Scared, worried and lost. Please help!

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Scared, worried and lost. Please help!

Post by 3xcharm » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:19 pm

My husband is the only breadwinner, and now it appears that he is losing his job against his will. He is not a spring chicken anymore, and it is very unlikely that he can get another job. We have three little ones. Please someone give me a reading  so we can see the Light at the end of this very painful tunnel.  I will email further details when requested.
God Bless,
Love and Light,

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Re: Scared, worried and lost. Please help!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:58 am

3xcharm wrote:My husband is the only breadwinner, and now it appears that he is losing his job against his will. He is not a spring chicken anymore, and it is very unlikely that he can get another job. We have three little ones. Please someone give me a reading  so we can see the Light at the end of this very painful tunnel.  I will email further details when requested.
God Bless,
Love and Light,
Hi Charm, :smt009

Firstly I wanted to tell you how sad it made me feel to know that things have turned out so badly for you and your dear family, through no fault of your own. I therefore wish to request a healing on your behalf, and humbly request that you will continue to be given the strength and resources you will need to be able to make it through this especially trying and worrying period of your lives.

It has been said many times over that a night is often at it's darkest just before the dawn breaks, but I feel that in the case of your present family circumstances as a result of your husband being about to lose his job with the associated financial pressures this must be causing you in wanting to give your children the very best start in life, the time for spiritual niceties and empty words of false hope and comfort to you in your greatest time of need are now surely at an end. You need practical insights in order to somehow work out what you are going to decide to do from now on with the intention to keep a roof over your family's heads, AND FAST!!!!!

Not knowing exactly where you live in the United States, and having no knowledge of the help and support services available in your local community (and whether they are affordable), I must at least encourage you to get as much help and advice (including professional) about this complex and very upsetting problem from as many other non psychic sources as possible, only to be used in combination with extra insights obtained during your reading. In other words, there is nothing I could pass on to you through a reading which is going to be the complete solution I feel exists for you. It will only be a small, but still valuable part of the complete puzzle?

Putting aside my Tarot cards for the moment and tuning into my own inner source with the question of what you could try to help yourselves get back on your financial feet once again, I am currently getting a flow of thoughts running through my head. Some of these ideas you may already have considered, and since ruled out as being totally unworkable.

For example with you being younger than your husband, some couples could agree between themselves for the woman to become the breadwinner, and her husband to stay home with any children. But with three such small children as you evidently have this could only cause more new problems than solving any. The idea sounds very good while on paper, but in practice I can see all sorts of potential obstacles to this ever working.

While it now seems obvious to many employers that any man over the age of 25 is now to be considered to no longer be a spring chicken, and is therefore of limited or no value to their company and to the values of their shares on the stock market, I feel that this policy is incredibly short sighted as  all organisations need a balance of youthful enthusiasm and new ideas with age and experience to guide them through the stormy waters of economic reality.

My feelings based on this reading is that there are many other factors at work here acting against your husband getting another job, and not simply his age. I feel that it is mainly because of a total restructuring and updating of the way in which his employer runs the company, and that his boss does not feel that your husband fits in with these radically different plans.

Does your husband have a health or injury problem also to be taken into account when choosing a more suitable job for him in the future, which will not further compound or aggravate the existing problem? Indeed it might be your husband's general state of health which is the primary issue here, and not so much his age (unless he has already reached the age of mandatory retirement).

Is there any chance that either or both of you could still work from home through the medium of the internet, your combined incomes giving your family enough to keep the bills being paid, until another opportunity arrives for your husband to return to a full-time job?

Another question which immediately comes to my mind is whether or not he ever wants to work full time again, even if he were offered such a position. Perhaps he could turn one of his hobbies or other leisure time interests which up until now have not given him any financial return into a complementary source of income, then get the rest from working only part time instead.

Short of him getting back into the main stream workforce, I feel that one or more of these combinations will ultimately turn out to be either the temporary or relatively permanent remedy you are seeking to your worrying about your future in a financial sense.

It is very evident from your reading that short term personal sacrifices and compromises will need to be made by both of you, if this is going to be given an above average chance of being successful.

Attempt to ensure to the best of your ability that your children's as well as your own basic survival needs, as well as your own moral and spiritual values are not sacrificed or compromised in any manner as part of the healing process.

I do recognise and remain sensitive to the fact that this formidable balancing act being required of you is much easier said than done, but remember that there are many people both on this site as well as off-line who are more than willing to give you any assistance and emotional support you feel that you will need as a married couple, as you gradually get back to some semblance of relative normalcy and financial security with reference to your family budget through a combined co-operative positive effort from both of you.

May your deep love for one another built up over the many years you have been together only strengthen your resolve to keep going, even when the visible evidence seems most against you.

God be with you always,

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Just for the sake of completeness

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:49 pm

Just for the sake of completeness with the intention to neatly end off this thread, I wanted to mention here that Charm has already kindly responded to this reading in a helpful manner, and has thanked me personally for it through a private message.

Many thanks in return for the courtesy shown,

eye_of_tiger Image

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