help me get back to life

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help me get back to life

Post by dolly » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:43 pm


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Re: help me get back to life

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:38 pm

Dolly, :smt009

I am genuinely and deeply sorry to hear about your miscarriage, difficult pregnancy and nine months of enforced bed rest, but you must find some compensation and comfort amongst all your pain and difficulties in the form of your two beautiful children. So many other couples who would do anything they could to become loving parents, will never know the joy you have.

I wanted to make you aware that unlike many sites on the web who also charge fees for their readings we do not attempt to make predictions about a future which does not yet exist. The readers on this board are usually much more focused on better preparing you for whatever the future holds. We believe that to a large extent we are the co-creators of our own future mainly through what we do or decide to do in the present moment.

So let us look in more detail at your problem, and then try to use the reading to come up with some practical solutions. Please note that you are under no obligation to test out any of these suggestions, and that there may be factors only known to yourself which could make any of the suggestions offered to you here either invalid or at the very least so difficult to translate into effective action that it is simply not worth all the extra stress involved. I am assuming for the purposes of this reading that you continue to be under the care and supervision of your doctor (the one who made you go to bed for nine months to ensure that the pregnancy would run to its full term), as the advice given in this reading is meant to be used in combination with professional medical care and treatment if necessary.

After nine months of bed rest many of your muscles especially those which allow you to stand upright would be virtually wasting away, and unless certain precautions were taken pressure sores and other symptoms caused by such an extended period of relative inactivity but with good reason are a definite problem when you are once again a Mum. In addition to all your physical problems the psychological and even spiritual fallout of all this would be immense and mostly of a negative nature. Not only must your self confidence and your respect for yourself as a woman has sustained a serious blow, but the social isolation caused by the bed rest plus now having little time left for yourself with the responsibilities of a new baby is a problem for sure.

You come across to me as someone who holds deep spiritual rather than necessarily religious beliefs, and one of the most important ones must be that your life has a meaning and a purpose which includes but also goes beyond you being a mother. You probably believe as I do that to do virtually nothing for such a long time must have a significant negative impact upon your ability to better understand yourself as well as finding your true place in this world.  Actually the nine months would have been equivalent to some form of extreme torture to a person such as yourself who values her independence and her personal power to determine her own future through the conscious decisions she makes now.

So there in a nutshell we have I feel identified your multiple problem(s). Your doctor is the person to consult about your physical and to some degree psychological ones, while I feel my main function as a reader is to help to boost your self confidence and self respect, and comfort you in the knowledge that you have not in any way spoiled the plan which the Universe has for your life by being basically out of it during this period. Indeed I feel that the bed rest was also a way of the Universe or God making you slow down for a change, and giving you a once in your life opportunity to think more deeply about where your life is now moving to, and how best you could prepare for the rest of your journey towards your true Self. In other words your period of incapacity was not by accident or by coincidence, but by design (it was always a vital part of your life plan).

And now finally to your actual reading itself, in order to hopefully provide you with some useful insights and possible workable solutions to your aforementioned challenges to get fully back on your two feet, in every sense of the meaning of the phrase. Your featured card for this reading was I feel very appropriately the one called STRENGTH. On the face of this particular cad a young maiden dressed in a white robe is using her bare hands to pry open the gaping jaws of a lion.

Even more significant is the fact that she is getting no opposition from the wild beast to what would seem to the observer to be reckless and dangerous behaviour which almost guarantees serious injury or possibly death to anyone who is silly enough to want to try this stunt. The animal is apparently totally submissive to her will, and is resigned to the fact that he has met more than his match in her confidence and intelligence. And yet on the surface he has all the advantages over her, in his brute strength, wiliness and the sheer mass of his body when compared to her pretty and petite frame.

And this is exactly what is the commonly accepted meaning of this card in a reading. It is all about confidence and intelligence almost always triumphing over physical force and what would seem to be a huge advantage. Music is said to be able to tame the most savage of beasts, but for STRENGTH it is more that whenever intelligence and inner strength comes up against outer strength and cunningness, the first combination almost invariably wins the battle, if not the war.

On the surface you may appear to be physically weak and powerless in the face of your many challenges, but this card has been given to you as gift to first make you increasingly aware of the incredible source of strength which lies within you even now, and then how you could most effectively harness these life affirming energies to boost your confidence in and respect for yourself, and to forge ahead with your "new" life, now that you are free of the illusion that you cannot positively influence what might happen to you over the coming months.  With both inner strength and renewed self confidence on your team you are effectively invincible, and nothing so trivial as a few aches and pains and obstacles placed in your path are going to have a realistic hope of stopping you from doing whatever you have set your mind and heart on.

So take special notice of this encouraging and inspiring message of hope and the victory of inner strength and self confidence over outer difficulties and depression, and remember that you were never expected to do this all by yourself. Whenever you feel the need to reach out for help when it is offered to you. This is never to be seen as a sign of weakness. In contrast to this I would choose to view asking for help as an excellent demonstration of your inner strength and your utter commitment to being the best person you are potentially capable of becoming.

Love, Light and Healing.

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Post by litemirrors » Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:21 pm

Dolly I feel pressures weighing in on you at this time, sadly you described alot of your situation already so it clouds the reading in a way. I'll attempt to make my way through this...

I feel a lack of socializing with others around you, as if I'm in a despair and cannot escape, it's a cycle of thought really. There's a self-image here that's not good and to overcome that you'll want to accept you are not the best judge of yourself at this time, look for interesting people to talk with etc. to take your mind of life. I get a sense of needing vacation and fresh air.

Well I'm going on good luck

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