Career reading please

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Career reading please

Post by Sunia » Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:50 am

Hi dear EOT :)

How are you doing?

Last time you made me a reading I was feeling super down, like there was no light or hope... Today after your words and mangosun's, I feel much better, much clearer and my mind has been a good girl hehe.

I have taken time to research about meditation and I have started doing it. Step by step I seem to be getting better at it and even though I know I am not meditating properly, I already feel much better!

Anyways, as you know I am at the moment unemployed and not studying and I had in mind in choosing a degree to start studying now as I am just able to finish my other degree later. After lots of doubts, researching and reading articles (Oh how busy Google was those days lol), I came up with Marketing.
Now the funny thing is... Last week I was supposed to go and write in myself, but when I am looking again at the Marketing brochure I notice this new thing saying there "Phasing Out"... So apparently they are re-doing the course structure and around September a new Marketing degree will be launched...

Now tell me please, is this a coincidence or a signal my friend? I mean I looked so many times at that brochure and then when I am finally decided, that happens...
What do you think, is Marketing a good choice or I am still not going through the "right" path for me?

I am looking forward for your guide, as always, very important for me. :)

Thanks a lot in advance, many blessings and light,

Patricia  :smt006

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Are we still friends?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:20 am

Dear Patricia,  :)

Firstly with reference to how I am myself going health wise, all I can say is that I could be better, but then again I could be equally far worse than I am now.

How is that for a cryptic answer, if ever you heard one?  :smt005

Pardon my noticing but you do seem to be far too too focused for your own good upon what is the "proper" way of meditating, whether marketing is a "good" choice" or whether you are still going down the "right" path for you.

But please consider for the moment that these words are highly subjective labels which you have for reasons only known to yourself placed upon certain events in your life, rather than them being absolute fact. It all depends exactly what you mean under your own terms of reference as to precisely what these words or labels mean to you, and not necessarily to someone else.

When you say that you are not yet meditating properly, do you mean that you are not meditating as well as a person who has already been doing it for the last 30 years, or do you mean that you do not meditate in quite the same way as someone else does who you look to as an example of how good you need to be at meditation to make it worth doing?

And when you ask if the new marketing course which begins around September is the right one for you, do you mean to imply that every other marketing or non marketing course is the wrong one? Surely the right course for you could be the wrong one for someone else, and the same thing but the other way around?

And what is the right path for you? Do you mean the one which if you will only follow it almost guarantees your success? And once again do you believe that there is only one right path for you, that all other paths would be wrong, and that unless you are accepted into or choose to apply for that new marketing course around September this year, that the rest of your life from now on is going to automatically be a total waste of your time and efforts?

Now you may feel on reading the above that I am picking on or unfairly criticizing you for your use of the English language, and that the exact words you use when you write or speak are of no real importance with regards to me being able to fairly accurately read your personality type.

But it is my belief that the language which we each use reveals much more about the way we think about or view or life as a whole, and your highly performance based labels which you seem to place on almost everything you ever try doing, are actually a much more significant sign than the one which informed you that the marketing courses were about to be restructured.

Based upon what I was seeing, hearing and feeling when I read your request but this time between the lines, with due respect you are so performance and am I good enough or smart enough or pretty enough driven, that you are making a rod for your own back so to speak.

You seem to think that someone up or out there is keeping a written record of only your weaknesses and failures, and that he or she gets great delight when they can put down yet another black cross beside your name.

My friend you have what has been called by psychologists, psychiatrists and the media a TYPE 1 PERSONALITY.

Everything in your life seems to me to be measured or assessed according to a rigid set of criteria which you have established so that presumably other people might find you more acceptable and think of you as a successful person.

You appear to always value the opinions of people outside of yourself to your own, as if they will always know better what is in your best interests.

And you are probably without realizing it, doing the same thing when it comes to looking for my stamp of approval through your reading.

Basically if I feel that the course restructuring was a sign that you should not go ahead any way with doing the course then am I right that you would throw it just because I said so?

Or if I told you that through your reading I felt that marketing was not on your life path, would you then give up the whole idea of furthering your education, and simply finish your other course and mark time until your next incarnation comes around?

If you see everything you ever try in this life as a one off opportunity and an all or now or nothing test that if you do not come up to your own unrealistically high expectations of performance will necessarily mean that you are a failure as a person, then I predict that you are going to keep your doctor very busy and rich when your body begins to almost inevitably show the effects of the undue amounts of extra stress you are placing upon yourself to consistently perform at a 110% level.  

