EOT Reading

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EOT Reading

Post by Sunia » Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:55 am

Hi there EOT!

This time I have one very specific question. One question that I carry with me since little and now it is starting to itch me again.  :smt005

I would like to be an actress but there is something holding me back to pursue that. Since little, there is something repressing this passion, something that drives me away from even attempting a drama class. The will is there, but something does not let me go forward with it... Until now. Now I feel I might dare to try it.

So, my dear friend, once again I come to you in an attempt to seek light and guidance and I humbly would like to ask you if you see any possibility of a potential success in acting, if you see I have talent/ability to act.

Thank you so much in advance for your kindness in helping me  :)

P.S.: When I was little, I used to pretend to be this or that, talking alone or better saying, talking to my imaginary characters... I used to play a spy role or an adventurer, for example, but I always tried to make sure no one was hearing me lol  :smt005

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:27 pm

Patricia, :smt006

Please first in order to help me to answer your question, confirm or otherwise that your date of birth as shown in your forum profile is correct.

07 Aug 1985?

I am reasonably certain (please let me know if I am wrong about this) that I have never given you a life path numerology reading based upon your DOB, but if I have not then I feel that this would be the next and most helpful obvious step or way of me helping to answer your question, as to whether or not I sense that acting is your hidden career strength, direction and destiny.

I am also aware when doing this that this is not your first career reading request on this forum for this year, as the following link reveals.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 113#273113

Normally readings of the type given on this board are believed to refer to the period of the next six months or so, after your original request was made.

However because of the fairly major change you have made since July 15th of this year in the question being asked, in your case for this time only I am willing to make an exception to my usual policy of not giving another reading to a person on the same subject, until at least their six months are up.

I will wait for your response and answer(s), before taking any further action with this particular request for what is effectively your second career reading within the space of only a couple of months.

Write back soon,

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Post by Sunia » Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:39 am

EOT :),

Firstly, thanks for your fast reply. Secondly, yes that's my DOB.

My plan with acting would be making it like part time/ hobbie in the beginning and just then if I would be successful turn it into something more serious, or better saying, making it my career.

I already wrote in myself in Communication Science, what I will be studying. (I changed my mind about Marketing lol) But this University I enrolled in, it is a correspondence one. I mean, I won't be attending classes, I will get the lessons online from the professors and basically everything is done through email and online (homework, essays and so on). So, I will have spare time, more spare time than if I had to go to the University everyday and that's why I started to think about acting again...

You know I do not live in my country of origin, I can tell I am currently living in a country that recently was beaten by yours in rugby hehe :smt003 . I am living in South Africa. I have been told I won't have much opportunities here, but I am not going anywhere else soon enough, so I really would like to know if it is worth the try...

I always had so many insecurities, specially in my childhood that made me repress this passion and now, like I said in my first post, I feel I might dare to try it... I think I am changing, am I growing up? lol :smt005

About the Life Number Path reading, you have given one to me before :)  

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... sc&start=5

I cannot thank you enough for still being open to giving me a reading even though it is still related to my career as my previous reading. My friend, I deeply appreciate your kindness in doing this for me.

Many blessings and hugs,

Patricia  :)

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Life Path Numbers 3 and 8 - best career direction for these people to take

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:56 pm

Dear Patricia, :smt007

Yes your idea is a good one to cautiously go ahead and pursue acting first as a hobby or leisure time activity and see how much or whether it will be successful enough at it to be able to earn a reasonable living from it is probably the safest way for you to go, but not at the same time burn your bridges behind you by resigning from your existing job and putting all your eggs in the same basket. In other words putting yourself into a situation where if your ambitions as an actor do not come to being good enough to make a job of it, then you will not be then left without a regular source of income which will allow you to  live fairly comfortably, plus pay your bills.

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that you were already given a general Life Path reading by me on June 9th, this year, although looking back at what was said it does not go into any detail concerning your possible optimum career, as this was never its intention. A general life path reading such as that one was is.........errrr......too general or broad in its outlook for it to be able to be useful in answering questions you may be asking in a particular area, including whether acting would be a viable alternative career direction for you to take.

