Request for 2010 Reading to eye_of_tiger :)

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Request for 2010 Reading to eye_of_tiger :)

Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:21 pm

Hi! :)

I would like to request an overall reading on how Id be faring this 2010 in terms of business and love, if it's okay :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:08 pm ... 062#239062

Dear Princess, :smt006

Much water has passed under the bridge in both our lives since last time we met on this forum. I was amazed to discover that I had given you your previous reading in early April of 2009. So should I therefore be saying in your case, welcome back stranger? Good to have you back with us again. I do know how the time can easily get away from you when you are as busy as a cat with three mice, and from what I remember you were deciding at the time whether to return to your country of birth at some stage. A reading predicting anything which might happen to you during the first half of 2010 is often difficult to give, mainly because there may not yet be only one possible future for me to predict, but especially with matters of the heart all bets are effectively off. I will therefore if I may, focus entirely on the career and business side of things for you this month.

Although I am unable to function as a fortune teller and set out the blueprints in front of you for your career and business over the next say 24 weeks in exact detail as I know that you would prefer me to be able to do, I am looking instead for the general theme or main lessons which it is felt that you will need to work on during this period in that specific area of your life. Getting a better feel for your career direction and its overall atmosphere, until around the end of July in the Chinese year of the tiger?

You did not mention as to whether you are currently employed in a business (or have one yourself), but your focus card for this reading which happened to be the Eight of Wands strongly suggests to me that you are about to potentially make major inroads into solving many of your business difficulties which have concerned you for some considerable time up until now. If I was asked for the word or phrase which I felt was best represented by this particular card, I would have to say "the strong and very satisfying smell of victory and success in your business dealings over challenges which in the past have held you back is near at hand.

The Eight card of any of the four different Tarot suits has often been associated with the person moving forwards with both courage and determination and taking positive deliberate action with the intention to overcome her business difficulties one day at a time. For it often takes more than a little courage to face our day to day challenges, without unnecessarily scaring ourselves by looking too fat into the future all at once. It is often best to make a long journey by making a series of shorter ones which last no more than 24 hours each, then string them together to accomplish what might have otherwise been an extremely difficult tending to impossible task if we had instead bitten off more than we could easily chew. It often appears to be easier in the shorter term at least to give in to your anxieties, and leave everything in your business life exactly as it has always been (maintain the status quo) as it is both familiar and comfortable.

But without some degree of change over time, your business is likely to progressively slow down, and eventually become stagnant and be going nowhere fast. And the possible damage that it could do to your business self confidence is immense, as it could leave you forever regretting that you allowed your fears to get the better of your judgement, and that you were consequently not willing to take the calculated risks involved with expanding and developing your business in what is still post world economic downturn, a fiercely competitive market atmosphere.

The power and energy of the eight combined with the energy and motivation of the wands suit makes this a card of movement and expansion, and a particularly good omen for your business being given a major boost or positive shot in the arm over the coming months. So the Eight of Wands basically tells you to put your business head down and your business tail up (anatomically uncomfortable), and to keep both of them there for as long as it is felt to be necessary to achieve whatever you have set out to do during this period (business wise). Do not be so willing to allow the competition to push you around, and assert your right to decide for yourself what is in your business's/career's best interests. Do not automatically assume that other people's opinions are of more value than your own, as they may lack important information which is only available to you which may in turn have a major positive bearing on the outcome.

According to what I am reading with you, this is going to be an especially intense period of business activity, and it will not be for the faint hearted or always a bed of roses. But out of it will eventually come if you do not lose your nerve in the process, greatly increased self confidence in knowing that you have more than enough to make the grade. There is no need to slow down, but on the other hand there is no reason to overly speed things up and become too impatient. Keep your foot with a reasonably steady pressure on the accelerator or throttle pedal, but hold your foot just over the top of the brake pedal in case you ever need to come to a an unexpected but temporary stop, in order to refuel before proceeding once again. Gradually work your way up from the lower through to the higher gears (manual transmission), give it the gas and slowly but surely steer your business project in the best direction for both it and you at this exact moment in time.

Enjoy the drive,

eye_of_tiger Image

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