eye-of-the-tiger. Reading if possible please.

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eye-of-the-tiger. Reading if possible please.

Post by cameo » Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:03 pm

I wonder if I could ask you to do a small reading for me if you have time.  I know its a busy time of year for everyone.  But I have 2 very important questions in my mind that are constantly in my thoughts.  I am very much wanting to sell my house for various reasons, but it just does not seem to be happening, dont know why.  So my first question is when will my house sell...... is it possible to ask that.  

The second question is what can be fortold for my 'affairs of the heart'.  Got very mixed emotions going on there too.

If you could so a small reading for me I would be most grateful.  Tomorrow (23rd Dec) is my birthday, so Im a Capricorn lady, 58 years old.  I dont mind if the reading is by claivoyance, tarot, runes, anything.  Just a bit of guidance would be most appreciated, especially on the house sale question.

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Will I sell my house within the next six months?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:48 pm

Welcome Val, Image

Once again I would like to wish you a very happy birthday for the 23rd. And I wish you continuing good health and many more happy birthdays still to come.

As those members who monitor this forum and my readings would know, if you are looking for a small reading, you could be asking the wrong person for it. I will therefore try to make it as small as I possibly can, but not leave out any important messages when doing so.

I have decided to focus entirely on your first question if that is OK with you, as unless you are already in a relatively steady and long term relationship, it is highly unlikely that you will meet and fall in love with a man of a similar age to your own within the period of time covered by this reading (which is approximately the next six months). I said that it was unlikely, which is something very different from saying that it is impossible. If you were to prove me wrong about what I feel are your chances of falling in love before the beginning of June, I would be overjoyed and certainly not  feel embarrassed in any way that I misread this. Also from what you have written it appears that selling your existing home and moving somewhere else is more urgent and uppermost in your mind anyway.
So my first question is when will my house sell...... is it possible to ask that.
Of course it is possible and acceptable to ask this question, but to base a reading on it, I need to change it into something slightly different, mainly for the reason I have already explained above about the reading being thought to refer to only the next six months.

So your changed question then becomes.......
What do you feel are the chances of selling my house within the next six months? Are my chances of doing so above the average, or 50 - 50 mark?
---------Your reading begins here------------

Assuming that you are doing all of your homework and the necessary preparation beforehand and have the professional help and support of a real estate agent in your local area on your side, the reading is saying that your chances are already above 50%. The only question to be answered now is by how much is it greater.

While it is I feel impossible to put an exact figure on this using only a psychic reading as a guide, the Tarot card the Ten of Swords is basically saying that your chances will improve significantly as we move closer to June. In other words, your chances can only get better from now on and when moving home any such encouraging news is also good news. Would it be wrong of me to say that I feel that you have been placed under a very high level of stress as to whether you will ever be able to make this move work, and could be starting to accept that it may never happen? In contrast to your fears that you may be forced to stay where you already live permanently because you cannot get the price you want, your reading is at least an upbeat and promising one.

The second card I drew on your behalf was the Two of Wands. Because of this card I feel that in the end you will need to make a decision between two quite different properties (not only different in their prices). Wands are action cards which generally represent someone who is unwilling to passively sit back and see what might happen, without any further effort to help herself, but who instead takes a more active approach in doing everything she can think of to increase her own chances of getting what she wants.

If only you or I were able to magically peer into the future and so save our valuable time and energies spent doing things which will never lead anywhere doing something instead which is guaranteed to give us success, then this moving process would be much easier. If only there was a way of doing this which would not involve you having to take calculated risks to help yourself, don't you think that I would tell you about it if I knew it myself? All I can say with some degree of certainty is that you will not be able to do all of this entirely by yourself. It will require the help and support of many people to pull this deal off and give you the required price for your house to be used to buy the more expensive of the two houses which will then be on offer to you.

So in summary I feel that your chances of selling your home within the next six months are above average (greater than 50%), but how high above this the final figure will be will largely depend on whether you are willing to let people help you with this complex and highly stressful experience. I sense from your reading that a decision will need to be made by you between two very different homes, the more expensive one being the more likely one which you will eventually purchase, if you can only get enough money for your existing residence before they both come onto the market sometime during 2010. The more you are willing to accept help and advice from people who are qualified to offer it, the greater are your chances of a successful move.

