Hmm, I talk too much ...

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Hmm, I talk too much ...

Post by sabbath siren » Fri May 15, 2009 12:59 pm

Hello Mystic Board Members...
I'm Peta.  (35 yrs old, F, born 4th Decembr, 1973, in Western Australia. Italian/Croatian descent)  I'm new to this site and I'm also pleased to meet you.  
I'm guessing it's standing room only for reading requests at any given time lol but I thought I'd take a number and register my interest in a reading just the same.  If, like a lot of other good things, it takes time to come around- I'm happy to wait.
I figured I'd mention some of the stuff that's been on my mind currently to put you a little bit in the picture about me, if that helps, but, for the record, I don't necessarily expect any or all of these topics to be addressed, I'm grateful for any insight that happens to show itself on the day.
Since my school days, I've had a compulsion to know more, about spirit and mediumship and such.  Thus far I have a really limited sphere of experience but faith has been easy never the less.  One thing I've wished for is to find a mentor in my life that I could finally discuss this with and, god willing, perhaps learn from.  The potential to develop oneself in this area is, I guess, a work of diligent patience but I wonder how does a person know where their strong point of potential is?  Also, I would love to learn more about meditation and obe but feel there may be a blockage preventing this, though I don't know what that might be.
Through my job, I constantly meet new people and conversation is a standard aspect of the work I do.  I talk to so many people.  When talking to a stranger, it sometimes seems that whatever is there weighing  on a person's mind, comes to the surface.  Like anyone would, so often I feel an empathy for suffering when I encounter it and when I'm there with someone, talking it out and listening, trying to respond with anything helpful , I feel like it's where I should be (I don't mean this particular job at all, I'm referring to this kind of situation, when relating to other people). It's not unusual but sometimes I feel drawn to people who are suffering.
In my own life I've been wandering in circles for years.  I do feel I've made progress spiritually over the last couple of years and I'm grateful for the resulting peace of mind.  I feel honestly blessed in the life I've been given, almost everyday but a part of me despairs of squandering these blessings as I remain largely at a loss for direction.
I often feel the answer is there, just out of reach of my memory.  Like I've forgotten something important.
I recently had an incredible dream (I suppose it was only a dream lol) of Archangel Michael (it's crazy because I never actually gave credence to anything like an angel before that!),  Although I don't really know what to make of the experience, I was surprised that it left such a dramatic impression on me.  For two weeks, whenever it came to mind I would cry from my heart.  I don't know why. I hope to understand what that was all about some day.
When not at work or with family, I am in my own company.  There is some loneliness and a gap to fill but I feel relaxed that things on this front will happen as they are meant to.  I wonder how it will all turn out often.
I'm pretty sure this is way too much information!!  I know I talk too much and I'm sorry I took up so much space lol
I look forward to finding out what surfaces when time permits and I genuinely thank you for your effort.
S  x

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Much food for thought in this month's general reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 17, 2009 12:15 am

Hi Peta, Image

Firstly as an Aussie myself I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to the Psychic Reading forum. As a valued member here you have just as much right to request a reading as someone who has regularly visited this site over many years, and requests are given different priorities based mainly on whether or not we feel that there has been a psychic connection made between us for the purposes of giving it, or there is an especially urgent need to do so. In future I would suggest that you should only provide whatever background information is felt to be both relevant and helpful in order to base a reading around it.

No more, but no less.

I would like to focus for this month's reading on your psychic abilities, and with you developing the same. It is clear from what you have written that you are highly intuitive (in touch with your own inner guidance) as well as empathic (meaning that you tend take on or "soak up" the feelings of people around you rather like a sort of psychic sponge), as if there feelings were your own.

The problem I feel you have on the basis of this reading is that while you are very much in touch with your inner guidance, you have not yet learnt to gain a reasonable degree of control over the process, which basically leaves you confused as to whether you are receiving genuine intuitive information which could be of help to the person you are trying to assist, and what is the product of your own imagination and wishful thinking. This limited amount of control (we never have complete control) will gradually and naturally increase with continued practice, plus some feedback from the person concerned as to whether he or she found it to be helpful to them in improving the quality of their life.

It is also suggested that you should as well as meditating daily in private for a maximum of 30 minutes at home,that you should join a weekly development group or "circle" in your local area, where you can further develop your gifts under the guidance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher (who is themselves either an accomplished medium or psychic), and in the company of others who are similarly developing their own unique gifts but can still be valuable to you by providing that all important feedback I mentioned above.

