Something special?

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Something special?

Post by Dragonflies89 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:53 am


I have been single for a little while...(couple years) ...and have met someone that interests me a great deal.  I am physically attracted to him, and have began to develop an emotional attachment to him as well.  Basically since the day we met (2 months ago) we have been in constant, almost daily, contact.  He calls me 3-4 times a week on the phone...with convos lasting as long as 3 hours.  The issue is that he lives about 3 hours away.  We haven't been able to see eachother in person very much at all, but I feel like it's almost a positive thing right now as I feel we are building a connection through phone calls, without any physical pressure.  I am moving in a couple months and will only be about 50 minutes away from him, and he has talked about this as a positive thing.  I really feel we could forge a strong relationship if we can get over the distance, and I believe I'm getting the same feeling from him.  Within the next few months what do you see happening with us?  Any advice?  He really has an amazing energy, I don't want to miss out on this.    Thank you in advance  :smt020
Last edited by Dragonflies89 on Fri Jun 25, 2010 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Something special?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:31 pm

Dragonflies89 wrote:Hello,

I have been single for a little while...(couple years) ...and have met someone that interests me a great deal.  I am physically attracted to him, and have began to develop an emotional attachment to him as well.  Basically since the day we met (2 months ago) we have been in constant, almost daily, contact.  

He calls me 3-4 times a week on the phone...with convos lasting as long as 3 hours.  The issue is that he lives about 3 hours away.  We haven't been able to see each other in person very much at all, but I feel like it's almost a positive thing right now as I feel we are building a connection through phone calls, without any physical pressure.  

I am moving in a couple months and will only be about 50 minutes away from him, and he has talked about this as a positive thing.  I really feel we could forge a strong relationship if we can get over the distance, and I believe I'm getting the same feeling from him.  Within the next few months what do you see happening with us?  Any advice?  He really has an amazing energy, I don't want to miss out on this.  His b-day is dec 20/ mine is jun 4.  Thank you in advance  :smt020
It appears that I am somewhat late in wanting to wish you a very happy birthday for June 4th which was exactly two weeks ago, but please accept my heartfelt wishes that not only did you enjoy the day as much as possible, but that there will also be many more better ones still to come.

I was both very happy and excited to hear that two such close soul mates have once again been reunited, after during the years which lead up to this is did look for quite a while that your pre-birth agreement to come together as a couple in your mid twenties was not going to happen.

It is my feeling through your reading that both of you should a depth of wisdom and maturity in taking such a positive attitude towards the three hour distance between you not always being seen as a negative, as many couples in the same situation as yours would have simply given up on the whole idea, taking this as a sign that it was not meant to be.

And how many young men of his age would show such a degree of commitment to the woman he loves even more than life itself by telephoning you three or four times a week as well as having enough to speak to you about to occupy up to three hours at a time. I bet that you cannot hardly wait until the next couple of months are over, and you will have by then moved to be only 50 minutes away from each other, instead of what was three hours. Roll on August?

It is my belief that if something is not broken, then do not try to fix it. I am therefore at more than a bit of a loss in thinking as to what advice I could possibly offer you through this reading to help you to get along better and speed up your relationship in moving to its next almost inevitable level, as both of you are in my opinion already doing exceedingly well.

Just because the physical distance between you represents either three hours or fifty minutes of physical traveling time between you, when you are communicating your deepest feelings to each other during those three hour sessions, the emotional distance between you is actually less than zero.

If you could only see your respective energy fields or auras while you were talking to each other on the telephone for yet another marathon attempt attempt at the world record for how many hours a week two people deeply in love with one another can possibly spend on the phone, you would soon see how connected the two of you already are at the soul level. It is like watching two pulsating fields of bright and swirling colors in a dance of celebration and merging with each  other until the two are inseparably linked, and it becomes extremely difficult to tell them apart as being separate individuals.

You have found someone who interests you a great deal in the form of this man? Surely with due respect this is a gross understatement of your true feelings towards him. You are head over heels in love with the guy, so why then are you intellectualizing and trying to hide the love you have in your heart for him as though you are not worthy to receive it?

I wish to strongly disagree with what seems to be your unconscious belief that this is simply all too good to be true and that he is likely to get cold feet about your relationship when he finally meets you face to face, and discovers that just like he also is you are far from being perfect.

I sense based upon your reading that having already overcome the barriers of physical distance between you  as well as the overly negative let us get on in a hurry with this attitude shown by many lesser couples than yourself, the path to a long and relatively happy relationship is now opening up to you as we speak.

When compared to what challenges you have already overcome in being able to feel that you can trust him enough to share your most cherished hopes and dreams about the future with him over the telephone (as I sense that your life in genera and especially love itself have not always treated you kindly and fairly in the past), any further obstacles which are likely to be placed in your path from now on are going to be child's play.

I think that you should take some quality time to yourself to recognize what major progress you have already been made in the way of slowly but surely dismantling the defensive wall you felt the need to build around your heart in order to protect yourself from ever feeling the pain of losing someone you loved.

Unfortunately to love someone you must always accept the risk that one way or another that at some time in the future often for reasons over which you rarely have complete control that you will temporarily one more follow two different paths, but your love is so deep and true for him and his love for you, that even death itself will never keep you apart for too long at a time.

Give yourself the well deserved but long overdue credit for what you have achieved in terms of personal and spiritual growth, in spite of the huge emotional blocks which you needed to overcome or do a detour around, before this reunion became finally possible.

I believe based upon both the energies I see around you and upon this reading at this moment in time that if what mountains you have already scaled and reached the summit of are any reliable indicator of what you will be able to take in your stride over the next six months with your relationship with your usual flair for style, then I am feeling supremely confident that things are about to get much more interesting and better between you.

Once the move is over and you are then less than an hour apart, I do see things quickly moving to the next level between you so fast that it will make your heads and hearts spin. While I cannot read his thoughts and intentions towards you directly through a third party reading which I am not allowed to give you, and wouldn't even if it was permitted to because I see it as an invasion of the right to the privacy of his own thoughts and feelings from someone like me who he does not even know exists, the message is coming through loud and clear that he loves and cares about you as if you were his own flesh and blood.

Come to think of it, during one or more shared past lives I believe that you were indeed members of the same family, although your roles and genders back then were reversed from what they are now and will be during your current lifetimes. So it is more a case of here we go again from any distance in making a life together for ourselves in which our love is being given the opportunity to grow and develop, rather than you necessarily meeting only for the first time.

Love, Light and Peace to you both,

eye_of_tiger Image

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