Requesting an askashic reading

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Requesting an askashic reading

Post by jld » Sat May 30, 2009 12:33 am

MangoMom, I hope you are well <3 &nbsp;I'd be honored if you could give me a reading. A lot has changed since the last reading you gave me.

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Post by MangoMom » Sun May 31, 2009 4:04 pm

Thank you so much, hon, I would be honored to do a reading for you, pm your full name and post your questions here, we will see what we can do to answer your questions to the best of our ability.


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Post by jld » Sun May 31, 2009 6:40 pm

I have questions regarding getting trained in Radix personal growth.
Do you see this as happening... is it a good option for me and something I will be successful at?

Do I have any healing abilities that will support me in this? Are any of these from a past life?

Are there any blocks that are keeping me from developing my intuitive and healing abilities?

Any other info from the record keepers?

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Post by MangoMom » Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:12 pm

Hello Hon,

It is so good to hear from you again and to have access into your beautiful records. &nbsp;I will do my best to answer your thought provoking questions:

I have questions regarding getting trained in Radix personal growth.
Do you see this as happening... is it a good option for me and something I will be successful at?

Getting trained in anything regarding personal growth is a very good thing. &nbsp;I do not know what Radix is, did a quick search on the web and didn't find an immediate answer, just corporation names. &nbsp;My guess is it has something to do with numbers, numbers are good. &nbsp;If you have an interest in it, you will be successful. &nbsp;I feel you would be more in tuned to Reiki, which would assist in healing, self as well as others. &nbsp;As always, be sure you are finding the right teacher, one you connect with in some way.

Do I have any healing abilities that will support me in this? Are any of these from a past life?

Your healing abilities have been with you through 3 past lives. &nbsp;In two of those lives you were shuned because you frightened others, but in one of those you were also respected, through fear. &nbsp;In the first one, the power was abused by you and others and the gift was taken away. &nbsp;You learned in the second life to use the power for good only, but others were not ready to understand and accept. &nbsp;In the third life, you got it right, you were loved and honored, in that life you were a gentle caring man in about your 40's when others began accepting you gifts. &nbsp;You seem to have a natural ability to gather the energy and use it well, get more training, your power will be even greater in this lifetime. &nbsp;There is no need to dwell on the past, accept the lessons learned and go forward, you can't see the future if you keep looking back.

Are there any blocks that are keeping me from developing my intuitive and healing abilities?

The one block is keeping your ego and humility in check. &nbsp;You allowed ego to take away the power once, your humility was strong in the third attempt, this time it will be balanced well as long as you keep your God with you and accept the love and honor that will be afforded.

Any other info from the record keepers?on,

You see the signs that your road is a bit bumpy, don't rush life, let &nbsp;it flow, you have many beautiful adventures to claim and more friends and loved ones than anyone could ask for. &nbsp;Your live seems slow at the moment, when you work hard for something, you love and appreciate it more and have great gratitude for the gifts.

Thank you hon for the honor of accessing your records, may God give you all the blessings held in store for only you.

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Post by jld » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:43 pm

Thank you so much for taking the time to do this reading for me. I have been a student in Radix for a year and a half. Radix is another term for life force and this modality deals much with opening energy centers, feelings work, &nbsp;emotional release and purpose work. But I am going to possibly try to become a practioner. I believe it is very complementary with Reiki. Although I have never had Reiki, I feel this will also be part of the journey. &nbsp;I look forward to learning and growing in this way. I also love numerology.

Thanks for the info on my past lives. I thought there may have been some of that from astrological indicators. I was curious. That info will be helpful in reminding me what's what.

I will watch the ego and keep it in check. I have felt much ego in reverse this life and am working on balance in many areas. I will keep God as my constant companion.

I have been working very hard and will remain patient.

Thank you again!

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:28 pm

Thank you so much for your feedback,it really helps. &nbsp;I am sure there are others that will be reading this thread as well that will get a glimmer of help as well.

Love, Light and Laughter

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