for entry to this course? Sorry for all of the questions, but their purpose is to force you to more closely re-examine your reasons for doubting yourself as suitable for industrial design. The answers are for your eyes only.

Hoping that this has made things a little clearer for you, even if it did not come up with any absolute guarantees or a definite YES you were meant to be an industrial designer, or NO you were not. How much income you will make once you do get the job at the end of your course will increase with each 12 months of service, and will mainly be determined by the availability of experienced and qualified industrial designers in the area in which you will be working, as well as usually the government agreed awards and salaries scale for industrial designers with your qualifications and years of experience at the time. It probably has very little to do with blind chance, or a random spin of the Wheel of Fortune in your favour?

Wishing you success and happiness in whatever job you finally find yourself in the future,

eye_of_tiger Image

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Post by y2kman » Tue Aug 19, 2008 4:01 pm

thanks for reading. But i felt that you are kind of brief compare to a reader farafina. And you did not really give me the answer that i want. Well, is not totally answering a yes or a no. But probably like predict what will happen to me with my future degree cert. and when it comes to deeper talk of that obviously financial ability of mine will also be included i supposed. I had as though gave a guide line of questions on how i wanted you to tell me or any other professional readers would tell me. But u are in a sense questioning me back. Well, yes it may be that i do not have confidence in myself. but i can tel you that this is definitely my own choice. As im always drawn to designs and curious with special outlook of objects. of course. I just need to be assured by someone who can predict well enough for my future and tell me my financial outlook as im very worried because i knew that there aren't many jobs out there which are related to what im studying now and if i can just get famous one day with my design skills that is still in a process of developing now.
Oh but also some parts when you came into my characters "You are resilient or strong within yourself to the point of being able to pull through the worst of any crisis if your heart is in what you are doing. You are more than willing to cooperate and share in a relationship (including on your job), but you expect good results and the work done on time, as well as being given equality when it comes to making group decisions which could potentially affect your ability to work effectively. " , is quite true.
I dont know how you did it maybe through numerology,.. im not sure.
Anyway thks lots. Im hoping for a better reading too..

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:56 am

Well one cannot hope to please all of the people all of the time, but I have passed on to you as completely and accurately as possible the messages which came through me on your behalf, and therefore while I am sorry that you were disappointed by both the length and some of the content contained within it, the life path reading I gave you using numerology is basically complete, and you will not be eligible to receive another one until at least a month has passed since your recent request. The questions I asked were only to be answered by you and you alone (not for our eyes), and are specifically designed to make you examine your own reasons for asking these questions in the first place in more detail.

I judge the accuracy and therefore the success or otherwise of my readings not by their overall length or by how accurately I may predict the person's future or set out before them their life plan in it's entirety, but rather by how well it helps them to better understand themselves and to more easily cope with whatever the future still holds in store for them. If you would prefer a more lengthy and formal reading, then could I respectfully suggest that you should try the appropriate forum (Tarot, numerology, picture readings etc)?

But I believe that as a valued member of the same reader team to which I also feel privileged to belong that Farafina or anybody else for that matter would not take too kindly to someone who compares her readings with anybody else's on here, or does not show the required respect or courtesy to the reader or their gift by saying a simple thank you for the reading, and leaving it at that.

After all is said and done, readers are not slot machines where you insert your coin and out comes a reading at the other end. You can therefore do much of value for your own chances of receiving another reading on these MB forums by the ways in which you approach people as being people with their own gifts to contribute to the mixture, in the future.

If you do not wish me to give you another reading from now on, please confirm this in your response, and I will respect your wishes to try someone else in future, either on this forum or on one of the other reading ones.

Thanking you for this opportunity to respond to your concerns,

Take care,

eye_of_tiger  :smt006

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Post by y2kman » Mon Aug 25, 2008 1:09 pm

After reading your reply to the last reply from you, it seems to me as though you still sound doubtful to my courtesy to you. I really don't know what to say. Because whatever i said seems like a waste to you. If you are really a kind of person who does not wish to choose to be open minded, take in feedback and change instead of taking in unwillingly and remember them as though someone has just attacked you and you keep inside you without changing really doesnt help much yah?...this is the kind of message you gave to me after all our replies yah?.. by the way pls dont keep saying abut ur lengthiness as i didnt really see it a hazard to read not like the rest of ur readers, i didnt mention it in the comment.
Probably i should just state the person's name in future if i would like him or her to read if i would have known that this is the kind of situation i would be facing yeah. And as i said im a frank and direct person. i really dont wish to give you anymore wrong ideas that you are bad. As if i have known earlier that there are actually different readers giving their voluntary readings, you will have saved ur troubles. REally sorry if you cant feel my sincerity by saying thanks to you for giving me an unpredictable and full of questions to analyse myself reading. (mention that reader because i wanted you to know what kind of reading i actually wanted not doing comparison once again yah?) but if next time i need ur help i will state ur nickname yeah? cheers!  em you need not reply..  :)

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