So while I have already done the calculations required to do this life path career reading, and have copied and pasted them below, so that people looking at this do not need to constantly look back at the earlier one in order to make any sense of what I am about to say this month, I feel that this is definitely worth investigating even if eventually it becomes clear the acting will forever remain simply a relaxing way of unwinding from the pressures of your main job or expressing certain aspects of your personality which cannot be satisfied through the way in which you earn an honest living. To allow you to come out of your shell and give you a greater sense of self confidence. Also acting or performing in front of other people allows you to temporarily assume the role of the character you are playing, and in a way by proxy see what life is like from another person's completely different viewpoint (even though with acting the person is fictional).
Now looking at your DOB as shown in your forum profile as being August 7th, 1985, we get the following sum to do.....

(7) + (8) + (1+9+8+5)    

3 + 8 = 11 (which is a Master Number and therefore must not be added together to get 2)
Now as I have not made very clear in your June reading, while the Master Number gives you the level of mastery or difficulty at which the soul is working in a specific lifetime, the two single digits which add up to that master number (which in this case were 3 and 8) can when combined with each other or added together can give us some more detail concerning the person's main life lessons which in turn can often be a useful way of predicting what their best choice would be with special reference to their job and hobbies, based mainly upon what their personality is like.

So what is thought to be the best and most likely to be successful career direction for in turn a life path number 3, followed by a person who is a life path number 8?

[Life Path Number of THREE]

This is the life path of a highly creative, extroverted performer or entertainer. Someone who now and then enjoys being the centre of attention and temporarily letting down the mask they usually present to the outside world, as if they do not feel that they are otherwise acceptable to other people if they do not hide who they really are as a person inside. Now I am not making this up to fit in with your question, but at the top of the list of various jobs in which this sort of person would be in their natural element and therefore extremely comfortable as they are likely to find it relatively easier to do when compared to the average person who is not following this life path is ACTING!

The list also includes any sort of entertainer such as a singer, musician, and even someone who takes great delight in debating or speaking in public. Public speaking is generally one of most people's greatest fear and reason to feel anxious, yet a person following the life path 3 cannot get enough of it in order to satisfy his or her need to more fully express their true inner self, in a more socially acceptable manner. And looking back for a moment at what you have been telling me about your many feelings of insecurity and you having constantly felt the need to repress what you were passionate about when you were a child, acting is really starting to sound as though it would be right up your alley, and be just what your inner doctor might have ordered as a form of confidence building therapy.

[Life Path Number of EIGHT]

Good career choices for a Life Path 8 are politics, business, real estate, finance, law, archaeology, judge, or author. Any career requiring good organisational skills or that puts you in a position of authority is a good choice. Such people usually tend to have strong organisational skills and an especially broad vision, which makes you likely to be particularly successful in the business world. They thrive on hard work, and more than any other Life Path number are vulnerable to becoming a workaholic. These people are very good with money and their organisational skills combined with them being willing to work hard for what they want can make it possible for them to acquire great amounts of wealth in a short period of time.

But one potential downfall of the typical life path number 8 personality is that money seems to burn holes in their pockets if they cannot spend it faster than they can earn it. There is a certain impulsiveness about them that makes them take unnecessary risks with what money they may already have, and can easily put their financial future security in danger by following a a whim to do something silly, just because nobody else around them dares to do the same thing. In other words it is that same wanting to be the centre of attention or the life of the party or wanting to be found to be acceptable by the rest of the group mentality which is shared with life path number 3s. You would need to constantly watch out for this impulsive leap first think later tendency of yours, or you could possibly go through all your money in hardly any time at all.

So in summary, I feel that walking the Life Path Number 8 is more consistent with having a job in communication science, in some people only marketing, and being a highly organised but with the need to be at the same time self controlled business person. But on the other hand life path number 3 is much more in line with you wanting to be an actor. At appears based upon this reading that the phase in which you are expressing those parts of your personality more consistent with the LPN 8 is slowly but surely winding down or coming to an end, and the phase in which your LPN 3 qualities as a potential actor are now coming to the front or fore. There will always be to some degree in your life a mixture of both the 3 and 8 personality traits, but as you are getting older but are still anything but being old and washed up, there seems to be a shift towards the LPN 3 side of your personality, with a corresponding shift away from you only expressing your LPN 8 self.

Acting is sounding to me as though it would be well worth you considering, using it first only as a hobby as a safety net, just in case you cannot make a living from doing it by itself. Not that your reading is saying that it could not become your only source of income if you really put your heart and soul into doing it, and you worked hard and long enough without destroying your health in the process. Please do not read into what I am saying something which I never intended it to mean.

