Send-Off Reading

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Send-Off Reading

Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:53 am


I'd like to request a reading before i fly off overseas to study. My days are numbered in my country and I'm feeling really sad. I never thought that I would be sad when I am going to immerse myself into the most wonderful journey in my life - to be away from my parents, friends, learn to be independent, and search for the real me.

I"m quite sad because I am just starting to be close with a guy that I think I am starting to fall for, and I am quite uncertain of what's in store for me abroad.

Can I ask a reading on what you see towards these two things? thanks so much.

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If he is not prepared to wait for you, then you already have your answer

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:10 am

Although you are about to immerse yourself in what could potentially be the most wonderful journey of your life, this will require you to make significant sacrifices and effectively burn your bridges behind you.  Leaving behind your moral support network in the form of your family and friends would make any person in their right mind feel fearful and apprehensive about going. You are sad because you are essentially mourning the passing of what up until now has been your life, in order to exchange it for a very uncertain future. You are being strongly encouraged to move outside of your normal comfort zone and are in a way experiencing the same symptoms as if you had instead lost a loved one. In this case the"loved one" is you, or at least she is the person you would have probably become, if you had decided to stay put instead of leaving to foreign shores.

To be able to read this guy's intentions towards you (and whether or not they are as they appear to be on the surface) I would be required to give you a third party reading, which as you already may know is not permitted on this site according to the forum rules. But on the basis of this reading, while you may believe that you are falling for him and that you have a real basis for a long term relationship together, I sense that he does not feel anything like as much affection for you in return.  Yes the physical chemistry between you seems right, but there is something vital missing which leads me to conclude that that you will eventually decide that your destiny is waiting for you in another country, and that you owe it to yourself to follow to where your heart is leading you.

I do not wish to be seen as jumping to any premature conclusions about this man, or of treating him unfairly without ever meeting him face to face, but if you did decide to forfeit your journey and stay with him instead I feel that you would not only be bitterly disappointed in what you would discover about him in the way that he is like all other men far from being perfect (nothing more sinister than that), but you would also most likely live to regret not having had enough courage to take the calculated risks involved in moving.

I do not know exactly how long your planned course of study will be, but if he really does feel as deeply for you as you obviously feel for him, then he surely he would not want to deny you of the challenginl and exciting opportunities which your studies will possibly offer you upon your return, in terms of you gaining suitable employment and a steady and adequate income in order for you to be able to do all that you want to in the future (whether you would still be with him, or perhaps with someone completely different).

Above all, do not allow your passing infatuation or crush upon this man be used as the only excuse not to go. If you do decide to stay, be sure that you have more reasons to than simply wanting to be with him on a day to day basis (although this could be one of the reasons you would be staying). In this modern world of the early 21st century there are now so many alternate ways that couples can communicate long distance and keep in regular contact with one another, without having to always live in their prospective partner's shadow indefinitely.

If he is as serious about you as you currently seem to be about him (and your course is not too long), I believe that he will feel that patiently waiting for your return will be well worth it to the both of you in the end as a couple.

If on the other hand he is not prepared to wait for you to graduate, you already my friend have the answer you were seeking here. :smt009

Bon voyage (when do you begin packing?),

eye_of_tiger  :smt002

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Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:17 pm

Hi eye_of_tiger :)

First of all, thank you for your reading and well wishes :) I've been stalling my packing, but I have already bought supplies for my journey as I leave early January.

I would like to say that nothing from him would make me stay ( for sure ) because first and foremost, this is a personal journey for me, and whatever happens, I will be flying off because I believe I owe myself some soul-searching time before I turn older, before I can't do it anymore. What breaks my heart is that I would not be able to tell him how I feel before I go. I don't have the courage to do so.

I'm quite worried about my family since it's the first time I'd be away from them, but I want to give myself the chance to be independent and improve myself as a person. I am excited to go to learn new things on my own, and get back to my family a better and happier person who knows what she wants.

Sigh, I'm excited, but I'm also very sad.

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Your decision has already been made, and you must not allow your worries to stop you

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:43 pm

You are very welcome for the reading.  :)
I would like to say that nothing from him would make me stay ( for sure ) because first and foremost, this is a personal journey for me, and whatever happens, I will be flying off because I believe I owe myself some soul-searching time before I turn older, before I can't do it anymore.
I was very relieved to hear this as it appeared to me from what I read between the lines that you were having second thoughts as to whether you really needed to go at all, when I feel that you have no other option.
What breaks my heart is that I would not be able to tell him how I feel before I go. I don't have the courage to do so.
If I were you, I would not give your inability to tell him exactly how you feel another thought, or lose any beauty sleep over it.

Your decision to go regardless of how he does or does not feel about this has already been made, and honestly I do not sense that your leaving would be seen as any major reason for concern to him.

As I said in your reading, I do not believe that he is emotionally there for you, and would therefore be unable (or unwilling) to comprehend just how important your making this journey is.

So please let go of any unnecessary guilt you may be feeling about how this might negatively affect him, as I think that you need to focus more on the task in hand.

You cannot afford to waste valuable time and energy worrying yourself about him, when he does not even seem to be at all upset by your need to follow your own instincts, and ultimately to more fully develop as both a spiritual and human being.

May your God go with you always,

eye_of_tiger  :smt041

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Post by PrincessinVain » Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:40 am

Hi eye_of_tiger,

Thank you so much for your reading. From now on, I will focus all my energies on me first, above everything, since it's a crucial journey in my life, this trip that I'm going to take. Just hoping that things go for the best.

Thank you again:)

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