Each of our bodies has a point of weaknesses. Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, our animal body is only as strong as its point or points of weakness. Type I personalities I believe are particularly prone to high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease, so if you also show many of the risk factors for being a high blood pressure heart trouble candidate, then it might be wise to have a thorough examination especially in that area by a qualified doctor as a sensible precaution only.

But it does not follow that just because your personality is type one that you must experience problems in this area. It is simply that statistical evidence based upon a large sample of the population suggests that this is the case in more people than would normally be expected by chance,.

I do not want you to get the mistaken idea that I can psychically detect that you have any medical condition, including with your heart. You are putting enough emphasis on whether and how well you are doing compared to everyone else andplacing more than enough stress on yourself already, without in addition using my reading to cause yourself to panic about possible serious health problems which I never detected or diagnosed, largely because I am not a qualified medico and it would be illegal and unethical to make myself seem to be someone whom I am not.

There is also something called "putting all your eggs in one basket". You are I feel placing all your hopes for future career success and a life which is still worth living on whether you get into this course in around September. You are placing all your fragile emotional eggs and feelings of self worth in this one, isolated marketing course basket, as if this will be a life or death decision?

So as you can plainly see as both your reader and I hope that you will still think of me as your friend after this, I am unwilling to be lead into playing your game where you might see my inner guidance as being the ultimate authority outside of yourself, when it comes to deciding what course if any course at all is the proper, good or right path or option for you.

But I do predict that during the next six months or so that unless you are able and willing to begin becoming more aware of and work upon getting a greater degree of control over your personality type 1 tendencies or ways of putting performance labels on everything which you do, that your health and peace of mind could be in trouble over the medium to longer term.

And get your health checked out by your family doctor just in case. Long term unemployment is one of the biggest risk factors of all when it comes to a whole host of health problems (some serious, some usually not so serious), so the general idea is that if you can only with the help of your doctor detect developing but still hidden problems early on instead of later, that you will then have a much better chance of getting a 100% cure rate.

Hoping that I have not unintentionally offended you by my observations and impressions, and that you will accept this reading in the true spirit of love and helping each other with which I now give it to you as a gift of healing.

Are we still friends?

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Re: Are we still friends?

Post by Sunia » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:03 am

Of course we are still friends. :)

First of all, I am glad to know that you are doing well, or at least that you are not feeling worst hehe.

Now to answer your questions:
eye_of_tiger wrote:

When you say that you are not yet meditating properly, do you mean that you are not meditating as well as a person who has already been doing it for the last 30 years, or do you mean that you do not meditate in quite the same way as someone else does who you look to as an example of how good you need to be at meditation to make it worth doing?
I meant I can't do it as someone more experienced in it. Sometimes I still get interrupted by thoughts and I have to get back to focus in the breathing and so on. However, I do feel better after those 10 minutes, I feel less stressed.
eye_of_tiger wrote:And when you ask if the new marketing course which begins around September is the right one for you, do you mean to imply that every other marketing or non marketing course is the wrong one? Surely the right course for you could be the wrong one for someone else, and the same thing but the other way around?
I meant if I can be successful at marketing. I was once in a marketing course but I did not like that first year at all, it was involving lots of accounting subjects that I didn't like, but this course seems much better and now they said they will improve it even more.

But I want to tell you, I am putting all this pressure on me, because I feel I need to show my parents and people that love me that I can do something well. I feel I need to prove to this people I am not a failure and I can go far. I feel my parents stopped believing in me awhile ago, since I change from marketing to psychology and now I have psychology unfinished...
So it is true, I am over thinking this now, I am dealing with this as a matter of now or never... My boyfriend is always telling me to not worry too much, that i can always change if I want, but that's the thing... I don't want to change again and then my parents and everyone will think "she can't finish anything, can her?".
Probably you will say to me "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone" and that is so right and I wish I could just start feeling that way right now.
eye_of_tiger wrote:And what is the right path for you? Do you mean the one which if you will only follow it almost guarantees your success? And once again do you believe that there is only one right path for you, that all other paths would be wrong, and that unless you are accepted into or choose to apply for that new marketing course around September this year, that the rest of your life from now on is going to automatically be a total waste of your time and efforts?
No, I meant if it would be a path I can be good at it and if I am not deciding too rushy, if I am not being too impulsive... But all this is because once again, what I mentioned above... I am also not very confident in myself and probably I am not trusting 100% in my decisions... and then this happens:
eye_of_tiger wrote:You appear to always value the opinions of people outside of yourself to your own, as if they will always know better what is in your best interests.