-----Your reading ends here---------

Hoping that this reading was not too big or long or complicated for you to understand. Image

Bad luck that I will not be able to physically attend your house warming party!  :smt009

Salutations from Oz (Australia),

eye_of_tiger  Image

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Post by cameo » Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:37 pm

Thank you so much for that, it is actually very helpful indeed.  It has made me decide that I need to get more people 'on board' i.e. more estate agents etc.  So immediately in the new year I will do just that.  I live in a country where you are not legally bound to use just one estate agent at a time, so will put the details with lots of agents.  I do have a trememdous pressure to find a buyer as I am not happy where I live, and I feel that you did touch on this too.  Nice to know that I will end up having a choice of two houses in the end though, oh choices, choices, choices.  Always a decision to be made eh.  (smile).

As for me asking for a 'short reading', lol, I asked that as I know that you are probably so busy, and did not want to ask too much of you.  I do see from some of your other readings that you do tend to do really long and informative readings, bless you.

Anyway, thank you again for taking the time.  I will print it off and read it again in a more detailed way, hence getting the full meaning of it.

God Bless.

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To the birthday girl

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:47 pm

To the birthday girl, Image

You are very welcome for the reading, and I always make the time to be able to help out a friend.

If I do not have the time available to me, I will do my best to make more of it? :smt002

It was interesting to learn that you are not legally bound to only one real estate agent at a time in Bulgaria.

I only wish it was allowed here in Australia as well, as it would probably increase competition between the agents to be the one to sell your house as soon as possible. Setting the price too high and being too aggressive in their methods could easily lose them the sale and the money which comes with it. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Beyond the Ten of Swords meaning that your chances of selling your house and getting the price that you want during the next six months is 50% or more, and the Two of Wands advising you to further increase your chances well above the 50% mark by getting professional and other advice or help, there is not that much more detail to get out of this mini reading.

I made this reading intentionally shorter than usual, partly because of your request for a short reading, but also because I noticed what country you are living in and did not know whether or not English was your first language.

It was my great pleasure to be given this opportunity to meet and read for you, and I look forward to doing so in the future, whenever you feel the need for some assistance or a shoulder to cry on (and of course still working within the forum rules).

God bless,

eye_of_tiger aka EoT      Image

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Post by Shey123 » Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:40 pm

I know this is a really simplistic observation - but the difficulty is selling is also probably due to the economic downturn which was at its worst in the past year. As the economy recovers, so will your chances of selling the house.
Surprise that any country binds one estate agent to a sale- not the case in the UK.
Take care and festive greetings to all

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:21 pm

Shey123 wrote:I know this is a really simplistic observation - but the difficulty is selling is also probably due to the economic downturn which was at its worst in the past year. As the economy recovers, so will your chances of selling the house.
Surprise that any country binds one estate agent to a sale- not the case in the UK.
Take care and festive greetings to all
Shey, Image

I feel that your observation that difficulty in selling a property will be reduced as the economic situation gradually improves right across the board is a perfectly valid and reasonable one. At the moment the recovery process is terribly patchy to say the least. It also depends greatly on the current availability of properties in a particular price bracket in the vendor's area.

From both your comments about a sales contract with a real estate agent not being exclusive of other agents in your two countries (Bulgaria and the United Kingdom), I am beginning to feel as though we are in the minority here in Oz.

While property appraisals over here are generally free and you are not obliged in any way to continue to use that company to represent your interests, once you commit yourself to a written contract they have you in their icy grip, and are not going to let go of you until they get their often lucrative commission at the time of the sale.

Such a policy of only being allowed to have one real estate agent at a time must surely reduce healthy competition for your business, and help to drive up your costs as their share of the pot is calculated as a fixed percentage of whatever you make on the deal. With houses in higher price brackets the percentage gets higher still.

What a rip off! :smt009

It is little wonder then that when people are surveyed as to which professions they have the least respect for and least trust of, real estate agents and car sales staff consistently are elected to two of the first three places on the list from one year to the next.

Oh and if you are interested, the other position of the top three least respected and least trusted professions is apparently permanently reserved for politicians (both state and federal). Members of the fashion industry often fare much better in the popularity stakes when compared to these three job categories, so this is good news for Val in what she plans to do.

Cheers 2U both,

EoT Image

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