May I Request an Akashic Reading, please?

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May I Request an Akashic Reading, please?

Post by peacelovevegan » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:26 pm

Hi MangoMum!

I was wondering if I could please request an Akashic reading from you? If you're too overwhelmed with requests and can't get to mine, that is absolutely no problem at all!

My mother and I have wanted to move cities for a long time but haven't been able to afford to financially, we'd really love to move this year and have a fresh start in our lives. Do you see anything regarding this matter?

Can you tell me where I am headed spiritually? I really want to connect more with the spiritual realm, my higher self, open up to healing and all that is beyond. Or is there anything you are being told/shown that I need to know right now?

And I have very recently decided to change course with my studying, I had always wanted to become a teacher, but now I have this new energy and really want to get into child care. Can you see working in child care as a good career move and one that will manifest in my life anytime soon?

I am so sorry if I have asked too much, feel free to ignore whatever you like. Thank you so much for your time and energy, I really appreciate it!  :)

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Post by MangoMom » Tue Jun 09, 2009 4:34 pm

Hon, I am honored you have requested a reading, I will get to you either tonight or tomorrow morning.  You have a beautiful energy and I look forward to this reading.

Lots of Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:39 pm

Hello Hon,

Thank you so much for the honor of accessing your records.  I will do my very best to give you the guidance you so deeply desire.  
My mother and I have wanted to move cities for a long time but haven't been able to afford to financially, we'd really love to move this year and have a fresh start in our lives. Do you see anything regarding this matter?

You have a good head on your shoulders and are taking on a lot of responsibility that feels daunting at this time.  Just be assured your guides, teachers and angels are all around you and are watching over you.  I had some concers about opening your records as you are so young, but with a prayers, the RecordKeepers quickly allowed me to enter.  You have matured much in the past 3 years, I am not sure if that is when your father went away or you realized that you had to be responsible for yourself.  I don't get the sense that it would be good for you to move away from friends and family (familiar ones) at this time, but perhaps before the end of the year the doors will open and God will guide you and your mother in the direction for the move.
Can you tell me where I am headed spiritually? I really want to connect more with the spiritual realm, my higher self, open up to healing and all that is beyond. Or is there anything you are being told/shown that I need to know right now?

There are some awesom directions here on this forum that will assist you in Meditation, I am sure that Spirit Talk can guide you in the right direction if you would look her up here on the forum.  There are many others that can help you as well.  Do not just jump in and start something without guidance from someone that is experienced, you could get into a lot of trouble.  Take your time, quitely and patiently,  you have to learn to crawl before you can walk and it has taken many of us years to attain the knowledge we wish to share with others.  You are not quite ready to choose one specific modality at this time, test the waters and see which one feels right.
And I have very recently decided to change course with my studying, I had always wanted to become a teacher, but now I have this new energy and really want to get into child care. Can you see working in child care as a good career move and one that will manifest in my life anytime soon?
Hon, I get the sense that childcare would be way to difficult for you in that you would want to take on all the concerns and problems of each child and you would be so overwhelmed that you would burn yourself out in a few years.  Teaching is a much better avenue, you can go home at night with the knowledge that this child was able to learn what you taught today.  The RecordKeepers want to make clear that you have to get down on their level, one way in reminding and helping you do this is to get on your knees and look them straight in the eyes, don't look down on them and don't make them look up, that is not their natural field of vision.  

They want you to know that you are on the right track, just don't take on responsibilities that are not yours.  Your mom is very capable of taking care of herself, you are becoming of the age now that you can become her friend more than her daughter.  This will be a new relationship between the two, giving yourself permission to share and laugh together.  Don't rush, take your time to appreciate the roses, even the little pebbles that are in the park.  God Loves you and you are very special, don't let anyone make you feel that you are not.

God Bless

Much Love, Light and Laughter

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