Does this reading help you to decide whether or not you are willing to give both acting as well as yourself a fair go? You will I feel need to proceed carefully with your acting plans, in order to find out the answer to your question. This reading by itself is simply not enough to decide this for you.

Take care,

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Post by Sunia » Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:48 am

Dear EOT,

You said:

"This is the life path of a highly creative, extroverted performer or entertainer. Someone who now and then enjoys being the centre of attention and temporarily letting down the mask they usually present to the outside world, as if they do not feel that they are otherwise acceptable to other people if they do not hide who they really are as a person inside."

Well you couldn't be more right! I live like that friend. I don't believe people will ever accept me 100% how I am, just because I never got many good reactions when I try to be true to myself, I never really get recognized for anything but when I do something wrong, then yea, I have plenty of attention lol. It's this childhood patterns I am trying to break through that still undermine my life.

"acting is really starting to sound as though it would be right up your alley, and be just what your inner doctor might have ordered as a form of confidence building therapy."

Definitely, I totally agree with you.

Makes me very happy to see one of my life path numbers supporting my acting passion. I do feel what you said that my LPN 8 is fading away... I do feel I am changing. There are things nowadays I think about that I would not before... specially studies wise, there are these things I never took seriously before. It seems I have been repressing this LPN 3 side of me and it is now breaking through and I am so glad it is...

I do believe I might get spiritual healing from acting and improve my well being.

I feel much more identified with LPN 3 than 8, even though the LPN 8 is here in me, I feel it is just a small part and the LPN 3 is the core of me, what I always deep inside wanted /want, but what I was always afraid of being.

All makes sense friend. Your reading helps me so much!

This might sound silly, but I am a bit afraid I might be a bit too late to try my luck in acting, just because I am 25 years old... I don't know if it is already a bit late for this type of industry... or maybe this are just excuses of myself.
Anyway, I am going to give it a try and fight for it. I really appreciate having your support on this. Now, we shall see where this is going to lead me to.  

My deeply thanks for your wise and accurate reading. Thank you so much for helping me friend.

Many light and hugs,

Patricia :smt006

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You are the best qualified person in the entire world to be YOU!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:17 pm

To my very good friend Patricia, :smt007

You are most welcome for the reading and will always my respect and admiration for what you have overcome in your life up until now, in spite of the many challenges which were placed in your path.

And I wanted to thank you gratefully in return for your very complete, positive and especially in some places painfully honest and soul searching feedback

If it is OK with you I would prefer to put my response to your feedback in note form, and then go on to add my own comments to yours one at a time.

You wrote in your response.........

"I don't believe people will ever accept me 100% how I am"

Many people and you may indeed be one of them think that for others to 100% accept them as they are is a basic requirement for their life itself to continue. There is to be sure a very big difference between acceptance and agreement. In my experience if you have only 50% of people agreeing with you about any particular subject at any time in your life, then you are almost certainly doing better than most other people.

This means therefore than you can have 50% of people disagreeing with you at any time, but keep going and not allow other people's opinions about you and about what you do or think to always be given a higher priority to your own. And who exactly is this person you seem to want other people to accept 100%?

Is it the outer person or mask which you present to the rest of the world and the people living in it, or is it instead the true inner person you are behind the mask? The main problem is that if we have spent many years of our life trying to please others by being someone other than our true Selves and always value their opinions about what is best or right for us above our own, we can all too easily lose all concept and memory of just who this true Self we are deep inside is. For the purposes of experiment, think back if you are able to the hopes and dreams and ambitions for the future you once had as a young child.

Which the world, life and in particular other well meaning but criticising people progressively knocked out of you as you grew to become an adult. Think back to what your dreams, hopes and ambitions were in your early childhood and try to imagine the sort of person you might have been and the very different sort of life you may have had if you had not as you and many others have done, temporarily lost contact with your true Self. This experiment may go a long way in the direction of you being finally reunited with your true inner Self.

Your next point was......

"It seems I have been repressing this LPN 3 side of me and it is now breaking through and I am so glad it is..."

That is because your LPN 8 personality traits needed to be more fully expressed in the first part of your life to get you established in some line of work that would then give you the necessary income to live relatively comfortably, so that taking up some acting later would be possible and affordable for you.  

Getting into a new career at any time in your life is difficult enough, but if you were already or still unemployed, then it would be infinitely more difficult for you to be motivated enough to try acting as an alternative to long term unemployment, no matter how tough it was for you.

