Reading Request

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Reading Request

Post by britishfish » Sat Jul 04, 2009 1:54 am

Hello, I would humbly like to request a reading that might detail who my soul mate is or who I will marry.  I will forever be indebted to whomever even gives me a little information.  Thanks so much :P  

(There are many people in my life right now that could possibly be it and this will be very helpful.  I do not want to get into any relationship until I know)

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Post by cedars » Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:56 am

Oh. Britishfish, this sounds like try before you buy the product... or doesn't it?

I am butting in here as, first of all, being under 18, you are not allowed to have a reading on MB. It's the law.

However, on a different level, if you have so many people around you and you are interacting and having a good time with them, why bother find out which one is your so-called soul mate? Doesn't your intuition tell you which one you are connected with more than the other?  Furthermore, for a psychic to tell you which one is your soul mate, would be like picking a name from a hat, don't you think?

And, to make things even worse, you will wait and take our word BEFORE starting any relationship with any one of these guys? Did you think Life was so full of guarantees and so methodical, clear-cut and a step-by-step scientific equation? Someone tells you something and you go and act accordingly.....?  What if the other person didn't want a relationship with you, despite some readers' assurances that he was your soul mate?

Do you know how many soul mate possibilities are out there who are not together as partners?

My dear Britishfish, all I am trying to tell you is that, you have the good fortune and the blessing of being surrounded with many potential partners, friends, boyfriends (you call them what you like) and I would suggest you go and enjoy yourself with each and every one of them, as each person will have something to give and teach you (and vice-versa) in this wonderful journey that we call Life.

Best wishes and many blessings to you.

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Post by MangoMom » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:13 pm

Hello Britishfish,

I echo every word that Cedars has said.  Hon it is not time to find that soul mate yet, it is time to learn and experience so that you will know what you are looking for in the future.  Much is out there for you to learn and you have so much time to enjoy.

May God gift you with all the blessings held for you.

Much Love, Lightg and Laughter

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