Reading for Career/Passion please?

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Reading for Career/Passion please?

Post by Lovelife » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:05 pm

Hello all!  It has been almost a year since my last psychic reading request.  My first reading was of a more general nature, but this time I am looking for something more specific.  I would love an akashic reading, but I don't know if there are any readers left on here who do this so it is not necessary and I would love all the insight I can get.

My entire life I have been searching for my passion.. that thing that you find you love to do and makes your life better.  Many people seem to know what theirs is whether they do it as a career or a hobby or even not at all (because of fear).  I have never found this for myself.  I have many "interests" as I am a Gemini, but nothing that has caught my eye and I have felt "this is it".  As I get older I am becoming more and more desperate.  This is one, possibly the one, most important thing to me in my life to figure out.  Every job I've ever had I've hated.. so much so that now it seriously has a negative impact on my life... I get angrier, more depressed, and frustrated every day at a job until I have to quit and find another job that I hate just to feel the tiniest bit better as I start the cycle over again.  I just want to find an interest, skill, whatever that I am good at or can become good at that I love to do and can make it my career.  I don't know where else to look at this point.. and I am feeling very lost and worried that I might never figure it out and spend the rest of my life looking.

So, any intuition on a direction I should be looking into or anything clearer would be very much appreciated.  I will list my info under this, but if there is anything else you need to know I am willing to give it.  Thank you so very much for any and all help you all can provide.

Erica Schaefer
Sun: Gemini
Moon: Taurus
Asc: Sagittarius

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Re: Reading for Career/Passion please?

Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:22 pm

Hi Lovelife :)

Its easy to see where your thoughts lie :) What a beautiful and peaceful name.
Lovelife wrote:Hello all!  It has been almost a year since my last psychic reading request.  My first reading was of a more general nature, but this time I am looking for something more specific.  I would love an akashic reading, but I don't know if there are any readers left on here who do this so it is not necessary and I would love all the insight I can get.
You are in luck! I would be honoured to see what information comes through me for you .
My entire life I have been searching for my passion.. that thing that you find you love to do and makes your life better.
You have a unique perspective there. First you realise that there is such a thing as a passion, far too often people do not, and then secondly you are actively striving to find it :) It is such a far and wide area for me to look at.  But I do feel that there is a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow, you just have to find it. Sometimes the most daredevil and dangerous things can have a side that is sheltering and warm, that makes us feel at home and at ease and that is what you have to find, you have to negotiate the white water rapids and travel down the stream of life until you find the rock that you want to latch onto and work with.
Many people seem to know what theirs is whether they do it as a career or a hobby or even not at all (because of fear).  I have never found this for myself.  I have many "interests" as I am a Gemini, but nothing that has caught my eye and I have felt "this is it".
So far that is :) But it will, just be careful that you do not panic and wander round in a daze trying things here and there in a haphazard way and then throwing them down again because they do not feel right. Its a bit like listening to classical music, at first the notes seem all in a mess then listening again they start to make a pattern and then listening again and again they become familiar and we can hum along enjoying the tune. 
As I get older I am becoming more and more desperate.  This is one, possibly the one, most important thing to me in my life to figure out.
Shshhhh calm is needed here, do not worry what everyone else is doing or what they have and you do not, you time will come too, but right this moment you are expending too much energy on being covetous instead of using your energy on things that help you improve and expand.
 Every job I've ever had I've hated.. so much so that now it seriously has a negative impact on my life... I get angrier, more depressed, and frustrated every day at a job until I have to quit and find another job that I hate just to feel the tiniest bit better as I start the cycle over again.
Hmm that came out earlier too. Think of each job as a stepping stone, each one getting you nearer to your goal, each one training you in some way. Think what you can take with you from each job, and I don't mean staplers or pencils lol, I mean knowledge and lessons found or learnt. Each job is part of a stencil that is mapping our your life, you may even find that if you slow down and spend a little time thinking on the role you have been given that you will suddenly know exactly what it is you don't want to do and this then rule out one avenue in your quest for a passion. But be aware that passion can start off as a small sigh, it sometimes needs to be nurtured and cared for and fed  and it isn't always obvious at first.
I just want to find an interest, skill, whatever that I am good at or can become good at that I love to do and can make it my career.  I don't know where else to look at this point.. and I am feeling very lost and worried that I might never figure it out and spend the rest of my life looking.
There is one place you haven't looked yet.. and that is deep inside your self. Instead of looking outwardly and trying things that you see, look inwards and see what lights you up. what does you heart feel and need and see? There is no need for a lot of travel or energy to be wasted in looking it is there already, inside you. Each time I come up with pictures of poisonous flowers, they are beautiful vases full of the most wonderful cut flowers, but although each is wonderous and uplifting to look at, each has its own way of causing illness or pain. I supopose it could be flower arranging but I feel it is more the analogy of healing and in small quantities these flower's poisons will be used to heal. I wonder if there is a medical avenue that you have thought about but may not yet be qualified to follow? Do you like helping the sick and injured? Do you ever think about homoeopathy, herbalism, nutrition?  It is like the apple is falling quite close to the tree, so I am sure you have an inkling, a tiny spark of interest and know what this means?
So, any intuition on a direction I should be looking into or anything clearer would be very much appreciated.
Dream and allow yourself freedom to think, as I said before look inside yourself, meditate on your life, allow yourself to daydream and the answer will be there :)
 I will list my info under this, but if there is anything else you need to know I am willing to give it.  Thank you so very much for any and all help you all can provide.
Many blessings,


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Post by Lovelife » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:47 pm

Thank you Cassie! :)

I definitely have always felt this way.. my parents and others keep telling me that jobs aren't something you like they are just something you have to do.  I just can't let myself believe that.  I feel that if that is what you believe then that is what you will get.  I also realize that to me a career is more important than to others.  I have never wanted children or to get married.. just to find my passion/career and enjoy and love my life (not excluding everyone, but to share and enjoy it).

