I would like a reading (in search of a job)

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I would like a reading (in search of a job)

Post by 3xcharm » Sun May 16, 2010 9:16 pm

All the prayers and support from the members of this board has paid off and finally my family and I are moving to a new place.  One of the reasons for our move is that I may work.  I want to work for me, for my family and for the community.  But in light of the current economy, I am a little concerned of my prospects, especially that I have been a full time mother for the past seven years.  My question is, does anyone "sees" a job in my near future (within 6 months or so) in my profession? I want to work, I love to work, I just don't know if the new location will accommodate it.  I really appreciate any reading in this matter. God Bless!

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What is your chosen profession?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 16, 2010 9:52 pm

My question is, does anyone "sees" a job in my near future (within 6 months or so) in my profession?
What is your chosen profession, as working for your family and the community is more than a little vague on which to base any reading which is going to be of practical use to you?

Please also confirm in your response to this message as to whether the DOB in your profile is correct.

Many thanks in advance,

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Post by 3xcharm » Tue May 18, 2010 4:53 pm

My profession is in the legal field, and my DOB is correct.  I hope this helps. I did send you a PM with more personal information.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Love and Light,
Last edited by 3xcharm on Tue May 18, 2010 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by 3xcharm » Tue May 18, 2010 4:54 pm

My profession is in the legal field, and my DOB is correct.  I hope this helps. I did send you a PM with more personal information.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Love and Light,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 19, 2010 12:55 am

3xcharm wrote:My profession is in the legal field, and my DOB is correct.  I hope this helps. I did send you a PM with more personal information.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Love and Light,

I did indeed receive your PM but spent the entire night installing a third operating system on my computer, and unfortunately as a result had little time to give readings.

Your DOB was 24 Jul 1971

(2+4)+(7)+(1+9+7+1)=31   3+1=4

So your calculated Life Path Number (LPN) for the purposes of this reading is FOUR.

And because your question is mainly about whether or not it is felt that the legal profession is compatible with your personality, and therefore what are felt to be the chances that you will gain employment within the period of the next six months (which is the commonly accepted period thought to be covered by a reading of the type given here).

People with a number 4 life path number prefer careers where they can be methodical, practical and organized, often to the extreme.

They are particularly hard-working, with an intensely high level of concentration for prolonged periods.

They like to see a job well done, which usually means that they feel that they are the only person who can do it.

They can be trusted to see a job through to the end, although they hate rushing their work because as long as they have given enough time to add the finishing touches to their current project, they always somehow manage to finish well before the deadline.

They normally take a practical down to Earth approach to solving their problems, and in general although there are always exceptions to the rule are stable and dependable workers.

If a number 4 person is working more on the negative instead of on the positive vibration they can sometimes be dull, dominating and over demanding.

It is possible for them to pay too much attention to detail, frequently at the sacrifice of efficiency and possibly their own state of health.

Also one can be so organized that if conditions suddenly change then the negative number 4 individual is unable to adjust or adapt to such an about face, mainly because their plan is often so inflexible that they lose valuable time trying to make things fit in with their plan, instead of changing their plan to fit more in with it.

They tend to be more relaxed when placed under great stress, when compared to the average person, although this can be an illusion, as deep down they may be panicking and are not willing to admit it as that could they believe be seen by their work colleagues as a sign of their weakness.

A position of responsibility in the diverse fields of administration, finance and computing (they are often to be found furiously debugging and rewriting programs over and over again until they get them as near to perfect as time allows.

They can also be drawn to pursuing a career in banking, insurance, construction and engineering, as well as and this should interest you a magistrate or possibly a lawyer.  

So there does not seem to be any question that your personalty and becoming a member of the legal profession are compatible with each other, and should if you could only get the opportunity to prove yourself with real clients offer you a distinct advantage over your competitors and critics (of which there will never be a shortage).

So will you as a full-time mother for the past seven years and therefore outside of the work force for that long be given this opportunity? While unfortunately there is nothing in this reading which says that this could not happen in theory (virtually anything is possible), I do feel that the probability of you earning such a position within only the next 24 weeks in the current economic climate is approximately what would be reasonably expected by chance (50% you may get the job, 50% you may not get the job.

