May I have a reading please ...Eye-of-Tiger?

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May I have a reading please ...Eye-of-Tiger?

Post by Nova » Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:31 pm

Hello Eye-of-Tiger....may I request a general and somewhat prediction for my near future from you?
Waiting for your reading ...
with regards

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Re: May I have a reading please ...Eye-of-Tiger?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:51 pm

Nova wrote:Hello Eye-of-Tiger....may I request a general and somewhat prediction for my near future from you?
Waiting for your reading ...
with regards
Hello again Nova, Image

As I began saying to you in your posting for MangoMom, I am not heavily into attempting to predict the future, as to a large degree your future is still to be determined according to what you do now in the present moment, your only true point of personal power to be able to influence what happens to you from now on.

Most of us would at some time like to get a sneak peek of what is in store for us, so that we could be more prepared and take whatever measures are required ahead of time to hopefully improve the situation which is developing, but the value of many important lessons would be lost if we could do this. It would be somewhat like having all the answers to the questions before your exam even started.

Because I am unable and unwilling to do what you appear to be asking me to do, this will instead be a general reading, where it is left entirely up to my own intuition to decide what it is felt is most important for you to know at this time in order to better arm yourself to meet your destiny. As you should already know, readings of the type given here are believed to refer to the next six months or so only.

Your featured and first drawn card for this particular general reading was the Nine of Wands. The 9 of any of the four Tarot suits is thought to mean that an important part of your life has recently ended, and a new one is about to begin. It is a time for the person to take a step back and evaluate what gains have been made so far, as well as what still needs to be done. The 10 card although it comes after the 9 is seen as the ultimate expression of the quality best represented by that suit, rather than symbolising the end of a phase as is the case with the number 9.

Wands are above all taking positive and deliberate action cards, and they are strongly associated with us being able to make our dreams real, or manifesting our deepest desires at the physical level. It is no coincidence therefore that a magician often claims to be able to materialise solid objects seemingly out of the air with his magic WAND.

The Nine of Wands which is appearing rather more frequently than is expected by chance in my recent readings has been called by many readers the "staircase card". I am getting a definite feeling that this is the ultimate card used to encourage a weary traveller when he or she is so close to their destination, but it seems that they still have so far to go. Imagine you are ascending a staircase made up of exactly 100 stairs, and are currently standing on the 90th step. 90% of your climb is now over, and only 10% still remains.

You can almost sense the sweet taste of victory and success which is almost in your grasp, but those remaining ten stairs seem to be insurmountable or unusually more challenging than the 90 that went before. It is going to you feel take all your strength, courage ad sheer deterioration to bridge the distance between where you are standing now and to where you are trying your best to go, but the Nine of Wands is effectively your ultimate cheer up weary climber you are nearly there or cosmic pep talk card.

With varying degrees of success, mainly decided by how much that  particular person is able and willing to recognise just how far they have already come and what of positive significance they have achieved by doing so, this 9 is urging and inspiring them to find their second breath or extra reserves of energy which will be needed for them to make that final concerted push towards the summit.

So in summary in the context of your request, I would interpret this card to mean that you are presently standing on the 90th step when it comes to completing your climb towards reaching a specific goal which has frustrated you for far too long. Especially during the next six months you are I sense going to discover strengths within yourself of which you may only be partly aware at this stage, but which will turn out to be the critical difference between you reaching for the stars, and being contented with always taking the second prize as the runner up in your life as a whole.  

Are you a quitter, or do you have what it takes to finish what you have started, and with your usual style?

Ultimately in the end only you can decide what the answer to these vital questions in bold print will be, but my feelings based on what I know of you as a person so far are NO and YES in that order. NO you are NOT a quitter, and YES you do have what it takes to finish what you have started, with flying colours and the sweet smell of victory over your previous fears that you were inadequate for the task ahead of you.

Nearly there! Don't give up now! Go for it!

eye_of_tiger Image

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