And your LPN 3 personality strengths are closer to those of your true inner Self, whose discovery forms much of the remaining part and purpose of the life which still waits for you. So your LPN 8 side gradually fading away to be progressively replaced by your LPN 3 one, is not by accident or coincidence, but is more by design or intentional.

"LPN 3 is the core of me"

There, you just said the same thing as I just did, but this time it was expressed in far fewer words than the number I used.

Finally, you typed in your posting.......

"This might sound silly, but I am a bit afraid I might be a bit too late to try my luck in acting, just because I am 25 years old... I don't know if it is already a bit late for this type of industry... or maybe this are just excuses of myself".

It does not sound in the slightest to be silly to me to be anxious when facing new and largely unknown challenges. This would be a major turn around from the type of work you have been doing up until now, but at least with your present means of earning an honest living, you have a firm foundation on which you can fall back on if the acting offers take longer than expected to pick up speed.

Before you beat up on yourself for feeling understandably more than a little anxious about going out on a limb with what is a very uncertain and financially insecure type of existence for anyone, examine your reasons for wanting to do it in the first place.

If you had wanted to be regarded as a top rated professional actor with a fabulous income to match as well as being famous on the world stage, then 25 is I agree going to make this difficult but not impossible.

If on the other hand you are doing the acting because you love doing it simply for the sake of doing something which you love doing, you are not seeking fame and fortune and you are instead trying to be the best possible actor you are capable of becoming, instead of continually wanting to be an exact duplicate copy of someone else you look up to as an example, 25 years of age is only the beginning, NOT AN END.

In the same way in your real outer life, you are surely the best qualified person in the entire world to be YOU. So why be a second or third rate copy of someone else, when you are now being given a golden opportunity to play the role which you are best suited above every other single human being to play?

May your concept of what or who God is go with you always.

From one of your closest friends and most loyal and devoted fans,

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Post by Sunia » Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:58 am

My dear friend EOT,

Sorry for my belated answer. As I mentioned in other previous times, I do not like to answer to you in a rush, so I rather wait until I have peace and time to answer to you properly, but note please that I never forget. :)

I am very moved with your words of inspiration, encouragement and truth. It is like I am transparent to you as you know and understand me so well.

At the moment, I really am trying to break through my older patterns. It is quite challenging, but I believe with time I will make it. Maybe even faster than I expect, because I feel like everyday is a transformation. Everyday my reactions to things, my actions and thoughts seems like they are getting shaped, seems like they are changing.

The other day I was asking to myself: What am I doing wrong? Why does this happen to me? What can I change to avoid this type of situations?

I don't have all the answers but I am sure if I step by step change myself for the better, these rather not nice situations won't happen as much.

So yes, I am in this crusade with myself, fighting against my other shy repressed self and carrying the hope of a brighter future, where people respect me, appreciate me for what I am and not for what they would like me to be. I want people to not agree with me but to accept what I have to say.

I will start being more pro active to try to get into an audition, or drama club or classes, I will try to make it happen.

I will keep you up to date with my adventures  :smt003 and hopefully soon I will bring you good news.

As a side note, today I am going for a very important appointment in the dentist, I am getting my permanent crowns. Hold thumbs for me ;).

Take care and a huuuuuge hug to you,

Patricia :)

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Closing comments

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:10 pm

Patricia, :)
I will keep you up to date with my adventures  and hopefully soon I will bring you good news.

And you should feel confident within yourself that I will hold you to that promise.

Gotcha!  :smt002
As a side note, today I am going for a very important appointment in the dentist, I am getting my permanent crowns.
What a coincidence that is!

Sometimes when I am in one of my especially difficult moods, my wife says that she would like to really CROWN me as well.   :smt005

I will go along with you to the dentist's appointment with the positive intention to offer you the required moral support, although I will only be there in spirit as like yourself when compared to all the uncomfortable and highly embarrassing things which doctors can do to us, I share your understandable anxiety and suspicion about visiting dentists at any time, thank you.
Hold thumbs for me ;)
I discovered in the most difficult of ways that this method of holding my thumbs for you is with any doubt a much easier option than crossing my toes to bring you good luck.  :smt002

It is not so much crossing my toes which is the greatest challenge, but rather it is more to do with getting them uncrossed again, which I have yet to master.

Still this new skill should eventually develop with regular practice.
Take care and a huuuuuge hug to you
Will do, and the same to you in return in bucket loads!  :smt020


EoT   :smt007

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