love reading request

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love reading request

Post by firefly19 » Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:32 am

Dear all,
i am asking for a psychic reading regarding my love life.
if you have the time and the availability please share with me what you sense.
my name is Lucia, my dob is march 18 1975. i was born in torino, italy between 6:30pm and 7pm, my mom doesn't know exactly...
on Jan 6 a man contacts me via email about my job. we end up working together and since the very first time we meet we sense something. i define it as a reciprocal recognition. his name is Ross, he was born on June 30, 1975 in the Santa Cruz, CA area. i don't know what time.
on Feb 9 he invites me at his place and talking i come to discover that he has been on my life path for 2 years. Eg: in 2006 i tried to change job and applied twice where he studied and once where one of his brothers lives. he applied only in 2 places: 1 where i met him and the other where one of my few friends lives. the bizarre thing is i see in him, how he behaves and moves traits of ppl i met in the past. apparently he sees the same in me. his habits have always been very familiar to me as if we had always known each other.
i knew he would move to another city in the summer and so jokingly asked him to buy all his furniture (bc i would be moving too and needed it). the time goes by, he behaves like a boyfriend, the ppl that see us together take us as a couple, yet we both know he will leave.
his departure day comes and he behaves as if he didn't want to leave. he even cries for 1h and i have to consol/reassure him, telling him what he has always told me. after 6h, when he hears my voice, he's still sobbing. a couple of weeks go by and he asks me "you wouldn't be interested in marrying me anyway, would you?" (it was already the 3-4 time he was hinting at marriage).
i reply that yes, i am very much interested since Jan 6. surprised he asks "even if i am moody and get offended easily?"; i say "yes".
he hasn't been calling for about 2 weeks although we spoke last week. currently he doesn't have a job, a house, and he is around his family/friends.
i am just wondering if we'll be together in the near future, meaning having a regular relationship or if that's it, he left and i have to move on.
inside of myself i feel he is still thinking of me but feels ashamed partly for his decision (of leaving) and partly for the fact he hasn't found a job yet. at the same time i try to be realistic.

if you can share what you sense with me, i would be very grateful. i am feeling very miserable, i cry a lot and i wonder how we could get to this point if we are not meant to be.
to complete my picture, my professional situation is stuck (i am working with a visa and after 6 years my boss won't help me to get the residence but won't write me a recommendation letter either), my financial situation is precarious and even though i am a fighter, at this point i just wish that at least one side of my life went well.

thank you in advance for your help and time.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:48 am

Lucia, :smt009

It does not require me to give you a reading to tell me that you would be far better off without having such a highly immature man as this one in your life. He is playing a game of cat and mouse with this woman's deepest feelings, and while I do not know exactly how he became the type of person he now is and empathise with his confusion as to who he wants to share his life with (and why), you and your feelings are what is really important here.

I really do not want to consider every detail of what you told me one at a time, because in the end it would probably only confuse you further than you are now, and the same conclusion would finally be reached. It would only be prolonging the agony that this is most likely causing you by saying anything other than what I have already said above to you.

Your reading confirms what I believe you already know from deeper within yourself. This man is a loser big time, and is a hazard to be avoided at all costs. He is manipulating you by first promising you the world, then immediately withdrawing his offer for a mature and loving relationship and retreating again into his protective shell, in case his fragile male ego gets broken. He has no concept of what damage his cruel and disrespectful behaviour is likely to be doing to your womanly feelings, and even if he did I doubt he would really care.

Be kind to yourself and drop him quickly like you would a hot potato, as soon as you feel that it is safe to do so, as it is almost impossible to predict what highly obsessive individuals such as this one are capable of doing, if you challenge their honesty or call their bluff. It is men like these that make me feel embarrassed and ashamed to also call myself a man.

Whatever you decide to do to get out of this sorry situation, be extremely careful when doing it.

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thank you so much!

Post by firefly19 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 4:49 am

Dear EOT,
thank you so much for your words and time. getting out of this situation is not hard at all since we live at 3 time zones of difference and as far as i have always felt, i won't see him anymore... this morning he called and left a message. somehow hearing it i sensed he had a house and a job. not a good one though, i could tell he wasn't satisfied. in the afternoon a person we both know came over to my place and told me he will be working for 1 month for a company. i could tell this person knew too he kind of was embarassed about this temporary job.
anyway, i have no regrets, i just wish i could catch my breath and be able to find somebody i could rely on once in a while.

thank you again, i know i am a tree with deep roots


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Be more selective as to which men you reveal your true feelings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:09 am

To my good friend Lucia, Image

I feel that you have made what was obviously a difficult decision by dumping him, but one which I am confident is in your best interests to make, for the sake of your long term happiness and peace of mind.

With due respect and I know that this will not be easy for you, the best way to continue to attract such screwed up men into your life is to plainly show them just how desperate you feel for anyone to love you for being the wonderful woman whom you already are.

This then quite unintentionally puts out a signal that you will accept any form of behaviour which they choose to serve up to you to have a relationship. As time goes on and your body clock continues to count down, if you are increasingly desperate to share your love and be loved in return, do not reveal this to any man who seems even slightly attracted to you.

Eventually further down the track be more open and honest about your feelings when a man eventually shows you both by his actions and words that he will not use this information against you, as I feel that this one has done.

Take care,

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Post by firefly19 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:50 am

Dear EOT,
i have been very clear since the very beginning i didn't have anything to give left and proudly i can say i could stick to this even when i was tempted to give him more and more.
receiving from him though was extremely hard for me since i am a giver and i am not used to receive.
meeting him was good for me for many different reasons, for these i have no regrets.

my main "problem" is not desperation but strength, at the same time, it is thanks to my strength that i keep on floating and glowing despite all.

thanks again for your guidance :smt002


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Post by Crywolfe » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:07 am

Dear Lucia,

Based on my reading, It looks like love is in air and I can feel it. In next two months travel is in offing and you will get in touch with your love life. Some influential person common to both of you will fill in the blanks and mend the fence and you will have price of your love.

In my judgment, next six month or so, both of you meant to be together.

May god bless you both!

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thanks here too

Post by firefly19 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:34 pm

Hi Crywolfe,
i just wanted to publicly thank you for your time and words.


Take care,

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