Now your abnormally high degree of empathy and your urgent desire to help and comfort others is also while one of your greatest strengths also a potential problem. You will need to get the balance right for you between being sensitive enough to their feelings to make the connection, but not being so sensitive that their feelings will overpower you to the point that you cannot continue to do your spiritual work. If you cannot discern between your own feelings and theirs, and you are a receiving station for their feelings 24/7, then you will very soon lose all objectivity and may indeed suffer from premature burnout.

So in summary, whether or not you are both willing and able and want to further develop your intuitive and psychic gifts is essentially now up to you entirely, although there are many helpers both seen and unseen who are there to assist you in your life mission as a Lightworker if you will only ask. You show great potential as both a medium or psychic as you are far from lacking the sensitivity required to fill either role, but discernment (learning the difference between genuine information and your own imagination) which will come from both practice and feedback and a certain amount of control over your ability as an empath and being able to temporarily turn off for a while to carry on with living your own life will I sense be major challenges over the months and years you still have ahead of you.

Just as with wanting to do anything significant in life, doing this labour of love often involves us paying what others may see as an expensive price, to be of loving service to others. But regardless of how much of your time and energies you wish to devote to this work, never allow it to involve you sacrificing your own free will to decide how you want to live your own life in the meantime, and take care of your health and loved ones as well.

They will become a valuable source of encouragement and moral support for you over the time ahead if you do ultimately decide to go ahead with this, but they must at the same time feel that they play an equally important part in your life as your "work" as a psychic and/or medium does, and that they are loved and accepted for whom they already are.

Thinking more deeply about what I have just said will be important to those people you love, accepting your own strengths and weaknesses (we all have some of both) and becoming more comfortable and at peace within yourself is surely the ideal recipe for a long and successful career as a practising psychic/medium.

I welcome you therefore not only to these MysticBoard forums, but also potentially to one of the greatest adventures you could ever accept as a challenge, and one which could offer you, if you are willing to take it up and to give it your best shot, such a great degree of personal contentment and satisfy your need to feel needed, knowing that you are making a significant positive difference to someone else's life as well as in your own.

Many blessings to you and your family from me and mine,

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Post by Kya » Sun May 17, 2009 11:53 pm

Like any gift, you must nurture and practice. If you don't certain aspects of that gift will fade. I am an empath, a medium, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudiant. My specialty however is communication with the dead. I have been doing this professionally for some time, and when I do readings for people to connect with their deceased loved ones, those are the easiest and the most informative. That is my easiest and natural gift. It was also the first gift to develope as a child. By age 12 I was able to astral project and see events before they would happen. This grew into everything else because it was nurtured. I am a third generation, natural born intuitive and I was fortunate to have some one who was like me and nurtured these gifts.
Think about the first gift that came through. Thats the gift you nurture and build upon. The rest with practice will fall into place.

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Bang! that was fast!

Post by sabbath siren » Mon May 18, 2009 8:53 am

Now, that was fast!  How wonderful.  
Humble thanks to you, Eye_Of_Tiger, and thank you for that warm welcome.  I know some things about myself too well and you can be sure I'll re-read your post many times over(and over) lol.  There is some sound advice in there.  Oh and, to others it may seem obvious but, it really only just occurred to me why keeping short in this situation would be a better idea, I'm sheepishly grateful to you for pointing that out, also.
Lovely also to meet you, Kya.  And I am somehow going to have to try something different to find a person for some reliable spiritual guidance near where I live as you suggest.  It's not as simple as it sounds because, I guess, I have wanted to know more so very much and for such a long time now that I have trouble accepting that maybe your not simply telling me what I want to hear.  And for each fragment of good, practical information it seems there are a couple hundred empty ones. But also, I'm kind of a shut-in these days so no doubt this has a bearing on my attitude.
I really have been alone in the dark, so to speak, regarding these things for most of my life.  Just under a year ago, I made some changes my diet and I'm surprised that this is yet another area where I see the positive result... At least, I  think I do....haha
I do enjoy the open friendliness apparent at Mystic Board and so, perhaps I will stick around for a while and see what floats to the surface.
I think the world of you both :)

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Post by DragonKnight » Sat May 23, 2009 5:37 am

you got a post from me


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Post by sabbath siren » Mon May 25, 2009 8:59 am

Thanks very much :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue May 26, 2009 12:47 am

I am always pleased to be of loving service to you as my friend.  :smt006

And with you being another Aussie as I am as well, is the icing on my cake. :smt002

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Post by sabbath siren » Tue May 26, 2009 8:00 am

cake! yay!!
I'm re-reading this thread often.  Heartfelt thanks x

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