request for EOT

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request for EOT

Post by yay » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:19 pm

hi EOT. joined here a couple of years ago. i hope i will still be able to request. i would like to ask a general reading please. i am trying to pull out the right words to express how badly i need some guidance to where i am in my life now. i honestly want to have all aspect of my life mentioned but i will respect what you could only give guidance to. truth be told, if you or anyone could feel me i feel so drained. lost. my dob is march 5, 1984.
thank you

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Please watch this space for your reading as promised in my PM

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:33 am

Yay (?) Image

Please continue to watch this space for your reading as promised in my message to you within the next one to two days, God and my own case of chronic insomnia willing.

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by yay » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:53 am

thank you EOT  :)

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Post by yay » Sun May 10, 2009 2:41 pm

umm..hi again EOT..
still waiting for the reading.i was wondering if mine was forgotten or you read something 'bad' for me? bothers me a lil and im hoping you just forgot?  :smt009

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None of us as human beings are without our own personal failings

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 10, 2009 5:00 pm

i was wondering if mine was forgotten or you read something 'bad' for me? bothers me a lil and im hoping you just forgot?
I just forgot. I really will need to get out of the habit of promising readings by a certain date with the very best of intentions, as with the number of different sites I work on simultaneously and because of the highly intermittent state of my health, monitoring every single thread has quickly become a formidable task of major proportions. If I had already read for you you would have been the second person to know (after me), regardless of whatever came through me on your behalf. Anyway my sincere apologies for not getting back to you before this. My spirit is always more than willing to be of help, but my flesh is often these days rather weak at delivering the goods as and when promised?

Three of Swords - Even though you are highly motivated and passionate about several things and people in your life, a decision will need to be made within the next six months or so as to where you will choose to focus most of your energies and attention.

Although we are supposed to be creatures of infinite potential and you may have more than enough energy to spare, dividing your passion and motivation between too many choices at the same time will only work against you achieving whatever you originally set out to do. So the three of any of the four Tarot suits has associated with it the idea of creating something from two seemingly opposite things people or sets of circumstances, in order to create a third. The sum of the parts is frequently greater than each separate component put together. One plus one equals three or even more than this?

Specifically the Three of Swords is the cry of a deeply wounded heart, either past, present or future. It suggests that you either have been feeling, are currently feeling or may soon be about to feel as though you have been betrayed by someone who up until then you would have trusted with your very life . This card could equally refer to a treasured and life long friend or alternately a close member of your own family. Now I want to emphasise here that there is often a very big difference between actually being betrayed, stabbed in the back or being talked about behind your back and feeling as though you have been, are or are about to be.

What makes this a card to be feared by many people is that it is notoriously difficult to accurately determine whether this apparent act of betrayal lies in the past, present or future. It is also made much more hard to deal with in a balanced and objective manner when the so called betrayal is often completely unintentional. Often human beings are far from being perfect, and for one of many possible reasons we will each eventually fall far short of someone else's expectations of the ways in which we should think, feel and do. It has been said many times that we frequently hurt the very people whom we love the most, and this card strongly suggests that whoever has, is or will be responsible for you feeling this way, that he or she never meant this to happen.

Rather than this being a physical attack on your person, it is much more likely to be the result of idle gossip which could if listened to long and hard enough spoil your good name, reputation or standing within your local community. You are being advised not to be tempted to give them back in return more of the same as a way of getting your revenge on this person, as this could ruin what was otherwise a beautiful friendship or partnership. Firstly before you automatically react and fly off the handle, try doing some personal research of your own before opening your mouth and letting them have it both barrels.

See whether your feelings correspond to what really happened. Was this act intentionally designed to hurt you or bring you down, or was it as frequently happens an act of neglect, oversight or simple ignorance on this person's part? For example it can be like for example someone promising you a reading, then not delivering it when and as promised because of an entirely innocent reason, into which your own mind is reading something which is just not there.

