can someone advise on a question of sexuality

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can someone advise on a question of sexuality

Post by justaman » Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:44 pm

when ever i ask someone what sexuality i am they always answer"only you can know that" . well, what if someone like me for example, doesnt know what sexuality they are?. wouldn't it be kindest to tell them (me) and put them out of their misery......

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Re: can someone advise on a question of sexuality

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:50 pm

justaman wrote:when ever i ask someone what sexuality i am they always answer"only you can know that" . well, what if someone like me for example, doesnt know what sexuality they are?. wouldn't it be kindest to tell them (me) and put them out of their misery......
Unfortunately your sexuality is seen as a medical issue, and cannot therefore be a subject for a reading to be given according to the international laws which govern what is or is not allowed over the internet. So what follows represents only my own personal opinion in an attempt to help you answer your question, and is not to be seen in any way as being a psychic reading.

Every human being including yourself has what are regarded as both a male and female side. Actually during the first three months of your development as a foetus, every child will turn out to be female unless it receives just the right amount of male hormone at just the right time. In other words, males are modified females, which is in direct contrast to the Biblical story that woman came out of and after man.

So each of us are a complex mixture of male and female qualities, chemicals and body parts somewhere on the spectrum between being purely male or female. If on average you have more characteristics identifying you as being male even if you feel as though you are female, according to medical convention you are classified as a boy or man.

But the picture I gave you of the developing foetus becoming either male or female is the ideal situation. Often however the process of decidng which sex you are does not go as smoothly as this.

So it is perfectly possible and reasonable to physically be a man and feel like you are a woman at the same time (or the other way around). :smt017

I think that only you, your family doctor and perhaps a qualified professional counsellor can determine what sex you are together, and that it is therefore your private business. So I disagree with the statement that only you can know this for yourself.

Now the problem only happens if you feel that you are one sex but are classified as being the other. When you enter into an intimate relationship with another person, your difficulties if your sexual role is not yet clear are much greater.

I can only assume from your question that you currently have your own sexual identity crisis, and may have had this confusion to some varying degree since your birth (although it often first appears when we are teenagers, or as with you part and parcel of going through a mid life crisis).

If as an outsider I told you I thought you were a man but you felt like a woman inside, how may I ask is this going to put you out of your misery or make it any easier for you to live that way?

Neither as a reader or as a person who lacks enough information to tell you one way or the other whether you are for all intensive purposes a man, am I able or do I have the right to tell you anything about what I judge your sexuality to be.

This is not an issue to be easily discussed on a psychic reading forum such as this one, although you have my empathy and respect if you are confused about your assigned sexual role. You are far from being the only person I have met with this problem.

No, this should only be discussed and worked out with the help of professionals who are qualified and trained to either help you to come to terms with this confusion about your gender psychologically, or if it is felt to be the only way to advise you about changing your it hormonally and surgically so it is more in line with who you really feel you are.

Do not confuse what I am talking about here with you necessarily being homosexual While there is some overlap between the two they are also in many ways very different from one another. Most homosexuals including lesbians are not also mixed gender, although a small proportion are.

Your doctor, counsellor or medical advisor will explain the differences more clearly and in more detail than I am easily able or qualified to do here. Neither being transgenic or homosexual is a disease to be cured. They are both simply uncomfortable consequences of the highly complicated way in which our sex is decided within the first three months of our lives.  Such people deserve to be treated with dignity and with great sensitivity, only with the help of qualified professionals.

Remember that our physical bodies are not us. They are only temporary vehicles for our souls to be able to learn a series of carefully designed lessons about what it is like to be human. Underneath all our private male or female body parts and brain is an eternal spirit, and in this manner we are all equal and are neither male or female in essence. But I am not trying to put you down or minimise your discomfort and confusion by mentioning this to you. I am instead merely trying to put this sexuality thing into it's proper perspective, as for too long has it I feel been used by people in positions of authority to cause needless guilt in, or for them to gain increased control over us.

This high and mighty attitude of intolerance and discrimination against people based upon their sexuality needs to be stopped dead in it's tracks! :smt013

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my question of sexuality

Post by justaman » Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:36 pm

thank you for your reply. maybe it was not quite the right place to post a question like this, but i felt i needed to ask some one, and again thanks for the responce...i will give this more thought...or i feel life will show me the way and answer my question with lifes real experiences....

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:54 pm

Always pleased to be of help to a friend in need of some assistance.  :smt004

Although I was unable to give you a reading as such, if you had not posted this here I probably would not have seen it otherwise, as this is the only forum I monitor on a more than daily basis.

The idea is to submit your question and allow the reader to decide if he or she believes that a reading is in order.

Since this is where all readings are done, posting it somewhere else does not give us the option of giving you a reading if we think that one is needed.

As in your case if I cannot by the rules give you a reading, then I will make this clear in my response and offer you some friendly advice instead.

Contrary to popular opinion your sexuality and spirituality are completely inseparable from one another, and on a spiritual site such as this one this is therefore a perfectly appropriate question to be asking, as it obviously concerns you deeply and we are only here to help.

Many blessings,

EoT  :smt006

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