Lost 2 family members, could this year get any worse?

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Lost 2 family members, could this year get any worse?

Post by FrankU1982 » Sun May 31, 2009 9:00 am

Six months in, and 2009 has already been the worst year I've experienced during my 27 years of life. First my grandmother on my mothers side passed away in February. Then my other grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago. My grandmother on my mothers side I didnt know very well, she lived in europe. She was a beautiful woman and humanbeing, loved by everyone who knew her. My grandmother on my dads side was equally as beautiful. But, the death of my grandmother on my fathers side was especially hard for me because she practically raised me. She was my second mom.
What happens now? What else does this terrible year have in store for me? Will it get worse before it gets better? One thing both of my grandmothers said before they passed was that they wished they could of lived to see me get married. Will it happen anytime soon or am I just destined to be the only male in my family to remain single?

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Re: Lost 2 family members, could this year get any worse?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 31, 2009 10:21 pm

FrankU1982 wrote:Six months in, and 2009 has already been the worst year I've experienced during my 27 years of life. First my grandmother on my mothers side passed away in February. Then my other grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago. My grandmother on my mothers side I didnt know very well, she lived in europe. She was a beautiful woman and humanbeing, loved by everyone who knew her. My grandmother on my dads side was equally as beautiful. But, the death of my grandmother on my fathers side was especially hard for me because she practically raised me. She was my second mom.
What happens now? What else does this terrible year have in store for me? Will it get worse before it gets better? One thing both of my grandmothers said before they passed was that they wished they could of lived to see me get married. Will it happen anytime soon or am I just destined to be the only male in my family to remain single?
Hello Frank,  :smt017

With respect I do not feel that in order to answer your question that I need to necessarily give you a formal Tarot reading as such, as it is a very common one asked by anyone who has recently lost someone who was very dear to them as your grandmother on your father's side obviously still is to you after her sad passing. Coming in the same year as your mother's mother this must have been especially devastating to you emotionally, and your heartfelt question to losing someone who was in a definite manner when you were still growing up your third parent is a normal human reaction to something which is extremely difficult to come to terms with.
What happens now?
Although it is always easier said than done as you are the only person who can do this (possibly with the help of other people who care for you), you must slowly but surely at your own comfortable pace learn to live your life to it's fullest in a world of which your beloved grandmother is no longer a part. Although I am not a medium and therefore do not claim to be in direct communication with your grandmother on this, I do get a strong feeling that she would only want what would makes you the happy over the remaining years of which there are many still left, before if you would want to you will be re-united with your loved one on the higher side of life. I also believe that although she is no longer physically present with you, that her loving and generous spirit is closer to you than the space between two consecutive heartbeats, and that she is not going to allow anything so trivial to her as a change in her form get in the way of her ongoing love and desire to continue to watch over and protect you. She would I am sure want you to regard her as still being a caring member of your family, and asks that you each and every day spend some time remembering the wonderful times you shared while she was still with you and to honour her memory by being the best possible person you feel you are able to, continuing to apply the many positive values she passed on to you as a person.
What else does this terrible year have in store for me?

I cannot predict with any degree of certainty what might happen to you one way or the other for the rest of this year, but the only thing which might potentially appear to make matters worse even though they are better is your understandable grief and need for self healing. I sense that things are going to improve significantly for you over the next six months or so, but that unfortunately it will be difficult for you to recognize this as being in mourning tends to make the colors of life be replaced by only many different shades of grey. It is as if we are looking out on the world through dark coloured glasses, and always expecting the worst to happen. Expecting the worst can sometimes become for us a self fulfilling prophecy? The major challenge before each of us is to resist the temptation to always feel sorry for ourselves (although a day here and there deep in self pity is perfectly allowable), and to instead get in the positive habit of temporarily distracting ourselves from out own problems through helping others with theirs. Therefore a part of the solution and answer to your question is that through serving others you are furthering the work of and honoring your grandmother, who must be particularly proud of you to be so close to you as she is now.
Will it get worse before it gets better?

Only if you believe that it must, as some form of what you feel is justified punishment for not coming up to your own expectations as to being able to quickly get over your grandmother's passing, as much as you would like to. You seem to see the grieving process and your urge not to keep going as a sign of weakness on your part, when it is an unavoidable part of the healing process (and leads eventually to you becoming a stronger person than you would have otherwise been if you had not gone through the experience and healing.
One thing both of my grandmothers said before they passed was that they wished they could of lived to see me get married. Will it happen anytime soon or am I just destined to be the only male in my family to remain single?
If all three of you wish it to be enough, they will still in Spirit be with you when the joyful day arrives for you to be joined in marriage. Some families choose to formally recognize the presence of departed loved ones as still being an important part of their family, by inviting them as part of the prayers said at the ceremony. I seriously doubt that you are somehow destined to remain forever single, although you must as you are already doing keep in circulation socially with members of the opposite sex of a similar age to yourself who share your values and some of your interests as well. In other words you cannot depend on love to come knocking at your front door, when you spend your days and nights nights alone, locked inside your house. But then of course I am preaching to the converted with regards to this advice, and will not unintentionally offend you by mentioning it any further. Watch out again for the association between your most regularly and deeply held beliefs and self fulfilling prophecies. If you truly believe you are destined to remain single, then you will automatically without thinking about it act as though this was true.

Please don't do this to yourself, as you deserve to be loved and respected as much as the next man does. Don't unknowingly rob yourself of the opportunity to find that love and respect from a woman who is waiting for you to first show more love and compassion for yourself, before appearing in your life.

Kindest regards,

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Post by FrankU1982 » Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:43 am

Thank you eye_of_tiger for that beautiful reply. I admire your unique gift of making people feel better about themselves and their situation.

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You are very welcome for the reading

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:17 pm

Frank, :)

You are very welcome for the reading, and thanking you sincerely in return for your genuine words of appreciation for my efforts on your behalf.

It was truly my pleasure!

Cheers to you my friend,

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