The Three of Swords encourages the person requesting a reading (the querent or in this case you) to find a comfortable balance between being more aware that this might happen during the next six months and seeing acts of betrayal of your trust everywhere and with everyone whom is close to you. To become aware that there is a problem developing that requires you tactful intervention is the first small but vital step towards finding a solution, but becoming paranoiac and wrongly believing that everyone is out to get you does not usually make for a long and reasonably happy relationship or life as a whole.

Take the more moderate or middle of the road approach to dealing with this person and situation to the very best of your ability, rather than immediately rushing in where angels would fear to tread and in haste saying something in the heat of the moment shich you could soon live to regret having said but not be able to take back, after discovering that much or all of of your so called problem only existed in your own negative imagination.

The human tongue is like a two edged sword, Used wisely and with tolerance and human understanding our tongues can potentially create things of great beauty and endurance in our closest relationship with others.

On the other hand if used clumsily and without any forethought, they can easily destroy something which may never be repaired and destroy not only another person's life, but at the same time leaving us with egg on our face. A very good way to destroy one's own name and reputation, without any help being necessary from another person?

You must decide in the end for yourself, in which way you will choose to use your tongue. As a tool for building and strengthening your relationships, or as a weapon of revenge and destruction of everything which seems important to you in this life. You cannot be equally passionate about doing both at the same time? Something or someone (most likely you) will eventually have to give if you continue to persist in even attempting this incredible balancing act?

Think carefully about what you are about to do, before putting your mouth into gear. By all means stand up more for your own rights (be more assertive), but be sure not to be at the same time openly aggressive with this person (or several people) with the intention to score points, and rapidly become your own worst enemy in the bargain.

Love, Light and Peace to you and your loved ones,

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Post by yay » Sun May 10, 2009 6:31 pm

puzzling as to what and who this reading pertains to, but i greatly appreciate it. i still am touched to what you have posted to 'nothingman'. i will use it as a reminder, to stay strong and watch out what i say to my loved ones. thus, finding my own truth..a spiritual warrior who has broken free..

thank you EoT  :smt058  :smt059

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I would greatly enjoy being proven to be wrong about this

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 10, 2009 7:41 pm

Yay,  :)

You are very welcome, and this is yet another one of those many cases in which I sincerely hope that what I am seeing is likely from your reading, concerning possible and unintentional acts of betrayal within your closest relationships, does not eventually come to pass.

Many blessings to you and yours, from me and mine,

eye_of_tiger  :smt020

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Post by yay » Mon May 11, 2009 12:39 am

uhoh..i am suddenly scared to what i just read. any suggestions/comments as to what i should or should not do regarding this possible betrayal in one of my close relationships?  :smt009

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Yes that was exactly what the reading was designed to be about

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 11, 2009 2:29 am

any suggestions/comments as to what i should or should not do regarding this possible betrayal in one of my close relationships?
Yes that was precisely what the reading was designed to be about.

Therefore please re-read it at your earliest possible convenience, while keeping this in mind.

To help you steer a middle course between becoming overly fearful and seeing problems within your relationships where they may not exist, or at the other extreme doing absolutely nothing to stand up for your own rights, and by so doing effectively becoming a human doormat on whom everyone feels free to wipe their feet.

What could make the situation to which this reading possibly refers (if indeed it happens at all as nothing is inevitable about any of this) particularly sensitive is that in all likelihood the person who offends you has no conscious knowledge of or intention to do so.

That is why I have been so careful to caution you about taking things too personally, and acting out of a need for revenge in order to to extract your pound of flesh from someone who may be completely innocent of any conscious wrong doing.

Thoroughly check out your facts first, before deciding how best to handle this?

