may i get a reading please

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may i get a reading please

Post by yehweh » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:16 pm

im sorry im really not trying 2 bug i just made a mistake on where 2 post the request spiritalk told me about it the 1st time and then i posted on the terot 1 by accident. but i would really like 2 no what my gift is ive been 2 terot readers b 4 but they dont tell me nothing they just look at me funny and also who is my spirit guide while i was meditating i heard yahweh then i heard edger casy, thank u very much pactiantly waiting sorry 4 the spelling lol thank u

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Re: may i get a reading please

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:37 am

yehweh wrote:im sorry im really not trying 2 bug i just made a mistake on where 2 post the request spiritalk told me about it the 1st time and then i posted on the terot 1 by accident. but i would really like 2 no what my gift is ive been 2 terot readers b 4 but they dont tell me nothing they just look at me funny and also who is my spirit guide while i was meditating i heard yahweh then i heard edger casy, thank u very much pactiantly waiting sorry 4 the spelling lol thank u
There is really no need for you to apologise, as the readers on this board work as a team with the genuine intention to help out any member to the very best of our own abilities, including of course you very good self.

It is difficult but not impossible through a psychic reading to answer either of your two questions easily, as the best way to determining what particular spiritual or psychic gifts one has been given is usually done within a weekly psychic development group under the supervision of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher, while learning what your  spirit guide's name is the purpose of special visualisation exercises done during periods of private meditation.

For the purposes of this reading, I would remind you that it is your guide who largely decides whether or not you are ready to know his or her name, or if it would even be in your best interests at all to learn this at some other time in your life in the future.

I will therefore not include this in your reading, as there are many highly successful mediums who will never find out who their guide is and it certainly never stops them from doing their work in helping others. Please be more patient, and find one of these special exercises to meet your spirit guide on the Web, or alternately ask your own psychic development group leader/teacher.

I will say nothing more about this matter for now.

I asked my own inner guidance to show me using the Tarot which opf the many psychic gifts you are likely to be strongest in. This is because I believe that every individual was born with the entire range of psychic gifts, but usually one or more of these are already more developed at our  birth than the remaining ones are. But this does not mean that if a gift is not already as well developed as the rest that it could not then be worked with, and encouraged to grow,if you wanted to do this strongly enough and had good reasons for doing so.

Your reading indicates to me that your two strongest spiritual gifts at present are your well developed abilities to recognise what is really of greatest importance in your life - your closest relationships with others (and to set your own life goals accordingly), as well as you possessing a questioning but still open to new possibilities attitude to life mind and being willing to try something new or different, if your old ways of doing or thinking begin to fail you.  

Now I am expecting by mentioning these two special gifts that I feel you have that you will be terribly disappointed to hear that these do not at first appear half as special or glamorous as being able to see or hear dead people, or to be able to heal the sick by laying on of one's hands. But let me assure you that there are many practising mediums out there in the world these days who are quite able to both see and hear spirits, but are seriously themselves lacking in the spiritual gifts in which you are strongest and may take for granted. It is their turn to feel jealous of you?

Without also possessing the same abilities that you do, any medium can easily become so set in their own ways, that they would not recognise the truth of a particular situation if it was staring them plainly in the face. Also if they do not ensure that they still have their own personal and social lives to lead when they are not functioning as a medium, then their gift (or curse) will soon take total control over their life, and ultimately consume whatever energies are left over which would be better used in them learning more about other people, and getting on with the rest of their life while they are themselves still on Earth.

If you want to know on the other hand whether you are more gifted in psychic vision, psychic hearing, feeling or with regards to being able to foretell the future, then finding a regular weekly psychic development group or circle where you feel safe and comfortable in your local area (a Spiritualist church is often a good place to begin your search for a suitable teacher and development circle) is I feel your best course of action to take from now on. The teacher may also be able to refer you to the special visualisation meet your guide exercises I mentioned earlier.

Love, Light and Peace to you,

eye_of_tiger Image

PS: By the way that should have been Edgar Cayce, the famous "sleeping prophet".

While having Edgar Cayce or Yahweh (another name for Jehovah or God) as your own personal spirit guide seems flattering to you on the surface please be careful, as many deceitful spirits pose as genuine guides in order to make us convinced that whatever they tell us to do is in our own best interests, even when it is obviously not.

Test the spirits, especially a guide. The real guides are never offended by you doing this, but indeed it is expected of you and is above all your responsibility.

Sleeping prophet - who was Edgar Cayce?"  :smt015

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