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Reading request please

Post by giddy » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:45 pm

Hi all,

Could I please ask for a reading request.

My birthdate is: 2.3.72.

I would appreciate some general advice on love, home and career.

Big things seem to be happening and I feel like I have met some very soulful new people in my life recently and some great boy friends who make me laugh.

However my Mum and Dad are suffering health problems and I am also considering a house move and am in temporary employment in a job I love. Things seem very up in the air but getting better if that makes sense... Despite the awful things happening with my parents it feels as though I'm being guided to calmer waters with a protective circle of people around me.

Am I right in thinking this?


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Love, home or career. Which of the three will it be?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:18 pm

I would appreciate some general advice on love, home and career.
As I am only able to focus on one of these three life areas within a single reading, I have asked the cards to guide me as to which one it will be this month. The other two which you miss out on this time can be then be looked at in detail in individual future readings (one question about one life area per reading).

Love, home or career?

Which of the three will it be?  :smt017

Although on the surface the Four of Pentacles or Coins appears to be saying that this reading will be more likely related to your career and the money which you will earn from working at your job, in practice it could potentially affect both your two remaining asked about areas at the same time.

Now before you immediately become offended by what I am about to say, the guiding intention of this reading is not to accuse you of anything, or to make you feel needlessly guilty for something you did or did not do in the first place. Just because this card features in your reading it does not automatically follow that you are any more "tight" or extremely frugal in spending your money, compared to what the next person is.

However the Four of Pentacles has frequently been called (rather unfairly in my opinion) the MISER'S CARD. It usually means that rather than a person being mean and miserly in parting with her hard earned cash she shows instead a definite character tendency to be much more frugal and conservative in her spending habits than most other women are of her own age group.

Now up to a certain point there is really nothing wrong at all in one being careful with how she chooses to spend her money, as there are many people out there who are constantly on the lookout for people who are willing to spend anything to get power or fame (or sometimes simply validation that they are worthwhile), and will do everything they can to deceive you into believing anything which it is their best interests for you to do, so that they can then extract the maximum amount of money from you in the shortest possible period of time with a minimal effort on their part.

A sucker is born every minute?

But when it gets to the point where you begin counting every coin as if it were the only thing which stands between you and poverty, what is otherwise a positive quality to be encouraged can potentially become your greatest point of weakness.

To get a job and to keep one costs money. In order to make you money work most effectively for you and to get a reasonable return for investing your money through accumulating wealth, you must first often carefully plant a small money seed with the intention to watch it grow and blossom over time into a handy nest egg which you can then use to help get you through the more financially difficult periods (of which there will never be a shortage).

So to make more money, we each often need to give away some of what we already have. When money is in especially short supply we are understandably more cautious in how we spend it, but the point is that unless we are willing to take that first leap of faith into an uncertain future financially, nothing of much consequence to us is likely to happen.

Money is when you think more about it symbolic of power or energy, and just as energy does it changes from one form to another over time in what it can provide us and everyone else in our community with. Think of it as a complex web of two way energy exchanges, with each node of the web being a person (including yourself).

Money is designed to be spent, in order to buy what we feel we need, so by being overly tight with it and not spreading some of it around in our local area we are interfering with the free exchange of energy between each and every person who makes up that web.

This does not mean that you should do something foolish or feel that I am advising you to give away all your money and go begging on the streets or hope and pray that God will automatically provide for you, without you doing something positive to help yourself. Doing something in a hurried manner with any planning is not always better than doing nothing at all for the moment.

This card is I feel merely advising that you should make a workable budget and think carefully about what you are giving highest priority to in your life (then spend more of your money on these things), instead of spending like there is no tomorrow or even worse holding onto your money every time you are asked to spend it, (and not remaining flexible enough to adapt when conditions suddenly change).

In other words do not be either too careless or too careful with your money. A little charity extended either to yourself or to someone not as well off as yourself will be magnified many times over by the Universe, and be returned to you in greater abundance you you could have ever imagined it might.

What energy we put out into our community and of ourselves as well as our money, is returned to us  many times over. Spread the maximum amount of positive energy possible plus a small proportion of your accumulated wealth around, in order to get and make more of both?

Be kind to yourself and to those who love you,

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Thankyou for the reading

Post by giddy » Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:48 pm

Dear Eye of the Tiger,

Many thanks for taking the time to give me a reading so promptly. In giving you some feedback to the reading, I would say that I am absolutely useless with money, I either give it away, spend more than I have or waste money on ridiculous things. I'm looking to reign this in though.

I will definitely follow this advice: "This card is I feel merely advising that you should make a workable budget and think carefully about what you are giving highest priority to in your life (then spend more of your money on these things), instead of spending like there is no tomorrow or even worse holding onto your money every time you are asked to spend it, (and not remaining flexible enough to adapt when conditions suddenly change)."

I was hoping for some insight into my love life I guess more than anything but nonetheless money is an area that needs looking at or everything else crumbles!

Thanks again


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To be able to give you a relationship reading, you first need to be in a relationship

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:31 am

Giddy,  :)

You are very welcome for the reading but if you are not unintentionally offended by me mentioning this, your chosen user name does perhaps offer me some important clues about your most likely attitudes towards money and relative ability to balance your budget and keep within it.  :smt002
I was hoping for some insight into my love life.
I guessed as much as you placed it first on your list, but we can specifically look at that one subject area in a later reading (on or anytime after July 13th in your case, as an entirely new thread).

Please be aware that unless you are already in a relatively steady relationship then I will unfortunately be unable to give you a relationship reading as requested at the time. I am not allowed to offer you a reading which is directly about a person other than yourself (a third party reading). Only indirectly through the possible effects his actions might gave on you,

I also see making wild predictions about if or when you will meet that special man in your life, when you will be married and how many children you will have not only to be effectively useless, but to give you the false impression that there is only one possible future when it comes to you finding the love in your life which you so richly deserve, and that therefore anything you do or do not do with the intention to increase your chances of finding each other sooner rather than later is a total waste of your time or energy as presumably your future in matters of the heart is already set in stone.

Either such predictions can create false hope that may potentially soon be cruelly dashed upon the rocks, leaving you feeling even worse than before the reading was given, or with some people who trust much more in the contents of a reading than they do their own instincts in matters of love, it has been known to happen that members have wasted opportunities to find out for themselves if the person was a compatible partner for them, simply because their favorite reader told them that this could not happen until at least the following year. I am unwilling to play any role whatsoever in doing such terrible, disrespectful things to any friend of mine (including you).

Any readings I give you on your existing relationship will be focused purely in the direction of offering you ways in which you might actively enhance, improve and prolong it, instead of providing you with absolute predictions about who, where and when which are no more than guesses thinly dressed up as being genuine psychic impressions when they are really nothing of the sort.

I look forward to giving you a reading about this within the forum rules of course, anytime from July 13th onwards.

Yours sincerely,

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Post by giddy » Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:13 pm

Thankyou. I appreciate it!

You are probably right re: the love thing. It'll happen, and I don't need to be told he's a Virgo and drives a white car! I am however getting quite friendly with a whole bunch of boys so we'll see.

speak soon


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