May I have a reading on love?

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May I have a reading on love?

Post by Moon_Dancer » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:44 pm

May I have a general Love reading?

I am a 26, f , VIRGO

Thank you in advance.

Last edited by Moon_Dancer on Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:11 pm

Sorry to inform that we don't do 3.part readings (in this case what thoughts James have) please read point 7 in our rules. ... hp?t=26414

I recommend you rephrase your question and concentrate about yourself. :)

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Beatrice and James

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:09 pm

Hi Beatrice,   :)

It appears that you have already edited your original request to fit in better with the rule about third party readings not being allowed on these MB forums. While it is not possible or allowed to directly read James's thoughts towards you and whether or not he is interested in you romantically as much as he previously was, I can however indirectly read this instead through his relationship with the person whom is requesting this reading aka YOU.

Your general love reading as requested in your edited posting follows.

Just a warning that any insights gained indirectly instead of directly often tend to be less accurate and less reliable in predicting what will happen in the future.

The Two of Cups or the so called "Romeo and Juliet card" in the Tarot represents your situation with James very well. If you are not familiar with the play written by William Shakespeare these two star crossed lovers lived in the Italian city of Verona. Romeo belonged to the Montague family, and Juliet was a Capulet.

There was intense jealousy and rivalry between these two proud families which resulted in much violence and blood letting sword fights in the streets. Juliet was not seen as being worthy of being Romeo's potential life partner, so the two were kept apart from one another for as long and as much as the elders of each family could possibly manage it (with unforeseeable and tragic results, as you will soon see if you do not already know the story).

This sad but common situation of a love that could never be finally ended in tragedy when Romeo committed suicide by taking poison, to be quickly followed by his lady love. Now I am not suggesting for one moment that things between James and yourself will need to go to such extremes as this for you to eventually become a couple in every sense of the meaning of the word.

But I do feel through your reading that you could be automatically assuming things concerning James and his possible reasons for only apparently losing any interest in you, which are simply not true. You could be expecting the worst (that it is something that you did wrong or did not do which you should have which is causing him to develop cold feet), and by so doing only increase your chances of losing him for good.

Just as in the William Shakespeare tragedy of unrequited love, there are I feel serious misunderstandings being made by both of you, which if not talked about between the two of you in an honest and civilised manner, have the potential to destroy what could have otherwise been a reasonably happy long term relationship.

Do not read things into his behaviour which may not be the real reasons after all. Check out your facts thoroughly and be absolutely certain that you have solid, physical evidence to back you up, before openly accusing him of anything you suspect he could be doing to sabotage you getting back together.

I feel that there have been a series of misunderstandings by both of you, as well as unrealistic expectations as to what such a relationship can provide you with. And that it is only if both of you are willing to really listen to what the other person is telling you about what they are feeling, that I believe that your relationship has any real chance of lasting the distance. Obviously the final solution if there is one, is not to do a Romeo and Juliet. No man (or woman) alive is worth "killing" yourself for (either physically or psychologically, or indeed spiritually)

Many blessings,

eye_of_tiger   :smt006

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Post by Moon_Dancer » Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:31 pm

Hi and thank you for taking time to do a reading for me. You are right on. Last week I was asking for something that I believe and I still believe he has, I left him a message and a text and instead of just responding that he did not have it he ignored me. Something had happened between he and I and I was upset about it and last Monday he apologized for his behavior, after I reminded him of what happened, then he says he doesn't think we should talk anymore. I asked if I did something wrong and he said I just don't think we should talk. So I deleted his number and I have been trying to forget about him. Not easy cause we live soo close to each other. Then yesterday I went to check a networking site I have and I did a search of people within the area and I see a page that I remember looked at my page before now with a picture and in the background he is there. I have no idea why I stumbled on it, but I did and I feel horrible again. I know that there is another girl he is talking to because she had called me once before but when I confronted him he said she was not his girlfriend, when she said she was. I hate that it gets to me because I do not get like this over guys I am usually in my own world, but everywhere I go I am reminded of him somehow.

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In an ideal world such things as these should not get to us, but....

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:51 pm

Beatrice,  :)

You are very welcome for the reading, and thanking you in return for your useful and sometimes painfully honest feedback.

I also as you had already guessed felt that there could possibly be another woman involved in some way with this, but I had hoped before that I was wrong.
I hate that it gets to me because I do not get like this over guys
In an ideal world such things as these should not get to us, but they continue to anyway as the human heart operates from feelings and emotions, and not logic or reason, and life and love are often anything but being ideal or perfect.

Be kind to and take good care of yourself,

EoT :smt003

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Post by Moon_Dancer » Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:52 pm

Thank you. I know feedback is very important. And you hit it right on. I don't know why I get so overly worked up and completely over analyze things, though I felt I had a reason to, but I hate when I ask where I stand and I get no answer or a subject change.

I do not know why but i have this feeling he will call again, not sure when. maybe it is just hope, I know we need to talk face to face and not thru email or text. I guess I will wait and see patiently.

Again thank you for your time and energy! I appreciate it! :smt003

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:56 pm

Beatrice, :smt007

It was indeed my pleasure to be of assistance to you through this reading.

And thanking you in return for your honest feedback.


EoT  :smt006

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