A Polite Reading Request.

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A Polite Reading Request.

Post by AmberDreamer » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:43 pm

My name is Sharon I'm a female and I was born on 4/8/1989

I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me about my romantic life and if there are any romances in my near future.

I do have someone in mind as a romance named Christian but I would like to hear what anyone else can pick up  

Thank you so much! :smt054

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Re: A Polite Reading Request.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 08, 2009 12:04 am

AmberDreamer wrote:My name is Sharon I'm a female and I was born on 4/8/1989

I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me about my romantic life and if there are any romances in my near future.

I do have someone in mind as a romance named Christian but I would like to hear what anyone else can pick up  

Thank you so much! :smt054
Dear Sharon, Image

You may have Christian in your mind as being your prospective future love partner, but without me being able to tell directly what Christian's (or any other man's) thoughts and intentions towards you are by way of a third party reading which is not permitted according to the forum rules, my guess is probably about as good as your own (possibly mine is even less reliable).

Does Christian even know you exist or are interested in first getting to know him better, before you (politely) ask me to make wild predictions about what I think he will choose to do?

Your question does not seem to with due respect take into account Christian's wishes or feelings. It is somewhat I feel one sided, as though Christian does not get any choice in the matter if through a reading I had the sheer audacity to say that I felt you were meant to be together regardless of what he wants or does not want.

Your question was indeed very polite to me, but in a way it was not very polite to Christian himself as he does not even know that I exist, let alone that you have asked me about whether I feel he is suitable for you.

To do a reading about someone who has not obviously requested one from me is an invasion of his personal right to the privacy of his own thoughts and feelings, and even if third party readings were allowed on this site, it would be against my own values as an ethical reader to attempt to do this even for someone such as yourself whom I regard as both a good and decent human being, as well as a friend.

The advice given through your reading is that while you may indeed eventually discover that Christian does have feelings for you and want to act upon them, do not pin all your hopes entirely on this happening and by so doing rob yourself of other valuable opportunities to meet men of your own age group and of similar interests to your own who just might be the one whom you have been looking for all this time, but never recognized because you only had eyes for Christian.

Be kinder to yourself, and do not unnecessarily narrow your focus on any one person to the total exclusion of all others with regards to your potential future love partners,

Love, Light and Peace to you,

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Post by AmberDreamer » Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:43 am

Dear Tiger,
Thank you so much for your observant reading, it was very nicely put and I appreciate that you've given me your honest opinion.  Though I do know it seems as if I was putting it out there that I was Asking about Christian, I actually wasn't at all ^^;
I only added him in there to show that I was interested in someone, not necessarily that I'm looking to get information about him in particular.  I really was only looking for general romance advice  :smt045

You're right that it would be unfair to treat him as if he had no choice and that's exactly how I feel so I do not treat him this way.

I appreciate your insight into my relationships in the future, I hope that Christian and I will develop at least a friendship if anything, but I will not pin my hopes on just him alone.  If you have any other advice regarding my romantic future I would love to hear it ^^

Love and Light to you...

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:54 pm

No your reading is as accurate and complete as it was given to me on your behalf, and no further advice regarding your romantic future is forthcoming.

It appears to me that you are already yourself of two minds about whether Christian will ever be anything more than a friend to you, but please be honest about your true intentions in future when requesting a reading, as obtaining information by what effectively amounts to deceitful means is likely to attract to you some very negative karma in this life and/or the next.

Although these readings are nominally for entertainment purposes only, they must be treated with the respect which they deserve, as we are dealing with other people's deepest feelings when attempting this, and I must ultimately answer to my own inner guidance if I do not ensure beforehand that a request is both genuine and ethical before it is accepted.

I take my responsibilities as a reader very seriously, and I sincerely hope that you will do the same from your end in future, in being entirely honest about what you are expecting to receive from my inner source. Once a reading has been given, further questions will need to wait for another entirely new one, in at least a month's time from the previous request.

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