In other words things could equally go in either of those two opposite directions, and in order to predict the outcome of what happens during these next few months I would either need to be the greatest psychic in the world, or have a private telephone line to God. I am not (the greatest psychic), and I don't have one (a phone line to the divine).

My advice based solely on this one reading would be for you to use the time you still have wisely, in the way of better preparing yourself to take the maximum advantage of the opportunity when it finally arrives. If you wait until it happens, it might very well be a case for you of too little and too late.

Be kind to yourself and never give up completely (even if it is tempting to at times)

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Post by 3xcharm » Wed May 19, 2010 8:34 pm

Thank you Eye of tiger, for your insight.  Greatly appreciated.
God Bless you.

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A true story about the law and me

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 19, 2010 11:01 pm

Hello again Charm, :)

It was indeed my pleasure on this occasion to help you through a reading.

Because of your ambitions to be a member of the legal profession, I thought that you might find what happened to me earlier this week to be both entertaining, but at the same time also a friendly warning as to how sometimes the law can get it wrong and do more harm than good.

A couple of days ago there was a loud knocking sound on our front door. and when I answered it I found a serious looking gentleman who was obviously not particularly happy either with me (or so he believed I was someone) or for having to come and talk with me about it.

He turned out to be a sheriff, which is news to me as I have always lived here in South Australia and never met one before now. I did not even know that they existed where I live (sheriffs that is).

Well anyway he asked me if I was a Vietnamese with one of those three part names which if I tried to repeat it could easily come out sounding indecent. Now I am nearly 5 foot 9 inches in height, and my skin is probably as white as it can be, so I first thought that he was joking when he accused me of this (no offence is intended to Vietnamese or other Asian members of these forums). When I truthfully told him I was not that gentleman he then asked if he was instead the owner of the property in which I was living at the time.

When I told him that my wife and I were the legal owners of our home and the land it stands upon and had never known anyone remotely like that name he glanced down upon his clipboard full of what appeared to be legal documents and then asked in an embarrassed manner whether this is number 10 R.......n Avenue.

When I told him that it wasn't that place at all (only the street number was correct), he said a bad word under his breath that I would not repeat in female company or allow my wife to hear.

So it was a genuine case of mistaken identity and of him going to the wrong house, but if I had not responded to his questions or rudely told him to go away he would have probably either dragged off and arrested me (he carried a lightly concealed weapon), or would have at the very least served me with a legal summons to appear in court to answer for my unknown to me crimes, at some later date yet to be determined.

So while they can make mistakes like everyone else does, the consequences of his mistake could in another situation become potentially serious and even fatal if he had chosen to use physical force or the weapon against me.

So the message for you is that while I fully appreciate and always support the law and our laws, a simple mistake such as this one could have potentially destroyed at least four lives (my wife's, my own, our son's and our daughter's) in one day, all in the pursuit of justice.

Yes the laws do need to be regularly enforced, but it must be done with extreme care and only after having first checked out thoroughly that the information on which the accusation is being based is complete and correct.

And a quick course in how to properly use a street directory for sheriffs, would definitely not be a total waste of time or money or bad for continuing good public relations. IMHO

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Post by 3xcharm » Thu May 20, 2010 6:13 am

Dear Eye of Tiger,

That is really an interesting story, and unfortunately, not a rarely heard one.  But all parties involved seem to have handled it professionally and politely.  The Sheriff has a very dangerous job, and never knows who opens the door on the other side and what kind of response s/he gets when they learn of the visit. So, as inconvenient and annoying as it may seem, to be a victim of the wrong address, the best to look at it as someone called the wrong number, and move on.  I am glad it all worked out fine, though the sheriff had to start his search of the person again to his dismay.
Thank you for sharing your story.  
God Bless You!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 20, 2010 3:24 pm


Point taken.

But the sheriff should not have had far to go to find him if he was at home, as he must live just around the corner from where we are.

Probably about a 1 minute walk at most.

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