And you are probably without realizing it, doing the same thing when it comes to looking for my stamp of approval through your reading.

Basically if I feel that the course restructuring was a sign that you should not go ahead any way with doing the course then am I right that you would throw it just because I said so?

Or if I told you that through your reading I felt that marketing was not on your life path, would you then give up the whole idea of furthering your education, and simply finish your other course and mark time until your next incarnation comes around?
If you had told me marketing is not for me, I would probably choose other degree that interests me or be a bit confused and think through again...
As I don't trust my decision 100%, I rely on others to reassure me or to tell me "it is not a good idea". It feels bad admitting this, but hopefully admitting it, is the first step for my cure lol :smt003.
Since I know myself I had self confidence issues. I am much better now than before, but I still have a lot of work to do (as you can see).

Thanks for worrying about my health, I am actually currently under a treatment in a dentist and I will keep myself checked.
I always have been told I am a nervous person and I should try to relax more or I can damage my health, so your words are very familiar to me.

I want you to know, you didn't offend me at all, friends sometimes need to "slap" their friends lol and I was needing one. I hope that in the future you are still willing to give me your readings. :)

My humble thanks EOT for your time and effort in your reading :),

Take care,

Patricia :smt006

P.S. After your reading, I feel more confident in my decision, I am going to stick to marketing for now :), I think when I finish psychology together with a marketing degree, might open lots of doors to me. And if later in life I am not happy, I can always study something else.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:13 pm

Patricia, :smt007

I was greatly encouraged and to be frank with you more than a little relieved by your very positive response to this reading.

After all it was a nice and polite slap or kick in the pants I gave you.  :smt005

It was my pleasure to be given this golden opportunity to help out my friend through a reading,  and you are very welcome for it.

When I carefully read through the very complete and in some parts especially painfully honest feedback you so generously provided me with, it was immediately apparent that in many ways we are so similar in our personalities and nervous problems that we could easily have come from the same family and upbringing.

If only you knew just how similar we are! :smt009

It can be an unsettling experience for any person including myself to be confronted by someone like you whose life so closely mirrors or parallels his own in so many ways.

I felt as though for a moment like I was in a scene from the child's classic novel "Alice Through the Looking Glass". As you described how you felt such a strong need to prove to others that you were good or smart enough, for quite a long while there I felt that you were taking instead about me.
P.S. After your reading, I feel more confident in my decision, I am going to stick to marketing for now , I think when I finish psychology together with a marketing degree, might open lots of doors to me. And if later in life I am not happy, I can always study something else.

While the main part of your feedback gave me much happiness and personal satisfaction in feeling I was making a significant positive difference in your life, the postscript which you added after your name really made my day a brighter one.

Since I do not as many readers do measure the success of my readings by how well I can predict what the future might be looking like for you, but rather measure their success by how useful the person finds their reading to be in the way of inspiring, encouraging and empowering them to reach for their goals and ambitions while keeping their fears reasonably well under control, your PS really made the grade in this respect in my book.

And I did not lose a good friend in the process.


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I am Proud of you Patricia! :)

Post by mangosun » Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:57 pm

I loved the idea of you getting a degree in Marketing AND Psychology! What a great thought of how both will open doors for you...remember, you being 'too much in your own thoughts', thinking too much, is in the stars; so now that you are AWARE of this tendency in you, this give you power to live your best life :) I am very proud of you and I too continue to be your friend! :)

All the best,
"Live life with passion and love will find you!"

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Post by Sunia » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:48 am

EOT it is an honor for me to be so similar to you :). I think we are here to learn similar lessons even though we are from different locations of this world.

Makes me very happy that I could turn your day a bit brighter!
You have a very beautiful gift EOT and you also make our days (us here on the forum) brighter and with more hope as well, so a huge and sincere thank you for that.

Mangosun, ah thanks for your words! You know they mean a lot to me. I am glad you are also with me on this. Its great to have your support.

You guys are too kind, thanks :smt007

EDIT: I just wanted to add that is great having you guys, I don't feel I am alone anymore.

Many blessings and hugs,


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