hello, i'd love a reading!

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hello, i'd love a reading!

Post by tt1 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:27 pm

hello, i'd love a reading if anyone has any time to spare,
new year and all that - would love a general insight into the next few weeks or anything anyone might pick up on. After a disastrous year on just about every level last year i'm hoping for a better one this year - my horoscopes have promised nice things but i'd prefer something a little more personal to me. Hope you can help!
thank you, and happy new year to everyone x x x   :smt006

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oops forgot details

Post by tt1 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 8:34 pm

my name is Tracy and dob is sept 14 1966
thank you x x x

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Life as a carefully graded series of ascending staircases, each one more advanced than the last

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:52 pm

Tracy,  :)

Horoscopes based on your sun sign are by their nature very impersonal, as they assume that anyone born under the same one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac must have the identical personality strengths and weaknesses as everyone else in that group. Having a proper astrological chart calculated for you based on exactly where you were located and when you were born by an intuitive and professionally qualified astrologer is infinitely of more value and credibility to you than attempting to divide all the people in the world into twelve relatively neat little boxes. A properly done astrology reading is intensely personal. Take it from me as I had one done myself by a teacher of astrology, and her reading was frightening to me in it's accuracy and depth of knowing how I tick.

But now changing the subject from astrology for the present with regards to your request for some insight as to what could possibly be happening during the next six months in the way of things getting better for you (as this is the commonly accepted period of time thought to be covered by readings of the type given here), I have drawn on your behalf the Nine of Wands.

The Nine of any of the four suits in the Tarot suggests that the person concerned is presently at the end of an important phase of her life, and is in a resting phase or holding pattern, to better prepare her for the next important phase soon to begin. This could be why you feel so confident about the future at one moment, then fearful about what could possibly go wrong in the future in the next moment. In theory things could potentially go in one direction or it's opposite, but which direction is yet to be determined and to a large degree it is up to you to decide through the conscious decisions which you make from now on.

The Nine of Wands itself has often been called the "staircase card". Just imagine that you are in the process of ascending or climbing up a flight of 100 stairs, and have just reached the 90th. There are only 10 more stairs to go to reach the top (your destination or life goals), but what is actually so close still seems so far away. So close, but at the same time it seems to be so far away that it is difficult for you to remain hopeful and optimistic that eventually your goals will be firmly in your grasp. You are so focused on how far it seems you still have to go, that you cannot easily accept the real possibility that your journey towards a feeling of greater security and happiness will soon be at an end.

So what the Nine of Wands is saying to me is that during up to the next six months your courage and determination to climb those last few steps in spite of the challenges this could involve will be tested either one or several times. I am not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that this period is going to always be an easy and comfortable one, but it will be I sense necessary to make you a stronger person within yourself as a direct result of your huge personal leap of faith into the relative unknown.

Whatever it is which you most seek in this life is soon about to be reached, unless you lose your hope and faith, and decide to turn back when you are so close to realising your most cherished dreams. Whether it is a new relationship, a new business venture or greatly improved health you most want, you are very nearly there. You need to now only gather together your built up reserves of self confidence and energy to help you with the final push towards what you are wanting so badly.

The positive guiding purpose of the Nine of Wands in the context of your reading is to strengthen your determination and resolve to complete the journey no matter how long it will take, and to ultimately help you to be able to claim the well deserved but long overdue rewards for all your time and effort in being able to get to this point. And when you finally get to the top of your staircase, there will always be another higher one waiting for you to climb.

Life can often be a series of such staircases for many of us? Each one is at a slightly higher difficulty level when compared to the one which went before it. Although having to climb one set of stairs before we are ready to climb the next ones can be frustrating and scary, just think about how frightening it would be to have your whole life as one single overly long and high staircase made of hundreds of thousands of steps which need to be climbed one day after the other, with no rests in between.

Surely the one staircase - rest - next staircase - rest - next staircase - rest plan at least gives you enough breathing space to be able to make some plans for your next climb and see your goals slowly but surely getting closer, when compared to having to live your life as one single staircase whose top will not become visible until you are nearly ready to leave the Earth behind and pass over into Spirit after many years from now.

Being able to see the top of each staircase should offer you a greater feeling of hope and courage, that just as you will have soon mastered this stage of your climb towards becoming the person you are capable of becoming, you will do the same thing with any future stages and with relative ease gained from you already having made it this far.

Keep up the good work and do not abandon your ship at any stage,

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thank you

Post by tt1 » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:21 am

that does make sense in regard to my career definitely..
thanks for that - i was wondering if i should cut my losses but will persevere a little longer from what you say.

in regard to horoscopes - they are normally fairly accurate - i am a true virgo in just about every sense. i have had personal ones done on exact time of birth but they have all been computerised so its same over and over really. i'd like a really personal one - not computer generated - but i wouldn't know who to contact - i've often read about celebrities getting them done but i haven't come across any not computer generated from the websites i have purchased from..   :smt003

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Try the Western Astrology Reading forum early in February

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:38 am

Tracy, :smt002

You are very welcome for the reading, but in place of a non computer horoscope for which a fee must be paid (often an over inflated one), why not instead try the Western Astrology Reading forum here, in just under a month's time from your reading request on this forum (on or any time after February 3rd)?

All readings given on any of the many varied MB reading forums, do not involve money changing hands.

But that does not automatically mean that they are any less valuable or reliable in providing new insights, which you might never have thought of by yourself.

What do you have to lose? Give it a fair trial.

Western Astrology Reading Forum


Hoping this helps,

EoT Image
Last edited by eye_of_tiger on Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by tt1 » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:54 am

actually i don't mind paying for peoples talents and abilities

i'd be quite prepared to pay for a good personal forecast - i've had many card readings, psychic sittings over the years at friends' parties - some which have been excellent - others not so good.

its a service just like any others we have to pay for such as builders or electricians - and people should be rewarded for their talents although i do agree many sites i have seen are very expensive. But if anyone can recommend a good person/site to try i'd certainly look into it. (well when I've paid all my bills up to date that is!!)

Thanks again E o T   :)

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Try your national association of professional psychics

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:28 pm

In Australia we have an association of professional psychics who set what they believe is a reasonable rate of payment for psychic services rendered.

To remain listed members must not charge an excessive amount above that which is regarded as reasonable and fair for what is being offered.

Perhaps if there is a similar governing body for psychics in your neck of the woods that by using their lists of accredited psychics to guide you, you could at least avoid being taken for a ride and having to part with any more of your hard earned money than is absolutely necessary.

The following site looks genuine to me.........


But I do believe like yourself that if a person makes their living out of giving readings, that they should be financially compensated for doing so as with any other business.

Be kind to yourself,

eye_of_tiger Image

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