Request for Akashic Reading Please.

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Request for Akashic Reading Please.

Post by Sapphire927 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:36 am

Hello MangoMom. I haven't been on Mystic Board in awhile. Hopefully I can get back to the groove of things and post here. Recently, I've been looking on the Mystic Board and noticed the Akashic readings. I have to be honest, I'm quite interested your readings. They're so positive.  I wonder if it's possible you can give me a reading on my love life? If you can I really do appreciate it :)

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Post by MangoMom » Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:20 am


I would be honored to do a reading for you.  Send your full name to me by PM and post your specific questions here on this thread.  I will do my very best to answer your questions.  I use your name to open your records.  If you are not familiare with the Records, read the "Sticky" above, I think that will answer most of your questions.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by Sapphire927 » Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:21 am

MangoMom wrote:Sapphire,

I would be honored to do a reading for you.  Send your full name to me by PM and post your specific questions here on this thread.  I will do my very best to answer your questions.  I use your name to open your records.  If you are not familiare with the Records, read the "Sticky" above, I think that will answer most of your questions.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter
Okay. Well, my love life hasn't been so good. I'm interested in someone but he doesn't want to date right now...or maybe he was just trying to soften the blow. I still like him, but I know I need to move on. I'm wondering if you see a new relationship on the horizon? I've tried praying about my situation and I tried to talk to my spirit guide, but I feel I'm not connected to my him/her. Thank you for your time MangoMom!

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Post by MangoMom » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:22 pm

Well hon, I have tried 3 times to start typing your reading and have been kicked out of the thread, I am guessing I need to wait to do your reading.  I will try another and come back to you.  I just wanted to make sure you understand I am not overlooking you.  There could be a reason or this could just be humor from the RecordKeepers.  LOL  

Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by Sapphire927 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:51 pm

MangoMom wrote:Well hon, I have tried 3 times to start typing your reading and have been kicked out of the thread, I am guessing I need to wait to do your reading.  I will try another and come back to you.  I just wanted to make sure you understand I am not overlooking you.  There could be a reason or this could just be humor from the RecordKeepers.  LOL  

Love, Light and Laughter
Oh okay LOL. Well I'll continue to be patient.

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Post by MangoMom » Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:12 pm

okay Sapphire,

Here we go again, I have opened your records and here is what I got before and again now.  The young man you are interested in is not the one for you, he was showing a bit of humanity by softening the blow, which is not normally in character for him.  He will be a good friend later, but for now, you need to walk away with your head held high, you scare him, make him want to change and that is not in him at this time.  I cannot go further into him, the recordkeepers just wanted you to know it is not because of anything you lack, it is what you do have that makes this an improbable relationship.  I do see a young man and he has an odd look about him, I see him with dark hair, slicked back and the front comes to a "V".  Perhaps he was dressed as a vampire in a play or theater or something, I don't see this as an every day appearance.  This young man makes you smile and laugh, I see a great deal of light around you, I see you two doing silly things like swinging, sliding, childish fun games and laughter.  Now, you understand just because this is an option of choice, this could or could not come true, it is one direction you could go in the choice of your partner.  I cannot see past the next year, so I cannot tell you whether this is a lifelong partner, but I don't see a break in the energies.  For some reason I am having a really hard time seeing much in your future, there seems to be a blockage, you are having some emotional stress that could keep you from making any choice.  I can sense a heaviness in your attitude, as if you are weighted down with lack of assurance in yourself.  Don't let that happen, here is the releasing prayer to get rid of such thoughts that could destroy your self esteem:  "If what I am experiencing is not mine may God have His shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him, this I ask for the highest good of others and myself."

Thank you so much for allowing me to access your records, I think we will have to do this again in about 3 months, but in the meantime, any feedback you have to offer would be greatly appreaciated.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by Sapphire927 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:05 pm

MangoMom wrote:okay Sapphire,

Here we go again, I have opened your records and here is what I got before and again now.  The young man you are interested in is not the one for you, he was showing a bit of humanity by softening the blow, which is not normally in character for him.  He will be a good friend later, but for now, you need to walk away with your head held high, you scare him, make him want to change and that is not in him at this time.  I cannot go further into him, the recordkeepers just wanted you to know it is not because of anything you lack, it is what you do have that makes this an improbable relationship.  I do see a young man and he has an odd look about him, I see him with dark hair, slicked back and the front comes to a "V".  Perhaps he was dressed as a vampire in a play or theater or something, I don't see this as an every day appearance.  This young man makes you smile and laugh, I see a great deal of light around you, I see you two doing silly things like swinging, sliding, childish fun games and laughter.  Now, you understand just because this is an option of choice, this could or could not come true, it is one direction you could go in the choice of your partner.  I cannot see past the next year, so I cannot tell you whether this is a lifelong partner, but I don't see a break in the energies.  For some reason I am having a really hard time seeing much in your future, there seems to be a blockage, you are having some emotional stress that could keep you from making any choice.  I can sense a heaviness in your attitude, as if you are weighted down with lack of assurance in yourself.  Don't let that happen, here is the releasing prayer to get rid of such thoughts that could destroy your self esteem:  "If what I am experiencing is not mine may God have His shield around me and I release whatever it may be to Him, this I ask for the highest good of others and myself."

Thank you so much for allowing me to access your records, I think we will have to do this again in about 3 months, but in the meantime, any feedback you have to offer would be greatly appreaciated.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter
Thank you MangoMom for doing my reading. Maybe the reason why you sense heaviness in my attitude is because of my home life and education. There's a lot of stress and lack of confidence in that regard, but things will be changing soon, so I'm pretty optimistic about that.

I was shocked to learn I scare the guy I'm interested in and make him want to change. I didn't think I could affect someone in that way. I don't quite understand the part where you said it is something that I do have that makes this an improbable relationship, but I'll keep reading. As for the new guy, I wonder how will that turn out. I feel a little sad. I wish I wasn't so difficult for you to get more information. Hopefully in about 3 months things will be different  :).

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Post by MangoMom » Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:45 am

Thank you for your feed back, but what I said is "it is not something you do not have" it is a positive influence that you have and he is not ready to accept that.  Re-read the reading a few times, it will take some time to understand and absorb the information and for some of it to come about, so don't rush intoanything.  

Lots of Love, Light and laughter

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