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Reading Request Please

Post by Aevenai » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:04 am


I was wondering if I can get a reading by those who are free to do so. Thanks :)

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General reading by default

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:43 am ... highlight=

Hello again Crystal, :smt003

For another Sagittarian like myself who is deeply interested in Philosophy, Psychology and Metaphysics, it would indeed be my pleasure to read for you again, after the previous reading I gave you in June of this year. As you have not asked any particular question on this occasion, this will necessarily be a general reading by default.

What is usually regarded as the very first card in the Tarot perhaps called inappropriately THE FOOL happens to be your featured card for this month's general reading.

It is as though you are starting out on a journey or alternately the next significant mainly positive phase of your life, where every individual step you take could potentially bring you closer to an exciting new opportunity, or be the last step you ever make.

The traveller (sounds much better than the usual meaning of the word fool) on the face of this card is standing on the very edge of a cliff with a long drop down to the ocean if he goes much further, always being possible. In addition to this he carries all his worldly goods with him in a small cloth bundle precariously attached to the end of a wooden pole, meaning of course that if he does take a wrong step all his Earthly assets will go with him to the bottom of the sea.

In other words all that he has accumulated so far in his travels or has earned through his sheer hard work is now being placed on the line or gambled with, in his efforts to step out on his own to see the world at large (and the people living in it).

To make matters worse, he has a highly excited white dog nipping at his ankles, as though he feels that he is being forced to take what is indeed a huge leap of faith into the unknown.

He cannot go back as the dog would get him, but he understandably fears what he might possibly discover both about the world around him as well as himself if he takes those next few steps forward without any guarantee that he will escape certain death on the rocks below.

In his left hand he holds what appears to be a white rose.

White is the commonly accepted colour of purity, chastity and innocence.

White flowers are generally associated with new beginnings and therefore often make an ideal accompaniment to a first-time bride walking down the isle. White flowers can also be used to convey sympathy or humility. They also are indicative of spirituality.

Take your pick!

My feelings are based on your reading that the white rose most likely represents your purity and intensity of purpose, and to the new beginning it refers to which may be primarily of a spiritual nature.

So inherent in making progress towards getting something to you which seems important in this life, is the need to take risks or to move outside of one's normal comfort zone. The secret is I feel to make any risks you must take calculated or carefully planned ones, instead of just jumping in where angels fear to tread without first wisely looking where you are going or stepping.

During the period of time thought to be covered by a reading of the type given here, which is approximately the next six months, you will need to be willing to step out on your own and to do away with your usual safety net if you are ever going to get the opportunities and challenges which the very different path you are about to take eventually leads to.

I sense that you already have a much better idea as to what this reading is referring to here than I ever will, so I will leave this with you to interpret in more detail.

God bless,

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Post by Aevenai » Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:42 am

Hey Eye_of_Tiger  :smt006

Thanks for the reading :)
It was interesting what you were saying, but it kind of made me worry a bit though lol...I have been considering going back into metaphysics, as I've taken a break from it, and I wasn't sure if I should ever really continue on with it because I didn't think I had a path in the making with metaphysics/spirituality anymore. I still have my beliefs, but I don't know whether I should let them go or continue with them. Although I really feel  as your reading would say have the purity and intensity of purpose.
Its very true that I need my safety net for comfort, cause I know how scary certain things can become. There has been a lot that has happened over the years, and there's just a lot to consider. So your reading was quite accurate and perceptive as they always have been.  :smt045

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Now I am the one who is worried

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:03 am

Dear Crystal,  :smt018

You are very welcome for the reading, and thanking you in return for your very instructive feedback (also constructive) mainly concerning your studies in matters of a more spiritual nature.

Now you are the one who has me worried that you might use my reading as a further reason for giving up prematurely on your metaphysics/spiritual studies, when I believe that they are an important part of your reason for being here on Earth at this point in time.

I cannot I feel stress to you enough the vital importance of you continuing to follow this path you have chosen to your overall spiritual and personal development, and the mere thought that you would misinterpret my reading as a sign not to continue with your studies honestly upsets me terribly.

Of course there are always risks involved in doing something which is important to you as this is, and you should take all reasonable precautions especially with regards to adequately protecting and grounding yourself before any such spiritual exercise.

Indeed this is precisely what I mean by taking calculated risks, in contrast to throwing all sensible precautions and common sense out of the window and doing something potentially dangerous without first carefully weighing the possible consequences of your actions.

You might ask me what are the risks involved in continuing my metaphysical/spiritual studies, and are they a valid reason for giving up on them.

While I would ask you the following question instead.

What are the potential risks involved in giving up on your metaphysical/spiritual studies on your personal and spiritual development, with reference to the shorter, medium and longer terms?

My feelings are that the risks involved of you not continuing to follow this particular path to its destination greatly outweigh any risks involved with continuing to pursue it, as long as all sensible precautions have been first diligently put into place.

From a fellow worry wart, who is also one of your most loyal and devoted fans,

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Post by Aevenai » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:36 pm

Hey EoT,

I didn't mean to make you worry, a lot has happened before I ever came to this forum, and its just that having to walk alone on my path isn't always something I can always handle regarding metaphysics, because I don't always know what to do if I encounter a problem. And there is a lot of stress due to college and family responsibilities I'm not sure I can handle it all or have time to. But I do have much to think about with what I need to do. Thanks again EoT for your time and advice. :) Your insight has helped me quite a lot.  ♥

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Because I don't always know what to do.......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:52 am

because I don't always know what to do if I encounter a problem
Who does?  :smt017

Certainly not yours truly! :smt009

The older one gets, the more you are forced by your circumstances to recognise that there is so much more to be learned about this cryptic puzzle which we call our lives.

I was only matching your own statement of being worried word for word in a (vain) attempt to show you that you are not alone in feeling this way.

I will promise you that I am not going to lose any of my highly valued beauty sleep over it.

Understood? :smt002

Take good care of yourself,

EoT  :smt003

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