confused, Is there light at the end of my tunnel

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confused, Is there light at the end of my tunnel

Post by alise » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:30 pm

I am feeling like everything is just out of my reach and falling apart could i please get a general reading anything you get about me is great and much appreciated. Also do you see me finding work anytime soon? what kind of work if any? ( I have put in apps every wear) :)

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Post by Elgina » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:08 am

Well... it seems that you are doing a bit too much for nothing ... rather you can do a little thing for a great change in your life .... Just believe in yourself ..... You are your own problems and you are your own solutions as well. Just keep on focusing... There could be no short cuts and nothing like miracles.. Just ask yourself and you will find the answer...

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Post by alise » Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:07 pm

Thats what i keep trying to do, but i am extremely inpatient :) I want to fix things now, over night. But I know i cant do that and it drives me crazy! :)

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Blessings to both Alise and Elgina

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:16 am

Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up.

Blessings to both Alise and Elgina,

In the light of the above guideline for readers, I feel hesitant to now give you a general reading as requested, and possibly by doing so run the real risk of either confusing you even further than you already are as to what you should do from now on to gain some control over your tendency to perfectionism, as well as unintentionally offending Elgina as I am uncertain whether or not her posting was intended to be an actual reading as such.

I finally decided that because there were obviously some insights wanting to come through me on your behalf that I would take Elgina's helpful contribution as both being an intuitive reading of your personality strengths and weaknesses, and at the same time a foundation upon which to build my own reading, in such a manner that it not only honors and respects what her inner guidance has given you here (as we are I feel only drawing this information from the same source), but also to support, reinforce and extend upon what she has already said so well.  

I sincerely hope that my colleague Elgina will understand my genuine reasons for breaking my own rule about doubling up on another person's reading on this occasion, as no personal offense was ever meant by this and we are after all both working as part of the same team of readers and helpers on this forum in what are felt to be the best interests of other valued members such as your very good self.

Please keep in mind that this is meant to be a general reading, where my inner guidance decides what it is felt is most important or urgent for you to know at this particular moment in your life. You get your turn to ask about a specific area in any future readings.
Well... it seems that you are doing a bit too much for nothing ... rather you can do a little thing for a great change in your life ....
In other words your reading is only confirming Elina's assertion that you are especially prone to over exaggerating both the seriousness and urgency of you quickly putting in place life strategies which you believe are almost guaranteed to be successful and that you are simply trying too hard. It appears from the energies I sense around you that you believe that you can solve all your own as well as the rest of the world's problems effectively overnight, and virtually single handedly. And because of this mainly unconscious belief that you may feel powerless to argue with, you have unrealistically high expectations of your own performance in dealing with these complex issues in a mature and balanced manner, and place yourself and in turn everyone close to you under extremely high and unsustainable levels of stress with the intention to consistently perform at 110%, as if this is going to somehow be to your advantage in the long run.
Just believe in yourself.................
Your reading agrees with this all the way, but is going on to ask you as to what or who exactly is the "yourself" you are being asked to believe in. For as an individual we are defined by the beliefs which we most strongly and regularly hold about ourselves. If on one hand we believe that we are powerless to gain any control over our many human weaknesses such as the ongoing need to be given a 100% rock solid guarantee that you must be successful on the first attempt before you are willing to try anything new, then no matter how intelligent, capable and confident you are, the outcome will often more accurately reflect these self defeating beliefs you have about your own lack of intelligence, incapability and poor self confidence, than they will ever line up with the truth about you.

So in a strange and twisted way, if the self you are trying to believe in happens to be defined by such negative beliefs as these, then it would definitely not be in your interests to believe in such a negative self as this one apparently is. So what are you going to do practically to try to change these internal beliefs about yourself in such a manner so that questions asking someone what your future might look like will become redundant and unnecessary, mainly because you are now actively playing an important role in creating what that future is most likely to be by what you consciously decide to do in the present moment? Now up to a point a large part of your personality and way of believing about yourself was inborn when you first entered this world, but there is still a huge chunk left over on which you can work to improve you have enough patience and give yourself permission to make your own mistakes and to learn positive and valuable lessons from them. If to a great degree you cannot change your basic personality, the only other method available to you is to find a way to modify the beliefs by which you define yourself as a person.
You are your own problems and you are your own solutions as well.
Another way of saying the same thing is that you can be both at the same time potentially your own worst enemy, and on the other hand if you can turn these negative defining beliefs around to something more positive and life affirming, then you can equally become your own white knight riding to your own rescue, or your own saving cavalry arriving just in the nick of time to save the day for yourself. Which of the two selves you will eventually become (your own enemy or savior) greatly depends on how successful or otherwise you turn out to be in modifying these highly restricting beliefs about yourself which are presently holding you back from taking the risks required of anyone who wants to achieve something which seems important to them, and not instead as so often happens something which is important to someone else whose opinions we always give greater priority to our own.
Just keep on focusing...
Do not keep focusing upon the beliefs you have about yourself which are currently working against you, as by doing this you are attracting into your life the very conditions and energies which would act to reinforce and maintain your current overall negative self image. Continuing to do this would be both counterproductive and unconsciously create a bad self fulfilling prophecy in your future. Do not try to get rid completely of these negative beliefs or clear your mind of them or ignore them, as even worse ones will flow in to keep the original ones company, and nature hates an empty space and will quickly fill it if given the opportunity. No you must substitute or replace these negative beliefs with positive, encouraging, inspiring, challenging but exciting and self confidence building ones to take their place. And give even worse negative beliefs no extra room to be able to get a further foot hold to gain any advantage over your ability to cope.
There could be no short cuts and nothing like miracles..
AMEN!!!!!!!! This process of changing your innermost beliefs about yourself can be long and difficult, although many people make it much longer and more difficult that it might have been if they had only got out of their way soon enough. But if you can somehow perhaps with professional help if necessary regularly enough substitute the negative self beliefs with positive ones, the person in questions life can progressively become a living miracle in action.
Just ask yourself and you will find the answer...
But always be sure to ask the correct self, which is the one which is defined by the positive confident and strong beliefs with which you replaced the negative and powerless to change anything about yourself ones.
Also do you see me finding work anytime soon? what kind of work if any? ( I have put in apps every wear)
Perhaps you should ask this again in around a months time after this most recent general and non specific life area reading request.

Love, Light and Peace to you both,

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