Love Reading

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Love Reading

Post by meher » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:30 am

Hi There

I would greatly appreciate a reading giving any insight into my romantic/relationship path.
I am a 28 year old single female


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Post by meher » Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:39 am

To be directed to Eye Of tiger


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Would you feel personally offended if..............?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:06 am

3. Asking for a specific reader or a specific kind of reading will limit the possibilities of receiving a prompt response. Sometimes a reader may be too busy and others will not respond to your request.
Would you feel personally offended if I threw your request open for a moment, for another another reader to be able to practice their own reading skills for a change?

While I would be pleased to help you out with a reading if nobody else decides to take it within say the next three days, I would really like you to have the benefit of another reader's insights on this emotionally sensitive subject if at all possible.

I also need to more carefully pace myself with regards to dealing with my health issues, if I am to continue giving free readings on this site.

I sincerely hope you will understand my reasons for having to do this at times.

So if nobody else has responded to this request within the next 72 hours allowing for time zone differences, please notify me immediately by responding to this thread.

I cannot speak on behalf of another reader, but if I were to eventually give you a reading I would need to know head of time if you are currently in a relatively steady face to face relationship of a romantic nature with someone at the time of this request.

Without you already being in such a relationship, any reading which I offered you with reference to predicting what your romantic future looks like during the coming six months, would be the psychic equivalent of tossing a coin or rolling a die.

You may also give yourself a much greater chance of receiving an effective reading if you changed your question to something like that which follows.......

Over the next six months what could I practically do to significantly increase the chances that true love and romance will become a bigger part of my life in the future?

With a question like that one, I can almost guarantee that you will get a useful and self empowering reading from one of us sooner rather than much later.

Hoping that this helps,

eye_of_tiger  :smt006

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Post by meher » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:24 am

Hello Eye Of Tiger

No worries. I understand completely. I am happy for someone else to go ahead with it.

As mentioned am single, no relationship or anything going on with me at the moment. Ready for one but it is just not happening, am going out, accepting invitations and so forth but have not come across anyone.
There is someone whom I am fond of for sometime but unfortunately he is with someone else, so am rather disappointed in that.

Take care


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:09 am

Meher,  :)

Message read and thanks for your patience and understanding.

As you can plainly see I am still around on the forum, but I simply have to be more selective as to which requests I respond to in order of priority.

Not that I feel that your lack of a love life is not important.

Please consider between now and then changing your question to something resembling the one which I suggested to you above, especially as knowing that you are not in a relationship at the moment it could potentially mean the difference between you receiving a reading or not getting one at all.

One way or the other, I will speak to you again soon,

Kindest regards,

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Post by meher » Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:21 am

Hi Ya

Will go ahead with the question Eye Of Tiger suggested:

Over the next six months what could I practically do to significantly increase the chances that true love and romance will become a bigger part of my life in the future?

Personally I feel I have done as much as I can to sort this aspect of my life out such as go out, meeting new people, join clubs that I have an interest in.
As mentioned previously and also in my other posts there was someone I met back in March 2008, and still have strong feelings for him ever since but he is with someone else at the moment.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:55 pm

Meher, Image

As you can plainly see I am continuing to monitor the board at least a couple of times each and every day, so your request will not be overlooked.

The reading if and when it is given is designed to offer you practical insights into what else you could possibly do to increase your chances in addition to all of the other usual things I would have expected such an intelligent and sensitive woman such as yourself to have already done.

If the man you met back in 2008 is already taken, then the fact that you still have feelings for him does not necessarily mean that he returns your affections, and it is what you do with these feelings when you finally accept that at least at this stage he is unavailable to you, that will largely determine what you will do to help yourself to grow and become stronger within yourself over the coming months.

Then you will naturally attract a very different type of man from what you would have if you had instead stayed as you are now, and did not change your attitudes towards what you will do about the feelings which you have for someone else's partner.

This posting is not your actual reading, but it should at least give you some idea as to what to expect will be covered by any reading I give you, either this month or in the future. This is like a free sample ahead of time of my plan for helping you with this matter of the heart, before either of us commit to a full reading.

Give it a couple more days, then give me a buzz under this thread to let me know that you are ready. So far it does not look hopeful for another reader to take this, as most of them including myself look first for requests having zero responses.
6 ) Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up.
From Reading Room Guidelines - For Readers ... php?t=7608


EoT :smt015

PS It is now close to 2.30 am on a Wednesday morning here in Adelaide, so I am out of here for now for some sleep, but will be back online in a few hours.

Even insomnia has its advantages?


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Post by meher » Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:44 am

Think I am ready for this reading either from EOT or anyone else who happens to be reading this thread.

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I'M BACK!!!!!!!!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:57 am

Hello again Meher, :smt018

A reading is what I promised you, and a reading from me is what you will get.

Since last we met I have experience a 24 hour outage in our cable service which saw our pay TV as well as the internet both unavailable for what seemed an eternity to me.

As I freely admit that the spiritual helping work which I do as a labour of love on this forum feels as though it is such an important part of my purpose and reason for existing, not being able to reach my internet friends even for one day is a form of mental torture for yours truly.

BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!    :smt003  

So without any further unnecessary delay after you already having so patiently waited for quite long enough in my opinion, your general reading with special emphasis on the absence of any love life worthy of mention as promised, now follows.
I would greatly appreciate a reading giving any insight into my romantic/relationship path.

As mentioned am single, no relationship or anything going on with me at the moment. Ready for one but it is just not happening, am going out, accepting invitations and so forth but have not come across anyone.
There is someone whom I am fond of for sometime but unfortunately he is with someone else, so am rather disappointed in that.
To which I responded with......
Without you already being in such a relationship, any reading which I offered you with reference to predicting what your romantic future looks like during the coming six months, would be the psychic equivalent of tossing a coin or rolling a die.
While this was probably me tending to be careful and perhaps exaggerate the difficulty of predicting what the exact course of your love life will most likely be during the next six months, I was attempting to not create any false sense of hope of you finding this special person if your reading answered your question in the negative, with a big NO.

But although the answer to your question is definitely not according to this reading a big YES, things with regards to matters of your heart are at the very least looking more positive when compared to how much I had earlier anticipated that they might. You appear to be doing all the usual practical things you are able to help yourself to find thus special person in your life, so if it does not happen it seems likely that it is through no lack of energy and effort on your part to do whatever you feel is necessary with the positive intention to increase your chances.

All members of the Cups suit are thought to be associated with the nature and depth of our closest relationships with others, normally but not always those of the romantic kind. So with a noticeable lack of love in your life at present, your featured card for this reading which was the Knight of Cups (KOC) does seem extremely well timed and relevant to both of us wanting to answer your question as with regards to why your current choice of suitors is so sparse on the ground.

Knights represent either the spirit or enthusiasm for life itself of a teenager, or alternately that of a young adult who is still effectively a teenager at heart. Knights could at the same time be a symbol for what is commonly thought to be a more male or masculine aspect of your personality as a whole. So while it may be tempting to think that with you being a red blooded woman that this card must necessarily therefore stand in place of your future partner or love interest, this is above all your reading and I feel that it consequently the KOC is much more likely to apply to you, instead of to any present or future him.

Knights or the people they represent in real life are somewhat idealistic and others not so kind might say that they also tend to be rather naive, in believing that they can essentially single handedly solve the entire world's problem overnight, if only they can make the necessary effort and possess the required information. They are extremely restless and overly excitable individuals who are always riding off to some new challenge in all four main compass directions at much the same time. They try to do far too many things at once (multitasking?), and as a result either never actually complete any task, or if they manage to it is usually not done particularly well. Certainly not well enough to satisfy their strong need and constant ongoing desire to do everything they set out to do perfectly (perfectly in their terms) on their very first attempt. A tendency to perfectionism runs through their veins?

Putting it politely the KOC woman simply tries too hard to be someone whom she is not, presumably to cover up her embarrassing lack of self confidence. Only on the surface she appears to want to be the life of the party and the consistent centre of attention, but deep inside herself where it really counts she may feel as though she is an imposter in the way that she relates to potential lovers and friends.

She seems especially frightened by the mere thought that if people only got to know and understand her well and for long enough, that they would quickly discover that she is not the same person whom they think that she is. There are parts of her personality that she wants to hide away from everyone else including from any man with whom she is in a relationship at the time, largely because she does not want to be judged unfairly as being a "bad" person in their eyes, and therefore being found unacceptable to those people whom she is closest to.

So in a sense she is not being true to her own self, and is unintentionally not being completely honest and upfront with the man she claims to love about who she really is. Not that in reality there is anything particularly bad or wrong with her, but because she believes that there might be she behaves accordingly.  This is probably a defensive wall she has erected around her spiritual heart to protect her from ever being hurt again, but walls on average are not that selective about what they keep in or out. Your inner walls keep the bad feelings out this is true (although they are not 100% effective at doing this), but they also keep the bad feelings in and the good feelings out as well. You have therefore unknowingly created your own personal prison cell where visitors are rarely if ever allowed to enter.

So in essence your reading is advising you to while not tearing down the prison cell you have built for yourself out of necessity all at once, slowly but surely dismantle it brick by brick. Take it at your own comfortable pace, but if you wait until the thought of doing this no longer makes you anxious then in practice you could be waiting the rest of your life, and never find the true and lasting love you so deserve because you were unwilling to take the risks involved. Which is not calculated to do anything much of a positive nature for your feelings of self respect and self worth, for the remaining years of your life.

Hoping this reading will be both relevant and helpful to you in finding him over the coming months.

Salutations and blessings 2U from the land of Oz,

eye_of_tiger Image

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Post by meher » Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:23 am

Dear Eye of Tiger

Welcome back :)

Thank you for the detailed reading - it is very much appreciated.

Although, I feel I am rather open with people- never feel I have low esteem or low confidence of the sort. As you mention this prison cell around me, food for thought, how do I break down these barriers wall by wall when I believe I am doing everything possible to attract someone?


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Psychic Readings

Post by Aaronjon » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:52 am


do not worried, their should be everything all right, if you are in such problem for your love one to know your love Readings,i am here to take you out of their.

thanks for being with us.

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Post by meher » Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:28 am

Huh? I don't understand you Aaronjon?

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