It is true that a major weakness of mine is follow through.  I think part of the problem in finding this is that my nature is to find interest in almost everything.. at least for a time and then I move on to the next shiny thing that catches my eye.  I do have some general areas that my many interests seem to fall into... Spirituality (astrology, tarot, numerology, learning about religions, ect.), Health (nutrition, working out, natural health things, ect.), Self-Help (psychology, personality, basically why people are the way they are), And then Vampires, Cats, Horses, reading, tv, and movies.  The things I have thought at times that I really wanted to do growing up and sometimes even tried a little.. Dancer (that was my real dream, but I didn't follow it where I should have so that is not going to happen now), Forensic Psychologist (I started to go to school for this, but I decided against it.. I don't like corporate structure in jobs.. I prefer to be my own boss), Personal Trainer (I did this for a little bit and though I didn't hate it.. I don't like the sales aspect).  I do know that whatever I do I want to be my own boss, preferably location independent (I want to travel quite a bit), Not too much customer contact... I have worked as a waitress for most of my life and I hate it completely.. people are so needy and rude and I can't handle it anymore.. I am also pretty introverted so I don't mind service industry completely, but I would rather like to be able to pick my customers or at least tell them I don't want to work with them if they are very rude or abusive.

I do go through bouts of extreme stress and worry for figuring this out at times.. this wk has been one of them.  I think that it's not as much coveting others and their passions.. more like I feel confused and lost that I can't seem to find mine.  I think everyone should know what theirs is.. because I know how horrible it is not knowing mine.

I guess part of the problem is I don't know how to look inside myself.  In personality tests I am always about a 52% feeling and 48% thinking kind of person... so I do follow my heart, but sometimes my thinking wins out.  I do get confused some too as when I try to do my tarot cards for this question of mine I always get either (or both) of the Hanged Man and the 2 of Wands... which confuses me as I know the Hanged Man is to look inside you for the answers, but the 2 makes me think that maybe I need to go into the world more to find it.. or wait and watch till it comes in. ???  Every night I ask to hear from my spirit guides and/or Higher Self... I guess I am not psychic enough to ever hear from them.. I thought that everyone could if they tried hard enough.. but I haven't and it has been quite some time I have been trying. :(  

I am horrible at meditation.  I have tried many times, but it isn't very relaxing for me.. and I never can seem to get myself to keep it up every day.  Hearing my own voice I guess is extremely hard for me.  As for the flowers.. I'm kind of at a loss.  I doubt it is flower arranging.. though I have thought it might be interesting to learn, but there is no pull towards it really.  Definitely not growing as I have a very black thumb.. LOL.  Interesting that they are poisonous.. I'm truly not sure what they represent.  I haven't really ever thought of doing anything with sick people.. my interest in natural health is more about preventative and about exercise.  One thing I have never wanted to be is a doctor.  I know nothing about herbalism or homeopathy really.  Lately I have been flirting with the idea of trying out writing.. though I don't know how good I would be at it.. and I'm not sure how it would go with the flowers.  When you saw them was anything happening to them?  Or, maybe there was a certain amount?  Just curious to see if I can get a better idea of what they might mean to me. :)

Daydreaming is something I do often! :)  Now if I can only get the meditating part down.. ;)  Thank you very much and I will think of this and see if I can figure it out. :)


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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:06 pm

Hi Erica :)

Thank-you so much for  that lengthy and very interesting feedback. It really does help me :)  

Regarding the flowers, they were Foxglove, Belladonna, MeadowSweet, Nettle and Poppy. All have very interesting healing properties in many different ways. Although to someone who may not know what the flowers are they just look pretty, but to a natural health expert or a herbalist they are some of the fundamental healing blocks of this century. It was like they were innocently waving in the wind waiting for someone to realise what they were and their uses and powers. Now, I am not suggesting that your career lies in any of these things, only you can decide what is best for you. So in a symbolic way it could be their hidden depths, not just pretty flowers, but in the right hands turn into very powerful medicines?

The two cards, The Hanged man you might be confusing with The Hermit? The Hermit is all about introspection, searching for the truth by oneself? The Hanged Man is more about self sacrifice, allowing oneself to wait and pause, perhaps whilst another goes on ahead or in the place of another? The Hanged man is hanging upside down by choice, self inflicted, perhaps an imposed wait?

The Two of Wands has a man staring out at the world, holding  an orb and sceptre, the symbols of power, looking out into the distaqnce, maybe day dreaming?

Try separating the Major Arcana and just using those to see which you get?
Every night I ask to hear from my spirit guides and/or Higher Self... I guess I am not psychic enough to ever hear from them.. I thought that everyone could if they tried hard enough.. but I haven't and it has been quite some time I have been trying
Shall I tell you a secret? I don't believe in spirit guides!  I am Pagan and not a Spiritualist. But you can find your inner self and I bet you do all the time you just don't recognise that is what you are doing, do you ever have a second thought or a feeling that you should do something different to what you would normally do? That is your higher self kicking in. You don't need to be psychic to connect to the source  though or to link into the higher wisdom of ages, every single human being is linked into the collective consicousness, lol now I am sounding like a Jung freak lol. Instead of trying to contact one spirit guide try and remain open, see what happens.

Try a guided mediation to link into your higher self :)  Oh I better shut up or I will be going on forever. You believe in what you feel is right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. one thing for sure is that you are going to do great :)


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