Above all your reading is telling me that this is well within your ability to handle if it should happen at some undetermined time in the future, so please do not lose any further sleep over it on my account.  :smt018

Yours sincerely,

eye_of_tiger  :smt002

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Post by yay » Tue May 12, 2009 4:45 pm

i think it's very timely that you gave me this reading. i am still in shock..crushed and i honestly dont know how i feel now. i just found out the truth about the man i loved for almost 3 years. he betrayed me. i trusted him so much to find out that aside from him being married still, there's also another woman. i contacted her and we talked and god i dont know if i could describe it still. i confronted him already and all he could do best is say he's sorry. i love him so much. i could not believe someone whom you would trust so much could do such a thing. i told my family about what happened and of course they too are mad at him and told me to stop all my communications with that man.

i was thinking was he completely innocent of his conscious wrong doing? i wanted revenge and told him things that i after a few hours took back. i couldnt do it. i loved him and i still love him. i pity him in a such a way that i feel and see that he's so lost. and now i am lost too. i dont want to hate him. what do i do? i know i forgive him and try to understand but at the same time i am hurting. it cuts right deep thru my soul. i prayed so hard for us to work and i know i just completely trusted him.

what do i do now? how do i start without him? am i wrong and too stupid to still keep him as a friend at least eventho my family all the more doesnt like him now? i have always wanted them to accept him. am i too blind? what do i see and dont see? all of the time, emotions, feelings and love i shared with him suddenly felt meaningless finding out he betrayed me. i honestly dont want everything to go on waste. i want to keep the good memories.

please enlighten me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 12, 2009 5:15 pm

I am genuinely sorry to hear this, but I feel there is little I can add to what I have already written above, which is going to make your pain any easier to bear.

Although it is obviously much easier for me to tell you than for you to actually do it, hold on to whatever good memories remain from the ashes of your now lost relationship, believe in yourself and in what I have told you about your ability to get through these especially difficult times when your deepest feelings and trust in the man you love has been so cruelly betrayed, and do not for one moment think that you are expected to forget about this ever happening. We are forever changed by our experiences, and there is no excuse for his disrespectful behaviour towards the woman he claimed to love so much, but now what is of greatest importance is that you should not punish yourself endlessly for something over which you had no control or knowledge of (even if this seems to be a strange source of comfort to you in doing so).

Forgiving him will come over an extended period of time (unless you unconsciously choose to hold on to you pain instead as human beings often do) , but it is still far too early for this. This is a time for mourning your loss in your own way and one of self healing. When and if you decide to learn to forgive him, it will be all for your own benefit and not his.

He as made a serious mistake by doing this, not you. Why should you feel that you are his keeper? It is hard enough to be responsible for something we know that we have done. When we hold ourselves accountable for something we were unaware we did at the time, or we feel responsible for the heartless actions of others including those closest to us, this is ridiculous and you being most unfair to yourself (although the pain makes often makes us feel that it is the only decent thing we could do to make others find our pain more acceptable to them).

You WILL eventually survive this dark night of your soul, difficult as it must be for you to believe that at this particular moment.

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by yay » Tue May 12, 2009 5:54 pm

dearest EoT..

thank you for your heartfelt words. you are so kind and i hope you are continuously blessed for what you do for us all. i will get through this. i want to. i want to heal and not be scared of life and moving on. i dont know what's ahead. but i do know i have a choice as to how i am going to live my life from now on. i am sure i will still mourn even if i thought i am passed it. right now, i just want to stop hurting.  :smt010 stop blaming myself or anyone unconsciously. thank you for saying that i should not punish myself. for making me aware of what i might not be healthily doing. as i write this, i am starting to be positively hopeful for the future.

my deepest gratitude for everything. you're an angel

YaY  :smt051

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My halo is currently slipping badly

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 pm

Yay, Image

If I am indeed an angel as you suggested then by all reports my halo is currently slipping badly, but thanking you sincerely anyway for your kind words of appreciation for my efforts not only on your behalf, but also with the genuine intention to help and comfort all who come here looking for guidance and a listening ear, plus a welcome shoulder to cry on if is felt to be necessary.

It was my great pleasure to be of help to you as both a valued member of these MB forums, as well as my friend,

EoT Image

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